Climate Change is not Hysteria – It’s a Fact Textual Questions and Answers


 Climate Change Is Not Hysteria It’s A Fact Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Question 1.

Why did the people march in the streets of New York?
The people marched in the streets of New York to show their concern for climate change and demanding solutions for the climatic crisis.


Climate Change Is Not Hysteria It’s A Fact Question And Answer Question 2.
What is the attitude of human beings towards climate change?
Human beings don’t take climatic change as a serious issue. They think it is just an imaginary thing and it would go away somehow.

Climate Change Is Not Hysteria It’s A Fact Summary Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Question 3.
What are the ‘undeniable climate events’ that are happening now?
The undeniable climate events are: extreme weather events, increased temperatures and melting ice sheets from West Antarctic and Greenland.

Climate Change Is Not Hysteria Lesson Plan Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Question 4.
What is the difficult task that we face?
The difficult task we face is finding solutions for the climate change.

Climate Change Is Not Hysteria It’s A Fact Lesson Plan Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Question 5.
What happens when an ecosystem collapses?
When an ecosystem collapses, the economy itself will die.

Climate Change Is Not A Hysteria Its A Fact Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard  Question 6.
What is the scope of renewable energy in future?
The scope of renewable energy is good. It is achievable and it is a good economic policy.

Climate Change Is Not Hysteria It’s A Fact Notes Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Question 7.
Solving the crisis is a question of our survival. Explain.
Clean air and water and a liveable climate are essential for our survival. But we have the crisis of climate change threatening us. We have to solve this. crisis

Climate Change Is Not Hysteria It’s A Fact Activities Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Question 8.
Why is the present the ‘most urgent of times’?
The present is the most urgent of times because there is a wanton destruction of our collective home. Unless we take action now, it will be too late.

Climate Change Is Not Hysteria Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Activity -1

Your school is celebrating National Science Day on the 28th of February. You are the convenor of the Science Club. Prepare a notice.


15 January 2019


The Science Club is celebrating the National Science Day on 28th February 2019. The Inaugural meeting will be at 10.00 a.m. The famous Environmentalist Fr. Joy Peenickaparambil has kindly agreed to be our Chief Guest. Our Municipal Counsellor Jose Pathadan and K.J. Joseph will offer felicitations. Our winners of the National Level Science Competitions will be honored in the meeting.

There will be an exhibition showing some of the highlights from the lives of C.V. Raman and Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam. There will also be extensive coverage of the Lunar Missions undertaken by India.
All of your cordially invited.
Sd /
Rahul Binoy Convenor

Climate Change Is Not Hysteria It’s A Fact Summary Activity – 2

a) Prepare a few posters to make people aware of the necessity for preserving nature and protecting the environment.
Captions for the Posters:

  • Avoid Using Plastic Bags
  • Don’T Use Dangerous Pesticides Like Endosulfan
  • Don’T Litter The Place
  • Don’T Cut Down Trees
  • Plant Trees

b) It has been decided to invite a famous ecologist to inaugurate the Science Exhibition in your school. As the school leader, you are asked to invite him. Prepare an e-mail to invite the scientist.
Sub: Invitation to inaugurate science exhibition
Dear Sir,
I am Riya of Class IX and I am the school leader of S.N. Higher Secondary School, Irinjalakuda. We are planning to hold a science exhibition to promote the study of science among students. The exhibition will have exhibits that show the growth of science in India. There will be pictures of the Indian Scientists and their short biographies. We will also trace the origin and growth of India’s space programmes.

As a leading personality in the scientific field, we request you to inaugurate the Exhibition. The time for the inaugural meeting is 10.00 a.m. on Wednesday, the 30th July 2019. The Venue is the school auditorium.

We hope you will kindly accept our invitation and grace the occasion with your presence.
Tanking you,
Yours sincerely,


Climate Change Is Not A Hysteria Lesson Plan Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Question 1.
The scientist has accepted your invitation. At the inaugural function of the science exhibition, you have to make the welcome speech. Prepare the script.
Distinguished Chair and eminent guests,
As the school leader, I have great pleasure in making this welcome address. First and foremost I welcome our Chief Guest Mr. Mehboob Saithu who is a well-known figure in our midst. Although his concentration is on Agriculture, he has special interests in the scientific field. We have read many of his articles about Science and Scientific Growth and how science has revolutionized agriculture. I can say he continues with the Green Revolution making our country selfsufficient in food. He also takes a keen interest in the space missions of India.

I also welcome our eminent speakers on this occasion. Mrs. Sonia Varghese is well known to you as the Chairperson of the Municipality. Mr. Ahmed Sultan is also well-known to you as the prominent businessman of our town. I heartily welcome both of them.

Now I welcome the headmaster and the teachers to this inaugural meeting. In fact welcoming them would be almost redundant as they are the real hosts of this event, But for the sake of formality, I welcome them. I also welcome all of you for coming and making this event successful.

Thank you all.

Language Activities

a) Look at the sentences given below.
We must discuss this calmly.
The commotion dies slowly.
I strongly oppose this plan.
Identify the structure of the sentences and write them below


Noun PhraseVerb phraseVP Constituents
Wemust discuss. this calmlyAux+Verb+ NP+Adverb
The commotiondies slowlyVP + Adverb
Istrongly oppose this plan.Adv+V+NP(object)

b) Complete the table given below using adverbs from the play, ‘Listen to the Mountain.’ How do they enrich the play?
Climate Change Is Not Hysteria It's A Fact Question And Answer


c) Study the following sentences from the play, ‘Listen to the Mountain.’
1. Rudrappa and Kannan are talking excitedly.
2. Dixit and Sagar look around in panic.
3. They are starting work tomorrow
What do you understand about the adverbs which are underlined?
Do they answer ‘how/when/where?’
The adverb excitedly, around and tomorrow shows how, where and when things happened.
Adverbs modify verbs, adjectives or other adverbs. They tell us how, when and where things happen.

d) Write some sentences with adverbs :
Climate Change Is Not Hysteria Lesson Plan Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard

She drives fast.They came yesterdayPlace it there
He walks slowlyThe meeting will start soonKeep it here.
Kareena dances well.My father is coming tomorrow.He went everywhere with his dog.

Climate Change Is Not Hysteria It’s A Fact  Activity 2

Read the following sentences.
1. We are building a hotel here. A five star hotel.
2. We are bringing the labourers, of course. A few hundred.
3. They are playing football.
4. He is reading a novel.
Identify the verb phrases and fill in the blanks appropriately.

1. are building1.
2.2. planned future action
3.3. continuous action


1. are building1. planned future action,
2. are bringing2. planned future action
3. are playing3. continuous action
4. is reading4. action going on now

a) Identify the planned future actions from the sentences
1. The Prime Minister is arriving tomorrow to visit the flood-affected areas.
2. Geetha is going to the market.
3. We are going on a tour next week.
4. Rahul and Kabeer are playing chess
1. is arriving tomorrow.
2. are going on a tour next week.


b) Rewrite the sentences using am/is/ are+ verb +ing.
1. Trucks and lorries will arrive with cement, bricks, and marble tomorrow.
2. The villagers will stage a peaceful protest the next day
3. We will submit a petition to the Collector tomorrow
1. Trucks and lorries are arriving with cement, bricks, and marble tomorrow.
2. The villagers are staging a peaceful protest the next day.
3. We are submitting a petition to the Collector tomorrow.

Climate Change Is Not Hysteria Its A Fact Notes Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Activity – 3

Which of the following statements are true? Tick the correct ones. Justify your answer.
1. The time of the action is mentioned in both the sentences.
2. The tense form used in each sentence is different.
3. The actions in both the sentences are complete.
1. False.
2. True.
3. True

a) Look at the following words and expressions. Some of them go only with sentences in the simple past tense. And others with the present perfect. Arrange them under the given titles.
Climate Change Is Not Hysteria It's A Fact Lesson Plan Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard


With sentences in present perfectWith sentences in simple past
many timesone year ago
beforeprevious year
neverlast week
alreadyat that moment
yetthat day
so farone day

Note : Some of the words like before, never, once, so far, etc. can be used with present perfect as well as the simple past.

Activity – 4

The grandmother in the play ‘Listen to the Mountain’ gives certain instructions to the headmaster.
You must talk to the children.
Find out what they feel about it.
Don’t put ideas into their heads.
Just tell them everything.
These instructions can be converted into requests of different types.
e.g. You must talk to the children.
Please talk to the children.
Could you please talk to the children?
Would you mind talking to the children?

a) Convert the other instructions into requests in different ways.
Please find out what they feel about it.
Could you please find out what they feel about it?
Would you mind finding out what they feel about it?

You should not put ideas into their heads.
You should desist from putting ideas into their heads.
Be careful not to put ideas into their heads.

Please tell them everything.
Could you please tell them everything?
Would you mind telling them everything?

b) Imagine that the grandmother advises /warns the headmaster.
How would the sentences be then?
You had better talk to the children.
You had better find out what they feel about it
had better + verb (for advice/recommendation/suggestion/warning)

c) There are many people who are not concerned about the environment. How would you advise them?

Rainfall is less nowadays.
You had better plant more trees.
Water scarcity is a serious problem, …………………… not wastewater.
We get vegetables with toxic residue from the market ………
Rainfall is less nowadays. → You had better plant more trees.
Water scarcity is a serious problem. → You had better not wastewater.
We get vegetables with toxic residue from the market. → You had better grow your own vegetables.
You are getting fat. → You had better reduce your weight.
You are getting low marks. → You had better spend more time with your books.

Climate Change Is Not Hysteria Its A Fact Summary Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Activity – 5

a) Read the paragraph given below and guess the meaning of the words underlined.

Sagar called on Narayan and spoke to him of his decision to put up a new hotel in Dharmagiri. But Narayan could foresee its dangers and he put it across to his mother. His ninety-year-old mother couldn’t put up with this news. So she told Narayan to do something to put an end to Sagar’s programme. Hearing this, Narayan explained the dangers to Sagar and he turned down Sagar’s proposal. Yet, Sagar was not ready to cancel his project. Therefore, Narayan called a meeting of the villagers and they together put their mind to start a protest.


A. Word/phraseB. Meaning
called onvisited
put upbuild
put it crosscommunicated
put up withtolerate
put an endstop
turned downejected

b) Look at this expression.
go away – neglect
Find out similar expressions and their meanings from the lessons ‘Listen to the Mountain’ and ‘Climate Change is not Hysteria’.
From Listen to the Mountain:
knocked down — demolished
pour into — come in large numbers
get things moving — make things happen
put up — build
bring in — get
come up — start, grow
care for — think about, worry about
get on — continue, proceed

Climate Change is not hysteria – it’s a fact:
looked at — considered
go away — vanish, disappear
depend on — rely on

c) Read the headlines given below. Identify the phrasal verbs and guess their meanings. You may refer to a dictionary.


HeadlinesPhrasal VerbsMeaning
Jazz legend passes away in sleeppasses awaydies
Youngsters urged to give up smokinggive upstop
Bomb goes off in towngoes offblasts
Government ready to take on new projectstake onstart
Prime Minister calls on President to discuss security issuescalls onvisit

d) The following is a questionnaire enquiring into the study habit of one among your friends. Discuss the meaning of the phrasal verbs used in the questions and write down the answers. Add a few questions of your own, using phrasal verbs.
1. At what time do you usually get up?
2. How much time do you take to review your previous day’s lessons?
3. Which subjects are hard to keep up with?
4. Do you jot down notes in the class?
5. Do you look up unfamiliar words in a dictionary?
6. Do you finish off your work in time?
7. Do you cheer up your friends when they are down?
8. How do you while away your leisure time?
9. Do you stay up late, the night before the exam?
1. get up — wake up
2. take to — use.
3. keep up with — understand, study, follow
4. jot down — write quickly
5. lookup — search, find out
6. finish off — complete
7. cheer up — encourage
8. while away — pass, spend
9. stay up — keep awake


e) Collect a few phrasal verbs and use them in sentences of your own. Topics: family, everyday life, sports, study, etc.


Phrasal verbsSentences
Put up withNarayan cannot put up with the behavior of
put upWe are putting up another building close to our home.
get upI get up at 6 in the morning.
get intoI got into some trouble the other day with my boss.
take awayProblems take away the pleasure of life.
put onI  try to put on a different dress each day.
close downOur shop was closed down last week.
prefer toI prefer coffee to tea
bring upThe matter was brought up for discussion.
insist onMy father insists on hard work.

Climate Change Is Not Hysteria Meaning In Malayalam Class 9 Activity 6

Let’s edit

Here is an excerpt from a speech by Yugratna Srivastava, a 13-year-old Indian girl, which was delivered at the U N Summit on Climate Change on 22 September 2009. Some errors have been made by a pupil while copying it. These are underlined. Correct the errors.

The Himalayas are melting, the polar bears are dying. Two of every five people (a) doesn’t have access to clean drinking water. The earth’s temperature (b) are increasing. We (c) have losing the untapped information and potential of plant species. The Pacific’s water level (d) risen. Is this what we (e) are go-to hand over to our future generations? We (f) receive a clean and healthy planet from our ancestors and we are (g) gift a damaged one to our successors. Is there any justice in this? Honorable Excellencies, we need to call for action now. We (h) have protect the earth not just for us but for our future generations.
a. don’t have
b. is increasing
c. have lost
d. has risen
e. are going
f. received
g. gifting
h. have to protect

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