The Jungle Air Crash Textual Questions and Answers


The Jungle Air Crash Question Answer Question 1. (Page 116)

Have you ever been inspired or motivated by someone in your life?
Yes, I have seen inspired.

Jungle Air Crash Questions And Answers Question 2.
What/who has inspired you in your life?
My father/mother/teacher/friend/M.T Vasudevan Nair/Sachin Tendulkar/Gandhiji/etc. You can also get inspiration from a desire to be the best you can be.

The Jungle Air Crash Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Question 3.
What is the role of inspiration in shaping your personality?
The Jungle Air Crash Question Answer:
Inspiration helps us to remain motivated even in testing times. It helps us to strive better, to remain determined to ensure success. It ensures that the goals are achieved and the targets are met. But overall, if we can see the positive side of everything, we will be able to live a much richer life than others.

The Jungle Air Crash Question 4.
If you are in challenging situations, what would you do?

  • I would consider each challenge as a blessing to know more about life.
  • I would look for ways to overcome the adverse situation.
  • I would realize that I still have options and then assert exactly what I want for myself.
  • I would pay greater attention to what is going right for me than what is not.
  • With hope, determination, and perseverance, I would try to overcome the disabilities, disasters or accidents.
  • I would believe in what Charles Swindoll told, “Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.”
  • I would believe that every difficult situation will enrich my life – the life that will be and the life I have right now.

Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing – Pele.

The Jungle Air Crash Textual Questions and Answers Pages 117-122 (Read and respond)

Jungle Air Crash Notes Question 1.
Why did the narrator spend a lot of time in the jungle?
The narrator spent a lot of time in the jungle as her father, an ecologist, and her mother, an ornithologist, carried out their research in the jungle.

The Jungle Air Crash Std Question 2.
Why was there a holiday mood in the plane?
Everybody was reading and chatting and enjoying the fight. So there was a holiday mood on the plane.

The Jungle Air Crash Class Question 3.
What happened after the flight took off? Describe it in your own words
Thirty minutes after departure, the plane was over the jungle. Suddenly, it flew into a thunderstorm and it started shaking as if it was a toy. The people were quite afraid and they started to scream and cry. The girl’s mother said that it was all over. There was a violent shaking and the girl found herself outside the plane and falling down.

The Jungle Air Crash Questions And Answers Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Question 4.
Why did Juliane’s mother say, “Now it’s all over”?
Juliane’s mother said so because she understood the plane was about to crash and they were going to die.

The Jungle Air Crash Question Answer Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Question 5.
What did the jungle trees look like from above?
They looked like cauliflowers.

Jungle Air Crash Questions And Answers Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Question 6.
What might have happened to Juliane?
Fell to the ground with the seat into which she was strapped.

The Jungle Air Crash Activities Question 7. Why was Juliane forced to spend the whole night lying under the seat “half-asleep”?
Even though a bump on her head and a gash in her foot didn’t give her any pain, she couldn’t muster the energy to move or look round. So she spent the night’ half-asleep’.

The Jungle Air Crash Summary Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Question 8.
Why did she pick up a long stick?
Juliane’s parents had taught her that in the jungle, there were poisonous snakes and insects. So she picked up a long stick to probe the ground.

The Jungle Air Crash Notes Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard  Question 9.
According to the narrator, big animals are less dangerous than small ones in the jungle. Do you agree? Give reasons.
Yes, in the jungle we have to be careful about small animals as it is very difficult to spot them. Some of them are venomous too.

The Jungle Air Crash Notes Question 10. Why did she find every step in the jungle difficult?
Jungle Air Crash Questions and Answer:
Overgrown, tangled vines on the bank of the stream and huge, rotted trunks that barred the way made every step in the jungle difficult for Juliane.

The Jungle Air Crash Activities Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Question 11.
Identify the expression that suggests the narrator had a disturbed sleep at night
The expression, “I slept fitfully”.

Narration of the Story the Jungle Air Crash Question 12. What did she find ‘senseless’ and why?
She found her cries of help ‘senseless’ because it was not easy to spot her from the plane. Moreover, her voice would not reach the rescue team.

Jungle Air Crash Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Question 13.
How does she describe the ‘jungle’ here?
As a ‘battlefield’ on which rot and growth march hand in hand.

The Jungle Air Crash Class 9 Question 14. When did she risk swimming in the river?
Whenever she had a good view of things ahead, she risked swimming.

Jungle Air Crash Summary Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Question 15.
When did she feel that she could escape from the jungle?
She saw a boat moored on the river bank. And then there was a path leading to a small hut. Then she felt that she could escape from the jungle.

The Jungle Air Crash Std 9 Question 16. ‘The screaming of monkeys and the screeching of parakeets’ disappointed her. Why?
She was listening for human voices. But what she could hear was the screaming of monkeys and the screeching of parakeets. So she was disappointed.

The Jungle Air Crash Lesson Plan Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Question 17.
Comment on the attitude of the narrator when she says, “But I didn’t want to take the boat which belonged to someone else.”
She was quite honest.

Jungle Air Crash Lesson Plan Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard  Question 18.
Why did the men let out an exclamation on seeing her?
The men let out an exclamation on seeing her as they never expected to see a survivor.

The Jungle Air Crash News Report Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Question 19.
How did the men help her?
The men washed her with saltwater and put salve on her wounds. They also made fruit mash for her.

The Jungle Air Crash Story Summary Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Question 20.
What was the bad news that she heard after her escape?
The death of her mother.

Let’s revisit and reflect (Page 123)

Jungle Air Crash Notes Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Question 1.
“I have always enjoyed flying,” says the narrator. Would you like to fly? Give reasons.

  • Yes, I would love to fly.
  • When I fly I feel like a bird.
  • IfeelTikeontopoftheworld.
  • It gives me an opportunity to connect with the clouds and the sky and disconnect from the earth, its noise, and pollution.
  • Flying is fun because it takes me to new places.  Flying gives me a chance to imagine and make new stories.
  • Flying gives me a chance to experience the full beauty of the Earth.
  • To experience the moment of thrill when the airplane speeds down the runway and then rises into the air.

Poems on Flying:
To Fly (Dr. Paul E. Garber)

To fly, Dear God in Heaven, to fly,
To see Thy world From Thy vast sky,
To pilot my airplane high and low,
To ride the wind wherever I go.

To climb through dark clouds-then
Suddenly a burst of light and the sun I see,
Climbing higher and look below
And see that clouds are white as snow.
I know that the world is way down there
But I’m above all worldly care,
Onward I fly, alone, serene,
Immersed in a wonderful, beautiful scene.

But then, also, I must go down again,
To earth’s grey shadows, to mankind domain,
But my heart is enriched, my soul lifted high,
Because- for a while -I was up in thy sky.

The Jungle Air Crash Discourses Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Question 2.
One should always look for streams in the jungle. Why?
Rivers are the roads in the jungles. That is why one should always look for streams and then follow them to larger streams when you are lost in a jungle.

The Jungle Air Crash Class 9 Kerala Syllabus Question 3.
What might have saved Juliane’s life?
There could have been many reasons that saved her life.

  • Her fall was cushioned by an enormous upward current of air in the storm.
  • She was strapped to her seat when she fell down and that might have acted as a cushion.
  • She fell onto a soft, marshy land.
  • The trees might have helped to reduce the speed of her fall.

The Jungle Air Crash Additional questions

A) Read the passage given below and the answer the question that follows:
“In clear weather.. falling (page 117 -118)

The Jungle Air Crash Short Summary Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Question 1.
How does she describe the flight from Lima to Pucallpa in clear weather?
As the most beautiful in the world.

The Jungle Air Crash 9th Class Kerala Syllabus Question 2.
What happened to the plane, 30 minutes after departure.
The plane flew into a thunderstorm.

The Jungle Air Crash Story  Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Question 3.
Describe the effect of thunderstorm on the plane.
The plane began to shake. Objects fell on the heads of the passengers. People started to scream and cry.

Question 4.
How did Juliane’s mother react to this?
She said quite calmy: “Now it’s all over”.

Question 5.
What did Juliane’s realize after the violent shaking?
She found herself outside the plane and she was falling down.

Question 6.
Pick out a phrasal verb from the passage which means ‘depart’.
The phrasal verb ‘take off.

B) Read the excerpt from the narrative ‘ The Jungle Air Crash’ and answer the questions that follow.
“It was still light in shock.” (Page 118)

Question 1.
Who/what woke the narrator up?
The rain

Jungle Air Question 2. Where was she lying when she woke up?
She was lying under of section of three seats turned upside down.

Question 3.
How did she spend the whole night?
She spent the whole night lying under the seat half-asleep, in shock.

Question 4.
Identify two words related to injury from the passage.
Bump and gash

Question 5.
Find out the word from the passage which means ‘to find as much support and courage’.

C) Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow.
“On the third-day stream.” (Page 119)

Question 1.
What did the presence of vultures indicate to Juliane.
The presence of vultures indicated the presence of dead bodies.

Question 2.
Identify the expression that suggests Juliane was probably the lone survivor of the crash.
The expression ‘But I could find no survivors’.

Question 3.
What gave her some signs of hope?
The noise of aircraft engines.

Question 4.
Was she discouraged when the aircraft didn’t spot her? Why?
No, she wasn’t disheartened. Because she was able to move, wasn’t hungry and could drink from the clear stream.

Question 5.
Cite one word for ‘ the main body of winged aerospace vehicle’ from the extract.

D) Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow.
“ Amazingly, I wasn’t if I ever survive” (Page 120)

Question 1.
Why did Juliane resist the delicious looking fruit?
Juliane resisted the delicious-looking fruit because in the jungle, many things that look beautiful and tempting are poisonous.

Question 2.
According to Juliane, how do the living beings survive in the jungle?
According to Juliane, in jungle, all the plants compete, steal sunlight from each other, choke each other and then hungrily consume the cadavers of their victims in order to live.

Question 3.
What were eating her alive?
The maggots.

Question 4.
What might happen to her if the attack of maggots continues?
The attack might lead to the amputation of her limbs.

Question 5.
Find out the word from the passage which means ‘dead body’.

E) Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow.
“Early next morning inflammation. (Page 122)

Question 1.
It would have been difficult for Juliane to survive, if the men had not found her. How did Juliane understand that?
When the men took her downriver, she understood that the river became faster, swifter and more dangerous. When she looked at the shore, she understood that the path she had to walk became impassable.

Question 2.
Where did they reach?
The jungle settlement of Toumavista.

Question 3.
How did the people of the settlement react when they saw Juliane?
People came running and shouting and stared at her.

Question 4.
Why did she look like a ‘ Living nightmare’?
Her eyes were so bloodshot they looked entirely red. Her face was disfigured and swollen out of shape from insect bites. Her arms and legs were pocked with worm lesions.

Question 5.
What, in Tournavista, saved her life?
A small dispensary where she was washed and her wounds treated.

Question 6.
Look at the sentence given below.
……….. it had a small dispensary where I washed and wounds treated.
The word ‘where’ is a relative pronoun here.

Fill up the blanks and complete the passage
a) The dispensary had a doctor (a)…….. took special care of me. I was in a very serious condition and that was the reason (b) ……… he took special care of me. Next day morning at 9 am (c) ……….. I was discharged from the hospital, I went to the doctor’s room. I gave him a gift (d) ………. he said was a precious one for him.
a) who
b) why
c) when
d) which

The Jungle Air Crash Activities

Activity -1 (page 123)

a) Juliane followed certain measures to save herself when she was alone in the jungle. List the measures and state the reasons.


Steps followedWhy?
Picked up a long snakes, stickTo probe the ground to avoid poisonous spiders and ants, as the big animals are less dangerous than the small ones in the jungle.
Looked for streamsRivers are the roads in jungles and the Indian tribes and the white plantation people live on their banks.
Resisted delicious looking fruitMany things that look beautiful and tempting are poisonous in the jungle.
On land, sheThe rotting leaves could hide a snake picked her way, or a poisonous thorn-back crab, carefully.
Swam only when she could get a good view aheadA good view was necessary to understand what lay ahead

Activity – 2 (Page 124)

a) We saw how Juliane survived a plane crash. Like plane crashes, accidents happen on roads and precious lives are lost every day. What steps should we take to prevent accidents on roads?

Always keep left on the roads when you drivekeeping left allows vehicles behind you to overtake along the right on a oneway road whereas on a two-way road, it will let traffic from the opposite direction pass along your right side.
Wear seat belts/helmetsThese safety gear will keep you safe in an accident.
Never cross the speed limitProper speed will help you to react well and enable easy braking.
Keep a safe distance from the vehicle moving in front of you.You wifi get time to react in case of any unexpected incident.
Drive slowly when the weather is bad, especially during winter and rainy seasonsThe roads might be slippery when weather is bad. So slow driving will enable easy braking in such conditions
Check whether the tires have proper air, replace worn-out tires and brakes and change wipers on a regular basis.For easy maneuverability and braking and vision
Shouldn’t use mobile phonesUsing mobile phones will divert the attention and cause accidents.
Shouldn’t drink and driveDrunken driving will not help you to make proper choices.
Use proper indicators while switching lanes or overtakingProper indicators will alert other drivers about your Intentions.
Don’t show your rage on roadsRoad rage can cause accidents whereas patience can save your life.
Walk on the right side facing traffic, if there is no pedestrian pathWalking on the right side will help you to see the vehicles and avoid them.
Use zebra crossing to cross the roadZebra crossing will help you to crossroads safely
White riding bikes or bicycles, keep both hands on the handleBoth hands on the handle will help you to balance the vehicle properly.
Publicity campaigns on road safety awareness both through the audio and visualsvisual and print media campaigns will create general awareness on road safety and thereby prevent accidents.

b) Webinar:
According to Marriam-Webster dictionary, webinar is a live online educational presentation during which participating viewers can submit questions or comments. Short for web-based seminar, a webinar is a presentation, lecture, workshop, or seminar that is transmitted over the web using the video conferencing software. You may visit http:/www. in order to get information regarding webinars and how they are conducted.

1) Webinar/seminar on the topic The need to make our roads safe zones’.
Good morning everyone. I am (write your name here) and I am here to present a paper on the topic “The need to make our roads safe zones”. Right to life and security is envisaged in almost every constitution across the world. But our roads have become places where life is not guaranteed. The news that more than 3,00,000 precious lives are lost in road accidents and three to five times the number get maimed for life is a matter of serious concern.

About 70% of the accidents happen in African and Asian countries. In India, which is one of the largest vehicle manufactures in the world, the figures available show 1 road accident every minute and 1 road accident death in every four minutes. Road traffic injuries are one of the leading causes of deaths, disabilities and hospitalizations, with severe socioeconomic costs in India.

Road safety is an issue of national concern, considering its magnitude and gravity and the consequent negative impacts on the economy, public health and general welfare of the people. In short, the need of the hour is to ‘make our roads safe zones’. Therefore, the united nations has rightly announced 2011-20 as the decade of action on road safety. It has called upon all member countries to prepare a master plan so that the present rising trend of road accidents stabilizes and is reversed by the year 2020.

Learning traffic rules and having proper road sense from early childhood onwards are vital for road safety. There are some things which we should do and shouldn’t do to avoid accidents and fatalities on roads.

We should:

  • Always keep left on the roads when we drive.
  • Wear safety gears like seat belts and helmets.
  • Keep a safe distance from moving vehicles.
  • drive slowly when the weather is bad.
  • check the tires, brakes, and wipers frequently.
  • use proper indicators while switching lanes or overtaking.
  • walk on the right side facing traffic, if there is no pedestrian path.
  • Use zebra crossing to cross the road.
  • Keep both hands on the handle while riding bikes or bicycles.

We shouldn’t:

  • use mobile phones while driving.
  • drink and drive
  • show our rage on roads
  • jump into a moving vehicle
  • distract ourselves by adjusting mirrors/stereo/ radio while driving.
  • be distracted by banners and billboards.

The main thrust of accident prevents and control across the world has been on 4 Es.

  1. Education
  2. Enforcement
  3. Engineering
  4. Environment and Emergency care of road accident victims.

Government should focus on all these four approaches in its policies and programs. It should also undertake publicity campaign on road safety awareness, widen the roads and fill the potholes on roads. The government should formulate an integrated form of road safety education. The preschool children may be introduced the elementary concepts of road safety through stories involving the animal world. The primary school children should be given practice on the use of sidewalks and road crossing techniques whereas the middle school students should be trained on road signs and bicycle riding. Road symbolizes expectations.

Both at the starting point and at the endpoint, there is somebody waiting – be it our parents, friends, sister, brother, wife, husband, partners, etc, with expectations. Sadly, roads have now become warzones, burying the expectations and inflicting casualties. It is high time that we counseled the people, especially youngsters that road rage, road race, reckless and drunken driving will only spell doom for themselves. And a bit of care may help them to fulfill the expectations. It is said that drops of water make a mighty ocean. If each one of us obeys traffic rules properly, our roads will become safe havens for journey, however, congested they may be. Let us live and dream and let others also do the same.

Activity – 3 (Page 124)

One of the factors that helped Juliane survive the crash was her ability to swim.
Look at the picture from a flood-affected area in Kerala

While Kerala was facing the flood disaster, the fishermen proved to be real heroes rescuing many lives.

a) List the various factors that helped the fishermen to become the saviors of flood victims.
1. Ability to ride boats
2. Swimming skill
3. ………………
4. ……………..
3. Rescue skills
4. Knowledge about the terrain (area)

b) The empathetic attitude of the fishermen saved many lives.
Prepare a write up on the topic ‘Kerala Disaster Relief – Rise of the sons of the sea as superheroes in the ocean of humanity.’
Kerala Disaster Relief – Rise of the Sons of the Sea as Superheroes in the Ocean of Humanity 15 August 2018. People were waiting to celebrate the 71st Independence Day Anniversary. But many parts of Kerala were very badly flooded. It rained and rained and the level of water went on increasing. Each day people thought the rains would stop and things would be normal. But their expectations proved wrong.

As the water covered the floor of the house people went to the roof of the house or to the higher floors. Communications were cut, electricity was off, no food to eat and no drinking water was available. Kerala was experiencing the worst floods after 94 years. The July 1924 flood was also disastrous. Relief camps were opened and people went to them. The State and Central Governments sent rescue teams to save the people stranded in their homes. But the firemen and soldiers were not able to do much as they did not know where to go and how to get to the stranded people.

It was then the Sons of the Sea volunteered to help. They took their fishing boats and went to places where people were stranded and with great courage and determination they rescued the people. The picture of a fisherman bending down so that the women could use his back as a step to get into the boat showed the kind of sacrifice they were willing to make. Except for the efforts of these superheroes, many would have been dead.

c) During a natural disaster like flood, we should act intelligently to minimize damage to life and property. Hence, it is better to think of what to do and what not to do beforehand, so that we won’t panic during such disasters.
Write Do or Don’t against the statements given below

1. Do
2. Don’t
3. Don’t
4. Do
5. Do
6. Don’t

d) Discuss in the class the other Do’s and Dont’s we need to follow during a calamity.
There are many Dos and Donts we need to follow during a calamity. In a calamity, the first preference is for the life of people. In a calamity, we should not panic. We should keep our heads cool and think of the ways of saving our lives first, and then our documents and other essential things. If your clothes catch fire, don’t run. Fall to the round and roll. This will extinguish the flames. If you run, the fire will burn more strongly.

If there is a gas leak in the house, leave all the windows and doors wide open for the gas to go out. Never light a match or put on a switch in a room filled with gas. If the house is on fire, run out and seek help. Whenever possible give first aid to the victim and then rush him to a hospital. In a calamity, never lose your head, but act wisely.

e) National Disaster Management Authority is conducting a ‘webinar’ on the topic “How to Stay Safe from Natural Disasters’’ Based on the points listed, prepare a paper for the webinar. (A webinar is a seminar conducted on the internet. – An online seminar)
In the Flood Situation

  1. Obey orders by government and shift to a safer place.
  2. Be at a safe place and try to collect correct information.
  3. Switch off the electrical supply and don’t touch open wires.
  4. Don’t get carried away by rumors and don’t spread rumors.


  1. Switch off electrical and gas appliances and turn off the mains.
  2. Carry your emergency kit and let your friends and family know where you are going.
  3. Avoid contact with floodwater as it may be contaminated.
  4. If you have to walk in standing water, use a pole or stick to ensure that you do not step into deep water, open manholes or ditches.
  5. Stay away from power lines. Electrical current can travel through water. Report power lines that are down to the power company.
  6. Look before you step into your house after a flood. The ground and floors are covered with debris, which may include broken bottles, sharp objects, nails, etc. Floors and stairs covered with mud and debris can be slippery.
  7. Listen to the radio or television for updates and information.


  1. Don’t walk through flowing water – currents can be deceptive. Fast-moving water can knock you off your feet.
  2. Don’t swim through fast flowing water – you may get swept away or struck by an object in the water.
  3. Don’t drive through a flooded area.
  4. Don’t eat any food that has come into contact with floodwater.
  5. Don’t reconnect your power supply until a qualified engineer has checked it. Be alert for gas leaks – do not smoke or use candles, lanterns, or open flames.
  6. Never use TVs, VCRs, CRT terminals or other electrical equipment while standing on wet floors, especially concrete.

Activity – 4 (Page 126)

Question 1.
What is a news report?
a) Let’s read the news report of Juliane’s survival that appeared in one of the prominent newspapers.

c) Fishermen who rescued the lives of thousands of flood victims were honored by the Government of Kerala for their self-less brave deeds. You were one of the news reporters present at the event. Prepare a news report highlighting the service of the fishermen.
Many people died in the August 2018 floods that ravaged Kerala. Hundreds more would have died if the fishermen of Kerala had not rescued them. On 17 August, 132 fishermen with 22 boats left the coast of Marianad after they were requested to help by the offices of Chief Minister and the District Collector. When the news came of the rising water levels in Chengannur area, many fishermen decided not to go to the sea to catch fish. Instead, they headed towards Chengannur to help the flood victims. The fishermen were fully engaged in the rescue operations and they did their very best to save the lives of people. Fishermen in other flooded areas also did the same.

They even spent their own money for the rescue operations and never waited for any help to repair or refuel their boats. As a sign of showing gratitude for their selfless service, they were felicitated by the Chief Minister. Each of them was given a Ponnada in appreciation of their selfless service to the flood victims. These fishermen risked their lives to save the lives of others. We have to learn a lot from their selfless service. The Chief Minister praised them as the real heroes of Kerala who would be remembered gratefully not only by the people who were rescued by them but by the entire people of Kerala.

Sometimes in news reports, in addition to the ‘dateline’, a ‘placeline’ will also be used.

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