Listen to the Mountain Textual Questions and Answers


Read and respond (pages 86 – 92)

Listen to the Mountain Question Answer Question 1.
What does the grandmother say about her past?
The grandrhother says that she was born at the turn of the century when there were no motorcars, no aeroplanes, no television, no movies, and much less noise. She has lived there all her life on the slopes of Dharmagiri. The river, trees, flowers, birds and animals are all her friends.

Listen to the Mountain Class 9 Summary Question 2.
Why is Narayan shocked when he hears about Sagar’s project?
Narayan is shocked when he hears about the multi-storeyed hotel which is going to be built with three hundred rooms. The surprising element is the village is a small one with only five hundred inhabitants. He is worried about the houses of the people there.

Listen To The Mountain Question Answer Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Question 3.
What are the arrangements made by Dixit for the new construction?
Mr Dixit has got the permission from the government to build the hotel and Sagar’s firm has clinched the deal for constructing it. Dixit is a man with great influence. He has arranged everything, the labourers, lorries and materials forthe building.

9th Standard English Chapter Listen to the Mountain Question 4.
“You mean you will have slums here.” Why does Narayan make such a comment?
Narayan gets annoyed when he hears about Sagar’s plan to put up temporary dwellings at the foot of the hill. So he makes such a comment.

Listen to the Mountain Activities Question 5.
What picture of Dixit does Sagar give?
Mr Dixit is a multimillionaire, the owner of two dozen cinema houses, five luxury hotels, three drug companies and the biggest biscuit factory in India. He has also five mansions in different parts of the world.

Listen to the Mountain Question 6.
What is Kannan’s argument in favour of building a hotel on Dharmagiri?
Kannan doesn’t see any harm in building a hotel on Dharmagiri. He believes that it will bring in tourists that, in turn, means money.

Listen to the Mountain Class 9 Activities Question 7.
“That is all the more reason why a hotel cannot be built there.” What does “All the more reason” refer to?
‘All the more reason’ refers to the information about Dharmagiri which was given by Shastri. Shastri’s grandfather told him that the earth there could not hold a structure tallerthan thirty feet and that it would be dangerous to dig too deep for a foundation.

Listen To The Mountain Summary Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Question 8.
Comment on the expression “big people with small hearts.”
The grandmother mocks at the rich people of the new generation by this comment. She complains about their selfish and money-minded attitude.

Review of the Play Listen to the Mountain Question 9.
How does the grandmother remind her grandson about his duties?
The grandmother says that tomorrow’s world is children’s world and her grandson being the headmaster must talk to the children about the hazards the village is going to face. She also asks him to find out what they feel about it and not to put wrong ideas into their heads. The grandmother reminds her grandson about his duties as the school headmaster.

Let’s revisit and reflect(page 93)

Listen To The Mountain Questions And Answers Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Question 1.
Does the opening scene of the play arouse curiosity in the audience? Substantiate your answer analyzing the mode of presentation.
The opening scene of the play does arouse the curiosity of the readers. The nostalgic narration of the grandmother, references to her life in the past, the beauty of nature, the present shocking news, etc. are quite appealing.

Character Sketch of Sagar in Listen to the Mountain Question 2.
“Why will I come to a sleepy little dump like this if not for business?” Comment on the attitude of the building contractor.
The building contractor is money minded and he is influenced only by business motives. He is least bothered about the beauty of nature or the life of the villagers.

Listen To The Mountain Summary In English Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Question 3.
Pick out the sentences showing the concern of Ramanna and Shastri about Dharmagiri. Is their concern reasonable?
Ramanna : Why do we need a five-star hotel in this village?
Shastri : A multi-storied hotel can never come up on Dharmagiri. We have got to stop it. We cannot allow thoughtless people to ruin our beautiful mountain. Yes, Dharmagiri cannot support a building that big.
Yes, their concern is reasonable as development without any concern for the ecological system is suicidal.

9th Standard English Chapter Listen To The Mountain Kerala Syllabus Question 4.
“Do you village bumpkins know more than the engineers and architects from the big cities?” Sagar asked. What is the tone of the question? What could be the intention behind these words?
Sagar tries to belittle the villagers because of their ignorance towards the new technologies in the field of construction. He intends to silence the people and make them passive.

Listen To The Mountain Notes Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Question 5.
Grandmother and the young villagers represent two generations. What difference do you find in their attitudes towards ecological issues? Pick out expressions that justify your answer.
The.grandmother says she was born when there were no motor cars, airplanes, televisions and movies. There was much less noise. She has lived there all her life. She says, “The rivers, trees, flowers and birds are her friends” and she can’ stand their destruction.

But the young villagers don’t mind if the new five- star hotel is built there. They think rich tourists will come and that means a lot of money coming in. They too might get some money by doing things for the tourists. Kannan says, “if someone wants to build a grand hotel, I don’t see any harm. It will bring in tourists. Tourists mean money, and who does not need money?”

Activity -1 (Page. 90)

Kannan says, “Tourists mean money; and who does not need money?” Do you agree with Kannan? Discuss in groups and analyze the recent trends in tourism and its impact on our culture and economy. Prepare a write-up.

I agree with Kannan. But we should not try to get some money by destroying our ecology. Money is essential, but we should make sure that our development is sustainable without harming our environment.

Discuss in groups and analyze the recent trends in tourism and its impact on our culture and economy. Prepare a write-up.

Tourism and its impact on our culture and economy:

Tourism as an industry has been growing at a rapid pace. Technological advancements help people from different places and cultures interact with increasing ease. Tourism is one of the biggest and fastest-growing industries globally. Its benefits and the challenges, keenly observed by governments, affect the economic, socio-cultural, environmental and educational state of a nation.

The positive effects of tourism on a country’s economy include the growth and development of various industries directly linked with a healthy tourism industry, such a transportation, accommodation, wildlife, arts, and entertainment. This brings about the creation of new jobs and revenue generated from foreign exchange, investments and payments of goods and services provided The nature of the world economy shows that it is mostly people from developed nations who travel as tourists to the developing ones.

This results in a downward stream of cultural influences that in many cases has proven to be harmful, as foreign cultures are not in cohesion with the environment, economy and culture of the hosts. For example, it is common knowledge that most tourist destinations are plagued with prostitution. This has had dire consequences for the culture, economy, and health of these tourist coveting nations.

The environment can be badly affected by tourism. It spoils nature’s beauty. Visits of people in large numbers could mean huge amounts of trading and pollution. Polluting materials such as plastic waste and bottles are thrown carelessly. In the long run, they could be disruptive to the habitats of both faunal and floral life. The responsibility falls on hosts, who must make it a point to inform and educate visitors about the dangers posed by going against the advised codes of conduct, such as disposing of waste in a proper manner.

In the quest to provide facilities for tourists the environment has been affected in other ways. Large hotels and other facilities for tourists consume large amounts of power. In their quest to provide visitors with a long list of the ‘hip’ electronic comforts, a lot of power is used. The tourists themselves face several difficulties in getting visas and travel restrictions imposed by the host country. Another problem is security. In many places, tourists have become targets of criminal activities such as rape, kidnapping, and terrorism.

It is true that tourism has to be promoted as it is a means of livelihood for many. But it has to be promoted without adversely affecting our cultural values and our environment. Eco-tourism seems to be the need of the hour.

Listen To The Mountain Summary Pdf Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Debate:

Adebate is a structured argument. Two sides speak alternately for and against a particular contention usually based on a topical issue. Unlike the arguments you might have with your family or friends, each person here is allocated a fixed amount of time to speak. Any interference is carefully controlled. The subject of the dispute is often prearranged so you may find yourself having to support opinions with which you do not normally agree. You also have to argue as part of a team, being careful not to contradict what others on your side have said.

Listen To The Mountain Lesson Plan Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard The Basic Debating Skills

Expressions to agree/disagree


Agreeing with an opinionDisagreeing with an opinion
Of course.That’s different
You’re absolutely right.I don’t agree with you
Yes, 1 agree.However…
I think so too.That’s not entirely true
That’s a good point.On the contrary…
Exactly.I’m sorry to disagree with you, but
I don’t think so eitherYes, but don’t you think
So do IThat’s not the same thing at all
I’d go along with that.I’m afraid 1 have to disagree
That’s true.I’m not so sure about that.
Neitherdol.I must take issue with you on that
I agree with you entirelyIt’s unjustifiable to say that…
That’s just what 1 was thinking.
I couldn’t agree more.

Listen To The Mountain Short Summary Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Activity 2

Listen To The Mountain Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard
Grandmother and Dixit share different views about development. Do you think grandmother’s view is outdated or that Dixit’s view is progressive? Conduct a debate on the topic, “Development can be a threat to Nature.”
Arguments against Development:

  • A road through the rainforest will harm the habitat of endangered species.
  • Dams prevent free flow of water to places where it is needed. They also cause flooding.
  • Spills from oil rigs destroy marine organisms and leaves the sea polluted.
  • Thermal and atomic power stations are very dangerous as we saw what happened in Chernobyl and Three Mile Island.
  • Levelling hills and valleys create serious environmental problems.
  • Deforestation for cultivation and building homes and industries is dangerous.
  • Overuse of pesticides pollutes the earth and water; exhaust fumes from factories and vehicles pollute the air.
  • Global warming will bring in disasters like climatic changes; oceans will rise swallowing up island countries.
  • Industrial development distances man from nature and his life becomes artificial.
  • It spoils the beauty of nature. Green places become concrete jungles.
  • Overexploitation of natural resources will bring calamities in the future as they get exhausted soon.
  • Noise pollution can cause a lot of health problems.

Arguments for Development:

  • Roads even through forests make communication and transport easy.
  • Dams help to systematically irrigate lands by preserving water.
  • For economic development, industries are essential.
  • Modern amenities make life comfortable.
  • We can’t imagine a life without radio, television, cinema, computer and all the other modern amenities. Al this is made possible with development.
  • Development provides jobs to people.
  • Through the income, they get from developmental projects people can live comfortably.
  • It is development that has brought us structures like Burj Khalifa and the Twin Towers of Malaysia.
  • Development helps people to have comfortable homes with electricity and various home appliances that run on it.
  • Development should be sustainable.
  • Development should be planned for the benefit of people.
  • It is development that has helped us to soar into space and make ourChandrayan missions possible.

Listen To The Mountain Activities Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Activity – 3

“Finally the mountain spoke loud enough for everyone to hear. Nature always speaks if we care to listen.” How did Nature speak?
Prepare a conversation between you and Nature. Roleplay it in your class.
Prepare a conversation between you and nature: (Roleplay it in your class.)
Nature: Son, by cutting that tree you are doing me a great harm.
I: I want the wood for my house, to make furniture and also to use as firewood.
Nature: Why don’t you look for substitutes?
I: Substitutes are expensive.
Nature: Son, by throwing plastic and other waste you are choking me.
I: What I will do with the plastic bags I get from shops. I can’t bum them because they say it is dangerous and so I throw them away.
Nature: Son, have you ever thought about the pollution you cause to my atmosphere through the exhaust fumes of your vehicles and factories.
I : Who cares about your pollution? How can we live without our vehicles and factories?
Nature: Do you know that you are destroying yourself by using a lot of dangerous pesticides?
I: If the insects bothers us, what choice do we have?
Nature: Son, I am patient. But there is a limit to my patience. I have my weapons like floods, tsunamis, earthquakes, and droughts. If you people go on doing things against me, one day I may have to use some of my weapons to teach you a lesson. So be warned

9th Standard English Chapter Listen To The Mountain Question Answer Activity – 4 (Page 91)

You might have noticed land leveling in your locality. Are you aware of the environmental hazards it may cause? Collect details from various sources and prepare an e-mail to be sent to the Minister for Environment, complaining about the issue.

Listen To The Mountain Class 9 Summary Kerala Syllabus e-mail:

Tips for e-mail
For most of us, email is the most common form of business communication. So it’s important to get it right. Although emails usually aren’t as formal as letters, they still need to be professional to present a good image of you and your company.

How to write a formal email:

Follow these five simple steps to make sure your
English emails are perfectly professional.

  • Begin with a greeting
  • Thank the recipient
  • State your purpose
  • Add your closing remarks
  • End with a closing

Listen To The Mountain Character Sketch Of Grandmother Question 1.
Begin with a greeting
Always open your email with a greeting, such as “DearSusan”. If your relationship with the reader is formal, use their family name (e.g. “Dear Mrs. Kidangoor”). If the relationship is more casual, you can simply say, “Hi Sonia”. If you don’t know the name of the person you are writing to, use: “To whom it may concern” or “Dear Sir/Madam”.

Review Of Listen To The Mountain Class 9 Question 2.
Thank the recipient
If you are replying to a client’s inquiry, you should begin with a line of thanks. For example, if someone has a question about your company, you can say, “Thank you for contacting ABC Company”. If someone has replied to one of your emails, be sure to say, “Thank you for your prompt reply” or “Thanks for getting back to me”. Thanking the reader puts him or her at ease, and it will make you appear polite.

Summary Of Listen To The Mountain Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Question 3.
State your purpose
Begin by stating your purpose. For example, “I am writing to enquire about…” or “I am writing in reference to …”
Make your purpose clear early on in the email, and then move into the main text of your email. Remember, people want to read emails quickly, so keep your sentences short and clear. You’ll also need to pay careful attention to grammar, spelling, and punctuation so that you present a professional image of yourself and your company.

Listen To The Mountain Summary Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Question 4.
Add your closing remarks
Before you send your email, it’s polite to thank your reader one more time and add some polite closing remarks. You might start with “Thank you for your patience and cooperation” or “Thank you for your consideration” and then follow up with, “If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to let me know” and “I look forward to hearing from you”.

Listen To The Mountain Scene Wise Summary Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Question 5.
End with a closing
The last step is to include an appropriate closing with your name. “Best regards”, “Sincerely”, and “Thank you” are all professional. Avoid closings such as “Best wishes” or “Cheers” unless you are intimate with the reader. Finally, before you hit the send button, review and spell check your email one more time to make sure it’s truly perfect!

You might have noticed land leveling in your locality. Are you aware of the environmental hazards it may cause? Collect details from various sources and prepare an e-mail to be sent to the Minister for Environment, complaining about the issue.

Ministerenviron@hotmail. com
Sub: Levelling of ground near Azad Road

I am writing this letter to express my dissatisfaction with the land leveling going on in my locality. It is a matter of serious concern for all of us here. Widespread land leveling has caused problems that disrupt and alter the entire structure of the topsoil making it unfit for any cultivation. I understand the leveling is done to construct a pesticide factory there. It is a thickly populated area and a pesticide factory there would be hazardous to the health of the people and the environment Some greedy people are behind the whole project.

We would like to tell you that we shall not allow a pesticide factory to be built in our area which is famous for its rare flora and fauna. As the Minister, of Environment, you have a duty to listen to the voice of the people who are going to be affected by the proposed factory.

Hope you would look into the matter seriously and take immediate steps to stop the leveling.
Looking forward to hearing from you and thanking you,
Yours truly,

9th Standard English Chapter Listen To The Mountain Notes Activity – 5

Readers’ theatre:
Readers Theatre is a dramatic presentation of a written work in a script form. Readers read from a “script” and reading parts are divided among the readers. No memorization, costumes, blocking, or special lighting is needed. Presentations can easily be done in a classroom. Scripts are held by the readers. Through this activity, students have the opportunity to develop fluency and further enhance comprehension of what they are reading.

You should pay attention to the following while reading aloud.

  • Good voice modulation
  • Correct pronunciation
  • Meaningful pauses
  • Right tone and expression

Identify the important scenes from the play “Listen to the Mountain’ and read them aloud with your friends. (You can use the summaries of the scenes to fill in the boxes with necessary changes.)

Listen To The Mountain Scene 1 Summary Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Activity 6

Collect pictures, poems, stories, news, etc. about man-made hazards. Write suitable captions and footnotes. Prepare a class magazine.


  • Attractive cover page with a relevant title
  • Index
  • Foreword
  • Messages from distinguished personalities
  • Pictures, writings, etc

Listen to the Mountain Additional questions

a) Read the extract from the play ‘Listen to the Mountain’ and answer the questions that follow:
Sagar: (sitting) yes, thank You …………. Sagar: overlooking your village. (points to the mountain) fantastic, eh? (Page 97)

Listen To The Mountain Character Sketch Of Narayan Question 1.
Describe the village
It’s a small village, with only a small population of five hundred people. Right in the middle of the village is a river. It flows through the village and it has the cleanest water. There is a mountain, Dharmagiri, nearby. On the top, there is a temple which is 300 years old. From the top of the Dharmagiri mountain, one can view such a gorgeous and breathtaking view of the waterfalls, the trees, and the wildlife!

Question 2.
Pick out the sentence that tells Sagar is not pleased with the village.
Why will I come to a sleepy little dump like this if not for business?

Question 3.
Find out a word from the passage which means, ‘belonging to an early stage of development.

b) Curtain rises. Backdrop of mountains, a stream, and trees. Dixit is seated on a chair on one side of the stage. Sagar is on the other side. Sound of lorries, drilling, and hammering can be heard. A procession of children and adults enters from the opposite side. The children in the front row display a banner: LISTEN TO THE MOUNTAIN. They present a petition to Dixit.

Dixit : (reading it) What is this nonsense? LISTEN TO THE MOUNTAIN! Here we are, all set to build the biggest hotel in the state, one of the best in the country, and you people talk

Question 1.
What picture of the grandmother do you get?
Grandmother is very old with children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. She is much concerned not only about the people of the village but also the flora and fauna of the village. She is concerned about the ecological balance of the nature.

Question 2.
Why did she ask her grandson to talk to the children?
Her grandson is the local school’s headmaster. Tomorrow’s world is the world of children. Children should know about the hazards their village will have to face.

Question 3.
Find out an expression from the passage which shows that Sagar tries to belittle the villagers by referring to their ignorance’.
Do you village bumpkins know more than the engineers and architects from the cities?’

Question 4.
Narayan has decided to stage a peaceful protest. Prepare a slogan for the protest.

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