Kerala State Syllabus 10th Standard Social Science Solutions Part 1 Chapter 1 Revolutions that Influenced the World


Revolutions That Influenced The World Text Book Questions and Answers

Revolutions that Influenced the World

Question 1.
Renaissance made significant changes in human thought, views, and life. Let us examine them.

  • Humanism
  • Scientific temper
  • Growth of Literature
  • Rational thinking
  • Spirit of Criticism
  • Spirit of Inquiry

Question 2.
“No taxation without representation” This was a slogan that thundered along different parts of North America in the second half of the 18th century. What did people demand through this slogan, framed by James Ottis?

  • Representation in government
  • It is anti-people if no representation
  • No taxation without representation

Question 3.
Observe the map and list out the 13 British
colonies in North America.

  • Georgia
  • Maryland
  • Delaware
  • Pennsylvania
  • Newyork
  • Massachusetts
  • South Carolina
  • Virginia
  • New Jersey
  • Connecticut
  • Rhode Island
  • New Hampshire

Question 4.
“The mercantilist laws turned the American colonial people against their mother land”. Assess the statement.

  • Restrictions & Taxes in TradeSpoiled Domestic Trade in Colonies
  • Restrictions in Export
  • Meeting the Expense of British Troops
  • British Stamps for all Legal Papers Restrictions in Export, Increase in Tax, Stamp Duty, Meeting the Expense of British Troops
  • Mercantilist Law was against the Rights & Liberty of the People
  • Increase in Tax, Stamp Duty

Those reasons make mercantilist laws turned the American colonial people against their mother land.

Question 5.
Regarding human rights and freedom, what all can you find in this American Independence declaration?

  • All are equal
  • Everyone has certain rights
  • Rights should be secured
  • Govt, with the consent of governed
  • Right of the people to abolish govt.

Question 6.
Prepare a flow chart illustrating the various events that led to the formation of the USA?
Kerala SSLC Class 10 Social Science-I Chapter 1 Revolutions that Influenced the World 1

Question 7.
Prepare a note on the ideologies of the American War of Independence that are reflected in the constitution of India.
Various ideologies could be seen in the constitution of India put forward by American War of In dependance. The concept of a republican form of government is the prominent one. Also, the first written constitution, the concept of federal system that ensured freedom and authority of states in the Union too are important.

Question 8.
Analyse the chart and give answers for the foil owing questions.
(French society textbook page no:15)
Question 1.
Which estate enjoyed higher social privilege and status and led a luxurious life in France?
First estate and second estate.
Question 2.
To which estate did the majority of the people belong?
Third estate
Question 3.
Which estate exploited the common people and accumulated wealth?
Clergy and Nobles
Question 4.
Which estate desired a change in the system? Why?
Third estate. Because they paid taxes and had low social status.

Question 9.
Examine the membership strength of each Estate given in the table below. Relate it with their demand regarding the voting system.
State General
The First Estate – 285
The Second Estate – 308
The Third Estate – 621
One vote for 1st and second estate. In the third a vote for each member
Vote for first estate – 285
Vote for second estate – 308
Vote for third estate – 621
If one vote is given for each member of each estate the third estate will have the majority of one vote is given for each estate, when they stay united the first and second can easily beat the third.

Question 10.
Analyse the events related to French Revolution and evaluate how far it could attain the goals of liberty, equality, and fraternity.
In 1789, Louis XVI summoned the French parliament. Instead of one vote for an estate, the concept of individual vote was overruled by 2 estates.
Third estate declared themselves as National Assembly of France which assembled in a Tennis Court nearby on 20th June 1789 and swore not to leave until they had framed a constitution of France. This event is known as Tennis Court Oath, probably, the begining of French Revolution.

France turned into blood shed and captured the food products and sources. On 14th July 1789, the Bastile prison of Paris wars demolished.

Question 11.
A part of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen passed by the French National Assembly is given below. Discuss how far the aims and slogans of the French Revolution are reflected in it.
Human rights declaration is a document that ensures equality and freedom to an individual. Some parts of the Human rights declaration passed by the National assembly of trance are given in the textbook. It is the ideology of Rousseau that is reflected in the Declaration of the Rights of Man. The national assembly put forward many rules for the welfare of the people during the time period. Many modifications were introduced in France through these laws.

Question 12.
Analyse the aims and influence of the French Revolution.
To put an end to autocracy was the main aim of French Revolution. Also to ensure liberty, equality, and fraternity and to protect the human rights was an aim with the powerful struggle of French Revolution. All these aims were fulfilled.

Question 13.
Examine the reforms and policies of Napoleon and identify the ideologies of French Revolution reflected in them, (table)
The concepts of French Revolution:

  • Rise of the Middle Class
  • End of feudalism
  • Nationalism

Policies & Reforms of Napoleon:

  • Constructed Roads
  • New Code ofLaw
  • Established Bank of France
  • Sinking Fund
  • Farmers were made the owners of land
  • Exercised control over the clergy

Question 14.
These are the words of one of the characters in ‘The mother’, the novel written by world famous Russian writer Maxim Gorky. The plight of workers and farmers in Russia and their aims are reflected in them(Textbook Page no. 21). What else can you make out from these words about the then Russian society?

  • Workers are the basis of Production
  • Workers have no Rights
  • Workers were Exploited by Capitalists

What were the demands of the workers?

  • Abolish the private property system
  • Everyone has to work
  • Authority to People & Workers
  • Production Control by People

Question 15.
Russian revolution was greatly motivated by the despotic rule of tzar” Discuss.
Workers and farmers led a miserable life under the autocratic rule of the Tsar emperors who ruled over Russia. The low production on the agricultural field seriously affected the income of the farmers. Besides, the land less farmers were burdened with heavy taxes. Although Russia was rich in natural resources, but its industrial productiom was very low.

Most of the exisiting industries were controlled by the foriengers. The Marxist ideologies formulated by Karl Marx and Frederick Engels stirred the workers. They called for establishing the supremacy of the workers instead of that by the capitalists. Trade unions were formed to find remedies for the plight of the workers. Based on the Marxist ideologies, the Social Democratic Workers Party was formed. On behalf of this trade unions workers organized protest marches.

Question 16.
Analyse the circumstances that led to form a provisional government in Russia.
In 1914, many Russian soldiers were killed in the first world war and in 191 7, food shortage became severe and thousands of women marched along the streets on March 8 clamoring for bread. The workers organised a protest march in Petrograd, the soldiers clashed with the demonstrators in the beginning but later joined the workers.

It was the tragic experience during the First World War that induced them to do so. The workers captured Petrograd and Nicholas II was thrown out of power. A provisional government was formed under Alexander Kerensky, the Menshevik leader.

Question 17.
Discuss the role of the October Revolution in establishing the proletariat government in Russia.
A part of soviets in Russia was against the provisional government under the relationship of Alexander Kerensky, the Mensherivik leader. Vladimer Lenin who was in Switzerland also critizized the provisional government of Russia. If the revolt has to the fruitful the authority must be completely transferred to the soviets was his dicussion. The Bolshevicks and the soviets welcomed the discussion. Bolshevik propagated the inequalities and the miseries could be eradicated only be the socialist. They put forward a few needs.

  1. Russia must stay away from the First World War.
  2. To distribute the land captured by the kings to the farmers.
  3. Factories must be kept as the public prosperity.

Question 18.
Compare the strategies of colonial powers in China with the strategies that they adopted in other colonies.
The colonial powers exported raw materials from other colonies and imported products to the colonies. China gained profit through import to European countries. China dominated over colonies through wars. The people were financially exploited. As a remedy, the British traders imported Opium, an intoxicant to China which effected the Chinese trade and made them mentally imbalanced.

Question 19.
“Chinese Revolution of 1911 led to the liberation ofChina from foreign powers and monarchy” Examine the statement

Idea Thinkers
Ridiculed the exploitation of clergy Voltaire
Man is born free but every where he is in chains Rousseau
Division of powers of its government into legislature Executive and indicinary Montesquieu
Freedom to a property should be given. Physiocrats
Complied encyclopedia to make scientific though popular Philospher

Question 20.
Prepare a note on the role played by Mao Zedong to make China a peoples republic.
Chiang Kai-Shek ascertained military autocracy in China. He gave opportunity for foreign powers including America to freely interfere in China and did not co-operate with the Communists. Coal and iron industries, banking, and foreign trade were all controlled by foreign countries. The Communists protested against the policy of Chiang Kai-Shek. They were brutally suppressed.

At that time Mao Zedong rose to the leadership of the Communist party. In 1934, under the leadership of Mao Zedong, a journey started from Kiangsi in South China. The adventurous trip ended at Yanan in North-Western China. Throughout the journey, they seized out agricultural land and villages from lords and distributed them among the farmers.

The journey covered around 12000 kms. So it is known as the ‘Long March’. Hence Mao Zedong and the Communist Party became the symbol of struggle of the Chinese against foreign power. Chiang Kai-Shek had to seek political asylum in Taiwan, when the Red Army ofMao Zedong captured the centre of Kuomintang rule. China became the People’s Republic ofChina on 1st October 1949 under the leadership of Mao Zedong.

Question 21.
Compare the revolutions that took place in America, Europe and Asia and complete the table.

Revolutions That Influenced The World Let US Assess

Question 1.
‘American War of Independence was a movement of the English against England.’ Substantiate the statement
From the 16th century onwards the Europeans began to migrate to North America. The major aim of the migration was to exploit the resources.

By the 18th century, England had established 13 colonies in the eastern coast of North America. The British treated these colonies as centers for collecting raw materials for their industry and as market for selling their products. People of the colonies protested against the policies and rules of the British, submitted petition to the King of England. They demanded the revocation of the regulation enforced on industry and commerce.

This led to the war between England and the colonies. The second Continental Congress held at Philadelphia in 1775 elected George Washington as the commander-in-chief of the Continental Army. During this time, through the pamphlet titled “common sense”, Thomas Paine declared that it was wise for the Americans to break the ties with Britain. The American Continental Congress issued the famous Declaration ofIndependence on 4th July 1776.

The war between En-gland and the colonies in North America that began with the declaration of freedom, ended in 1781. According to the Treaty of Paris in 1783, England ratified the freedom of 13 colonies. The constitution convention held at Philadelphia under the leadership of James Madison, framed the American constitution. Geor-ge Washington became the first president of the United States of America, formed in accordance with the new constitution. Since American War of Independence transformed the system existed there, it is known as American Revolution. It greatly influenced the later history of the world in different ways.

Question 2.
How did the resentment of the middle class lead to the French Revolution?
The Revolution that took place in 1789 was against the Autocratic rule and feudal system is known as French Revolution. The middle class of the society consisted of traders, writers, lawyers, offici-als, teachers, and bankers. These middle class people were known as bourgeoisie meaning city dewellers. They did not enjoy any representation in administration. They realised that according to the constitution it is impossible to retain their rights and this led to French Revolution.

Question 3.
Arrange the following events in chronological order.

  • February Revolution
  • Long March
  • American Declaration of Indepen¬dence
  • Tennis Court Oath

American Declaration of independence

  • Tennis Court Oath
  • February Revolution
  • Long March

Social Science Class 10 State Syllabus Question 4.
How did the French Revolution influence the reforms of Napoleon?
The French who revolted for noble aims had to survive under the autocratic rule of Napoleon Bonaparte for a short period. Napoleon played a crucial role in defeating the European alliance which was formed under the leaderhsip of Britain against France in the post revolution period. He seized the power in France in 1799. Though an autocrat, he instituted several reforms in France. Those reforms were stimulated by the ideas and aims of the French Revolution. They are given below.

  • Farmers were made the owners of land.
  • Formed sinking fund with the aim to avoid public debt.
  • Constructed several roads for transportation.
  • Excercised states control over the clergy.
  • Established Bank of France to centralize finance.
  • Prepared a new code of law by codifying the existing laws.

Through the strong revolution, the dreams of the French people were satisfied by the rise of the middle class and end of fuedalism.

French Revolution Question Answer Question 5.
How did the colonial rule influence the Latin American countries?
The Europeans looted the wealth and resources of Latin American countries and even erased their traditional culture. The official language of most of the Latin American countries is Spanish.

After colonizing the entire Latin America, the Spanish, and the Portuguese propagated their language, religion, and customs there. They built houses and churches in Spanish style. Several schools were established for imparting Spanish system of education. The Spanish fanning methods and crops were adopted. New diseases spread from the Europeans to the Latin American people. Racial discrimination towards the people of the colonies was enforced in all walks of life.

  • Took away gold, silver, etc. from the Latin American mines.
  • Never allowed the people of the colonies to engage in trade with countries other than Spain.
  • The things produced in Spain were not permitted to be produced in the colonies.
  • People had to work in hazardous environment in mines without any safety measures.
  • Enslaved the natives to work in plantations.

French Revolution Long Questions and Answers Question 6.
Russian Revolution helped the progress of the working class. Do you agree with this
statement? Why?
Yes, I agree with this statement.

  • Farmers and factory workers in Russia led a tragic life under the autocracy of the Tsarist emperors, who ruled Russia.
  • The low agricultural production affected farmer’s income. Moreover, the landless farmers had to pay huge tax.
  • Though Russia was rich in natural resources, their industrial production was meagre.

It was the foreigners who controlled majority of the industries that existed there.

The Marxist ideologies formulated by Karl Marx and Frederick Englles stirred the workers. They called for estrfl&shing the supremacy of the workers in stead of that by capitalists.

Trade unions were formed to find remedies for the plight of the workers. Based on the Marxist ideologies the social Democratic Workers Party was formed. Later, this party was split into the Men-sheviks (minority) and the Bolsheviks (majority). The main leaders of the Bolsheviks were Lenin and Trotsty. Alexander Kerensky led the Mensheviks. The crisis reached its worst when Russia was defeated in the Russia-Japan war in 1905. The workers organised a huge march at Petrograd on 9th January 1905 demanding political rights and economic reforms. The march was fired by the soldiers and hundreds of demonstrators were massacred. This event is known as Bloody Sunday.

Workers organisation called the Soviets’ was formed all oyer Russia to conduct strikes. When the strikes gained massive strength, the emperor was compelled to form a legislative assembly called Duma. Ignoring the protest from Duma, Nicholas II, the then Tsar decided to participate in the First World War that started in 1914. A lot of Russian soldiers were killed in this war. Food shortage became severe by 1917. Thousands of women marched along the streets of Petrograd on 8 March 1917 clamouring for bread. The workers organized protest march in petrograd.

Though the soldiers clashed with the demonstrators in the beginning, later they joined the workers. It was the tragic experience during the first World War that induced them to do so. The workers captured Petrograd and Nicholas II was thrown out of power. A provisional government was formed under Alexander Kerensley, the Menshevik leader. This is known as February Revolution.

The main aim of this revolution was the growth of proletarians, and that vision had been acheived. So I totally agree with this statement that this Revolution helped the development of proletarians or workers class.

Scientific Thinkers Kerala Question 7.
How did China become a people’s Republic? Analyse.
In the 20th century, China witnessed revolutions against the foreign rule monarchy. The colonial powers of Europe and America adopted policies in China, different from the ones they had implemented in the colonies of other parts of the world. These policies are known as opium trade and open door policies. The Manchu dynasty in China favoured the foreign interference and domination in 1911, another revolution took place under the leadership of Dr. Sunyatsen against the Manchu Dynasty.

This ended monarchy in China. After the revolution, Kuomintang party established a Republican government in Southern China under the leadership of Sun Yat-Sen. He gave importance to idealogies like nationalism, democracy, and socialism.

He decided to nullify the unjust treaties signed with the foreign countries and wanted to maintain equality with western countries. The Kuomintang republic adopted measures for the progress of agriculture and industry. China received assistance from Russia in various fields and the Chinese Communist Party was formed.

In the beginning the Kuomintang and the communist cooperated with each other. But this cooperation was disturbed when Chiang Kai-Shek became the head of the republic following the death of Sun Yat-Sen.

Chiang Kai-Shek as certained military autocracy in China. He gave opportunity for foreign powers including America to freely interfere in China and did not cooperate with the communists. Coal and iron industries, banking and foreign trade were all controlled by foreign countries. The communists protested against the policy of Chiang Kai-Shek.

They were brutally suppressed. At that time Mao Zedong rose to the leadership of the Communist Party. In 1 934 under the leadership of Mao, a journey started from Kiangsi in South China.

The adventurous trip ended at Yanam in North-Western China. Through out the journey, they seized out agricultural land and villages from lords and distributed among the farmers. The journey covered around 12000 kms. So it is known as the “long March.” Hence Mao Zedong and Communist Party became the symbol of struggle of the Chinese against foreign power.

Chiang Kai-Shek had to seek political asylum in Taiwan, when the Red Army of Mao Zedong ca ptured the centre of Kuomintang rule. China became the people’s Republic ofChina on 1st October 1949 under the leadership of Mao Zedong.

Revolutions That Influenced The World Orukkam Questions and Answers

Isboxer Looting Question 1.
Identify and write the ideas speed by the Enlightened thinkers.


a. Democracy,
b. Freedom,
c. Nationalism.

Explain the Statement when France Sneezes the Rest of Europe Catches Off Question 2.
Lists out the mercantilist laws.
Kerala SSLC Class 10 Social Science-I Chapter 1 The French Revolution Question Answer

a. Products of the colonies like sugar, wool, cotton, tobacco etc could only be exported to England.
b. British stamp must be affixed on all the legal documents, newspapers, pamphlets, license, etc.
c. Colonies must provide food and quarters for the British troops which were maintained in the colonies.

Question 3.
The names of some leaders and clinkers who have influenced certain revolutions in this world are given below. Complete the table by writing the names of revolutions related to items.

George Washington American war of independence
Voltaire (a)
Rousseao (b)
Jose De San mertin (c)
Thomas Paine (d)
Simon Bolivar (e)
Dr. Sun Yatsen (f)
Montesquie (g)
Maxim Gorky Russian Revolution
Mao Zedong (h)
John Locke (i)
Lenin (j)


a. French Revolution,
b. French Revolution,
c. Latin American Revolution,
d. American War of Independence,
e. Latin American Revolution,
f. Chinese Revolution,
g. French Revolution,
h. Chinese Revolution,
i. American War of Independence,
J. Russian Revolution

Question 4.
Complete the Time Line related to its American War of Independence.


Question 5.
Complete the following.


a. Contributed to the concept of federal system
b. Gave direction and motivation to the later freedom struggles and revolutions all over the world
c. Prepared the first written constitution
d. Put forward the concept of republican form of government.

Question 6.
Lists out the factors led to French Revolution.

  • The autocracy that existed in France.


  • Rulers were squanders.
  • Starvation and proverty.

Question 7.
Complete the table given related to the French society.


a. Clergy
b. Controlled higher positions in administrative and military service
c. Held vast land
d. Collected the tax called ‘Tithe’ from farmers
e. Second Estate
f. Led luxurious life
g. Held vast lands
h. Engaged in military service
i. Collected various taxes from farmers
j. Made farmers work without wages
k. The middle class including traders, writers, lawyers, officials, teachers, and bankers. Farmers and craftsmen
l. Paid taxes to clergy and nobles, m. No role in administration
n. Paid land tax namely ‘Taille’ to the government.

Question 8.
Some ideas that influenced its French Revolution are given below. Name the thinkers related to these ideas.

Idea Thinkers
Ridiculed the exploitation of clergy Voltaire
Man is born free but every where he is in chains a
Division of powers of its government into legislature Executive and indicinary b
Freedom to a property should be given. Physiocrats
Complied encyclopedia to make scientific though popular c


a. Rousseau
b. Montesquieu
c. Philospher

Question 9.
Arrange the following events in chronological order.

  • Declaration of its Rights of men and its citizen was passed in France.
  • Destruction of Bastille prison.
  • France become a republic
  • Tennis court Oath.
  • Battle of Waterloo.


  • Tennis court Oath- 1789 June.
  • Destruction of Bastille Prison – 1789 July
  • Declaration of the Right of man and the citizen was passed in France – 1789 August
  • France became a republic – 1792
  • Battle of Waterloo – 1815

Question 10.
Complete the sun diagram given below.

Helped the growth of the middle class, Contributed the concept of people’s sovereignty, Procliamed that nation in not merely a religion but the people.

Question 11.
Complete the table given below.

Formed sinking fund with the aim to avoid public debt, Constructed several roads for transportation, Exercised state’s control over the clergy, Prepared a new code of law by codifying the existing laws.

Question 12.
Write the causes of the Latin American Revolution.

  • European cultural domination.
  • Exploitation


  • Racial discrimination towards the people of colonies.
  • The people of colonies were made enslaved.

Question 13.
Lists out the factors that led to the Russian Revolution.

  • Autocracy of its Traist Emperors.
  • Meagre industrial production
  • Defeat of Russia in its Russia-Japan War


  • Meagre Industrial Production
  • Autocracy of Traist Emperors.
  • The landless farmers had to pay huge tax.
  • Influence of Marxist ideologies.
  • Mensheviks and Bolsheviks
  • Defeat of Russia in the Russia – Japan War
  • Defeat in the first world war.

Question 14.
Complete its time line given below.


  • 1900 – Boxer Rebellion
  • 1905 – Petrograd March, Formed Duma
  • 1911- Revolution under leadership of Dr. Sun Yad – Sen
  • 1917 March 15 – The February Revolution
  • 1917 November 17 – The October Revolution
  • 1924 Formation of USSR
  • 1934 – Long March
  • 1949 – Formation of the people’s Republic of China.

Question 15.
Complete the comparison table given below.

The February Revolution The October Revolution
1917 b
a The Bolsheviks
Alexander Kerensky c
Formation of the provisional Government d


a. Menshevik
b. 1917
c. Lenin
d. Cabinet Formation.

Question 16.
Lists out the results of the Russian Revolution.

  • Meagre industrial production
  • Withdrew from the First World War.
  • Economic and scientific progress of Russia.
  • Expansion of socialism.


  • Sieze the lands owned by the lords and distributed them among the farmers.
  • Made factories public property.

Question 17.
Identify its ideas emphesised by Sun yat-sen.

  • Nationalism


  • Nationalism – To expel the Manchu Dynasty and the imperial powers.
  • Democracy – To establish democratic rule.
  • Socialism – To control capital and distribute land equally.

Question 18.
Complete the comparison table given below.

Revolution of Sun-yat-sen Revolution of Mao zedong
1911 (a)
(b) Chinese Communist Party
Against foreign domination and its rule of the Manchu Dynasty. (c)
(d) People’s Republic of China


a. 1934,
b. Kuomintang Party,
c. Against the foreign power,
d. Republican Government.

Revolutions That Influenced The World Evaluation Questions

Question 1.
Arrange into following events in chronological order

  • Latin American Revolution
  • French Revolution
  • October Revolution
  • American war ofIndependence


  • American War ofIndependence – 1775
  • French Revolution – 1789
  • Latin American Revolution – 1800
  • October Revolution – 1917

Question 2.
What do you mean by Revolution?
A peace conference was convemed at Paris in 1919 to discuss post war situation under the leadership of the winning allies, Britain and France. They signed different treaties with the defeated nations. The treaty of Versailles, the important one was signed with Germany in 1919. German colonies were divided among the victorious powers and Germany was forced to pay a huge amount as war internity. Germany had to accept the whole. Austria, Hungary, Salgaria, Turkey also signed treaties. Treaty of Versailles stood only for the interests of winning allies.

Question 3.
Analyse the background of the French Revolution.
The French Society was divided into three strata and they were known as estates. The first estate included clergy and the second estate included nobility. Those who belonged to the first and second estates had vast land. They led a luxurious life and were exempted from all taxes. The third estate were the middle class including traders, writers, lawyers, officials, teachers, and bankers.

They had no role in the administration and had low social status. The luxurious life and squander of the Bourbon kings, clergy and lords and the frequent wars they waged, along with the frequent spells of drought and crop failure, brought trance to the brink of bankruptcy. Thinkers like voltaire, Rousseau, Montesquieu etc played an important role in making the people aware of the inequalities and exploitation. Among the three estates, the third estate had to face a horrible life. So they desired to change in the system and gave leadership to the French Revolution in 1789.

Question 4.
Explain how its mercantilist policies caused its out break of its American war of Independence.
Domestic trade in Colonies: According to the Navigation Act in 1651 the goods to and from the colonies must be carried only in British ship or ships built in the British Colonies. According to another act in 1660 products of the colonies like sugar, wool, cotton, tobacco, etc. could be exported to England.

Inflation: England decided to levy tax for importing sugar in 1 764. This led to inflation which resulted in protest among the people.

Exploitation: The wealth of the colonies were used for the upliftment of the motherland. For eg. The Navigation Acts passed by the England Government(1650, 1660, 1699). Products of colonies like sugar, wool, cotton, tobacco, etc. could only be exported to England.

Denial of Rights: In 1 765 the Stamp Act was passed the British which stated that British stamp must be affixed on all the legal documents, newspapers, pamphlets, licence, etc. The slogan ‘No taxation without representation.’ Thundered along the people in the colonies.

Autocracy: The colonial rule was undertaken by the Governors sent from England. The Governors were not responsible to obey the decisions of the assembly. The people in the colonies were not given much importance in the rule.

Question 5.
Arrange its following table appropriately.

Thomas Jefferson Russian Revolution
Francisco Miranda Chinese Revolution
Trotsky Latin American Revolution
Mao zedong American war of Independence


Thomas Jefferson American war of Independence
Francisco Miranda Latin American Revolution
Trotsky Russian Revolution
Mao zedong Chinese Revolution

Question 6.
How much it’s French Revolution influenced the reforms of Napoleon? Evaluate.
Napoleon played a crucial role in defeating the European alliance which was formed under the leadership of Britain against France in the post-revolution period. He siezed the power in France in 1 799. Though an autocrat he instituted several reforms in France. He established the Bank of France to centralize finance. In France, nationalism strengthened
during the reign of Napolean. Napolean prepared a simple and uniform code of law for France.

Question 7.
Identify the fields in which the Latin American people faced discrimation from the Europeans? Explain.
After colonizing the entire Latin America the Spanish and Portugese propogated their language, religions, and customs there. The Spanish farming methods and crops were adopted Racial discrimination towards the people of colonies were enforced in all walks of life. Took away gold, silver, etc. from the Latin American mines.

  • Never allowed the people of the colonies to engage in trade with countries other than spain.
  • The things produced in Spain were not permitted to be produced in the colonies.
  • People had to work in hazardous environment in mines without any safety measures.
  • Enslaved the natives to work in plantations.

Question 8.
The Russian Revolution greatly influenced the subsequent history of Russia.
During the begining of the twentieth century, the workers and farmers in Russia led a tragic life. The traist emperors ruled India. Though Russia was rich in natural resources, their industrial production was meagre. It was the foreigners who controlled majority of the industries that existed there. Writers like Maxim Gorky, Leo Tolstoy, Ivan Turgenve and Anton Chekov depicted the plight of workers and farmers in their works.
The Marxist ideologies formulated by Karl Marx and Frederick Engels stirred the workers. They called for establishing the supremacy of workers instead of that by the capitalists.

The defeat of Russia in the first world war was the reason for a sudden war. A lot of Russian soldiers were killed in this war. Food shortage became severe in 1917. Thousands of women marched along the streets of Petrograd on 8th March 1917 clamouring for bread. Lack of food and financial crisis made the life of the common people horrible. Hence revolutions took place in some parts of Russia.

Question 9.
Evaluate the importance of the French Revolution.
The message of liberty, equality and fraternity of French Revolution during the 19th and 20th Century greatly influenced other revolutions. French Revolution stimulated all the later revolutions in the world. French Revolution proclaimed that nation is not merely a region but the people. The Austrian Chancellor Mettemich had made a remark on the impact of French Revolution ‘when France sneezes the rest of Europe catches cold.’
The other impacts of French Revolutions are

  • Contributed the concept of people’s sovereignty.
  • Led to the emergence of nationalism.
  • Threatened the autocratic rulers in Europe.
  • Helped the growth of middle class.

Question 10.
How much was Chinese Revolution helpful for the liberation of peasants and workers? Explain.
In 1921 Communist party of China was formed Mao Zedong rose to the leadership of communist party. Chiang kai-shek who became the head of the Kuomintang party following the death of Sun- Yat-Sen asertained military autocracy in China. He gave opportunity for foreign powers including America to freely interfere in China and did not co-operate with the communists. Coal and iron industries, banking and foreign trade were all controlled by foreign countries. The communists protested against the policy of Chiang kai-shek but they were brutally suppressed.

In 1934, under the leadership ofMao Zedong, a journey started from Kiangsi in South China. The adventurous trip ended at Yanan in North-Western China. Throught the journey they siezed out agricultural land and villages from lords and distributed the among the farmers. The journey covered around 12000 kms. So it is known as the Long March. Hence Mao Ze dong and the communist party became the symbol of struggle of the Chinese ag ainst foreign power Chiang Kaishek had to seek political asylum in Taiwan when the red army of Mao zedong captured the centre of kuomi-ntang rule. China became the people’s Republic of China on 1st October 1949 under the leadership of Mao Zedong.

Revolutions That Influenced The World SCERT Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Explain, how did the Mercantilist Laws implemented by Britain in the American colonies becomes a cause for the American War of Independence.

  • Restrictions on the cargo ships
  • Control over export
  • Stamp duty
  • Colonies should support the British troops
  • Import duty.

Question 2.
Arrange the foliowing in chronological order.

  • Second Continental Congress
  • Paris Treaty
  • First Continental Congress
  • Declaration ofIndependence

First Continental Congress, Second Continental Congress, Declaration of Independence, Paris Treaty.

Question 3.
Complete the following table.
Kerala SSLC Class 10 Social Science-I Chapter 1 Revolutions that Influenced the World 12

  • Farmers- Third Estate
  • Nobles – Second Estate

Question 4.
Explain, how various thinkers and ideologies paved the way for the French Revolution.

  • Ideologies of Voltaire
  • Rousseau
  • Montesquieu
  • Physiocrats
  • Philosophes.

Question 5.
‘The inequalities and exploitation suffered by the Third estate was the basic reason for the French Revolution.” Substantiate this statement

  • No right in administration
  • Paid land tax to the government
  • Low social status
  • Paid taxes to the clergy and nobles.

Question 6.
Evaluate the significance of the ‘Tennis Court Oath’ in the history of France.
Became the National Assembly and prepared the constitution

Question 7.
Match the following.

Thomas Paine Bourbon rule
Thomas Jefferson Encyclopedia
Louis XVI Common Sense
Philosphes Declaration of Independence

Thomas Paine – Common Sense
Thomas Jefferson – Declaration of Independence
Louis XVI – Bourbon rule
Philosphes – Encyclopaedia

Question 8.
Explain, how the French revolution influenced the later history of the world.
Stimulated the later revolutions of the world, Paved the way for the end of feudal system in Europe, People’s sovereignty, Emergence of Nationalism, Growth of the middle class, Threatened autocracy

Question 9.
Evaluate how French revolution influenced the reforms of Napoleon.
Farmers were made owners of the land, Began sinking fund, Constructed roads, Control over clergy, Bank of France was established, New code of law was implemented

Question 10.
How did the exploitation and discrimination of the people of Latin America lead to revolution.

  • Exploitation and discrimination in language, religion, customs, architecture,education, agriculture.
  • Looting of wealth, control of trade, slavery.

Question 11.
Identify the correlation between the two items in section A and Similarly complete Section B.


i. Russian revolution,
ii. Latin American revolution,
iii. Mao Zedong,
iv. Russia.

Question 12.
Why the Bolsheviks under the leadership of Lenin did not approve the provincial government?
Power should be handed over to the Soviets They propagated that only Proletarian’s government can eradicate economic back wardness and inequality, Withdraw from the First World War, Factories should be made public property, Land should be distributed among farmers.

Question 13.
Explain the significance of the October revolution in the history of Russia.

  • Land was distributed to the farmers
  • Public ownership
  • Withdrew from the First World War
  • Became a super power
  • Soviet Union

Question 14.
Why is Boxer rebellion considered as anticolonial struggle of the people of China?
Rebellion against foreign dominance and the Manchu dynasty- Boxers

Question 15.
Explain the role played by Mao Zedong in making China a People’s Republic.
Communist policies – Protest against the autocracy of Chiang – Kai-Shek. Long march Red volunteers – People‘s Republic.

Question 16.
Complete the following table.
Kerala SSLC Class 10 Social Science-I Chapter 1 Revolutions that Influenced the World 14

  • French Revolution
  • American War of Independence

Question 17.
“Liberty, equality and fraternity were the ideas given by the French Revolution to the world”. Evaluate this statement on the basis of the changes that occurred in the admini strative structure of France.
• Uniform system of administration in France.
• Church was brought under the control of the state.
• Equal taxation over all sections of people.
• Abolished the special privileges enjoyed by the nobility
• End of Feudalism.

Question 18.
Analyse the circumstances which led to the transition of the Third estate of the French parliament called ‘Commons’ into National Assembly.

  • The status of one vote for each estate was against the interests of the ‘Commons’.
  • The commons wanted one vote for each person instead of one vote for each estate
  • It was opposed by other two estates.
  • The commons declared themselves as the National Assembly of France and assembled in the nearby tennis court.

Question 19.
Write the following events in chronological order.

  • The army of Napoleon was defeated at Waterloo.
  • The French people captured and demolished the Bastille prison, the symbol of Bourbon monarchy.
  • France was declared a republic.
  • Napoleon Bonaparte captured power.


  • The French people captured and demolished the Bastille prison, the symbol of Bourbon monarchy.
  • France was declared a republic
  • Napoleon Bonaparte captured power.
  • The army of Napoleon was defeated at Waterloo.

Question 20.
What was the social background that forced the Third estate to struggle against the First and Second estates of the French Society?

  • The nobility lived by exploiting the peasants
  • The King, nobles, and clergy occupied majority of the cultivable land
  • The luxurious life led by higher priests.

Question 21.
Evaluate the economic background that influenced the French Revolution.

  • The rulers of France who occupied all powers were extravagant and pleasure seeking.
  • Louis XVI summoned the French parliament Estate General in 1789 to overcome the economic crisis.

Question 22.
What were the changes brought about in the social, economic and political fields of France during the time of Napoleon?

  • Clergy became under the control of the state
  • Farmers were made the owners of land
  • Bank of France was established to centralise finance
  • A new code of law was prepared by codifying the existing laws.

Revolutions That Influenced The World Exam Oriented Questions and Answers

Question 1.
The first written rigid constitution ever framed in history.
American Constitution

Question 2.
The incident that took place on 14th July 1789 in France.
The Fall ofBastille.

Question 3.
The slogan, “No taxation without representation” was raised in connection with the:
American Revolution.

Question 4.
In 1789 members of the Third Estate declared themselves the:
National Assembly

Question 5.
Write the following events in the chronological order

  • George Washington was made the Commander – in – Chief of the colonial army.
  • Treaty of Paris.
  • Formation of the United States of America.
  • Olive Branch Petition.


  • Olive Branch Petition.
  • George Washington was made the Commander – in – Chief of the colonial army
  • Treaty of Paris
  • Formation of the United States of America.

Question 6.
Prepare a report on Boxer Rebellion.
The foreign supremacy in China made people to protest and they formed revolutionary movements. Youth were tibined for musti yuddham. As the foreigners in the China were tried to conquer through boxing the westerners redicated and named it Boxer Rebellion. The foreigners conquered with modem tricks and weapons.

Question 7.
What were the ideologies of Sun Yat-Sen in China?
Nationalism: Drive away the Manchu Dynasty and imperialist powers.
Democracy: To establish democratic rule.
Socialism: To bring about equitable distribution of land.

Question 8.
When France sneezes all Europeans catches a called on the basis of statement by Metternich. Evaluate how French revolt influenced Europe.
French revolution is a memorable one it was a success of democracy. It was reached in the western nations of the world in the 19th centuary revolution was epidimic all over Europe. The revolution was in Spain, Italy,
Poland between 1820 and 1821 and that which happened in European in 1848 got influenced from French Revolution. The progress seen in Europe from 1815 was the reflection of French Revolution.

Question 9.
Prepare a note on Enlightenment?
Enlightenment was an advancement in the intellectual activities of man which tried to explain the natural world and the role of man in it in the light of rationalism. The enlightenment thinkers tried to understand and explain things in the light of reason based on facts and evidences.

Question 10.
What is French revolution?
The rulers of France were Autocratic and squanders. The majority in France lived in misery and the minority, including the rulers, led a life of luxuary and extravagance. This situation gave a clean picture of the social-economic inequality existed in France. This led to French Revolution.

Question 11.
Explain “American War ofIndependence”.
“No taxation without representation” is the slogan that thundered in North America during 18<sup>th</sup> century. This slogan was raised by the people of America as a part of a powerful agitation. Various circumstances that led to the agitation are as follows:

  • 16th century onwards the Europeans began to migrate to North America mainly to exploit the natural resources.
  • By the 18th– centrury England had established 13 colonies in the Eastern coast of North America.
  • The British treated these colonies as centers for collecting raw materials for their industry and as market for selling their products.

Question 12.
What do you mean by Revolution?
In several places the common people did not have as much freedom as we have today. The people who were deprived of freedom had a fight for it. Some adopted peacful means, whereas others preferred armed rebellion. All these struggles tried to change the system that denied freedom and rights and to establish a new one. Therefore they are known as revolutions.
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