SSLC Notes Class 10 Social Science – Revolutions That Influenced the World



SSLC Notes Class 10 Social Science – Revolutions That Influenced the World

Multiple Choice Question (MCQ Type)-

(1) What was the slogan of American war of independence?

(a) Liberty, equality and fraternity

(b) Food and peace

(c) No taxation without representation

(d) quit America

Answer: No taxation without representation

(2) In which war Napolean was defeated by the European alliance?

(a) French war

(b) Water loo

(c) Anglo French war

(d) St. Helena

Answer: Water loo

(3) In which year ” Long march” has started in China?

(a) 1911

(b) 1949


(d) 1934

Answer: 1934

(4) Which was the name of legislative assemble of Russia?

(a) Tsar

(b) Duma

(c) Federation Council

(d) Latvia

Answer: Duma

(5) When was French Revolution Started?

(a) 1799

(b) 1889

(c) 2021

(d) 1789

Answer: 1789

(6) In 1911, a revolution took place in China under the leadership of Dr. Sun Yat-Sen against which dynasty?

(a) Yuan dynasty

(b) Ming Dynasty

(c) Manchu Dynasty

(d) Song Dynasty

Answer: Manchu Dynasty

(7) Where did the Second Continental held?

(a) California

(b) New York

(c) Philadelphia

(d) Washington D.C

Answer: Philadelphia

(8) By which treaty, England ratified the freedom of thirteen colonies?

(a) Treaty of Morocco

(b) Treaty of Paris

(c) Treaty of America

(d) Treaty of Spain

Answer: Treaty of Paris

(9) Who became the head of Chinese Republic after the death of Dr. Sun Yat-sen?

(a) Soong Mei-ling

(b) Chiang-Kai-shek

(c) Yuan ShiKai

(d) Mao Zedong

Answer: Chiang-Kai-shek

(10) Who was the First President of United States on America?

(a) Thomas Jefferson

(b) John Adams

(c)  Benjamin Franklin

(d) George Washington

Answer: George Washington

Very Short answer type question-

(1) Who discovered America?

Answer: Christopher Columbus from Spain reached north America in 1492.

(2) Write the name of important leaders, who liberated native American nations from the European powers?

Answer: The name of important leaders, who liberated native American nations from the European powers are-

  • Jose De San Martin
  • Fransisco Miranda
  • Simon Bolivar

(3) What are the important demands put forward by Bolsheviks and soviets after February revolution?

Answer: Important Demands put forward by Bolsheviks and soviets after February revolution were-

  • Withdraw Russia from First World War.
  • Seize the lands owned by the lords and distribute them among the farmers.
  • Make factorize public property.

(4) Write important ideologies of Dr. Sun Yat Sen?


  • Nationalism – to except the Manchu dynasty and the imperial powers.
  • Democracy – to establish democratic rule.
  • Socialism – to Control capital and distribute land equally.

(5) Which were the aims of French Revolution?

Answer: The following were the aims of French Revolution-

  • Growth of middle class.
  • Protect of human rights.
  • Ensure liberty, equality and fraternity.
  • End of autocratic rule in France.

(6) What Chinese items were in demand all over the world?

Answer: Answer: Chinese silk, tea, and earthenware were the items that were in demand all over the Europe.

(7) What are the ideologies of the American war of independence that are reflected in constitution of India?


  • Fundamental Rights.
  • Concept of Federal System.
  • Concept of republic form of government.

Short answer type question-

(1) Why the revolution that held in 1900 in China is known as Boxers rebellion?

Answer: The Manchu Dynasty favored the foreign interference and domination in China. And in 1900 some secret organizations in China revolted against the Manchu dynasty. The emblem of these organizations was the Boxer’s fist. So that’s why this revolution that held in China is also known as Boxer Rebellion.

(2) Prepare a timeline on the various events to the American war of independence?


  • 1773 – Boston Tea Party
  • 1774 – First Continental Congress
  • 1775 – Second Continental Congress
  • 1776 – Declaration of Independence
  • 1781 – End of war between England and colonies
  • 1783 – Treaty of Paris

(3) Write a short note about the First Continental Congress?

Answer: First Continental Congress was summoned to protest against the policies and rules implemented by England.

It was held at Philadelphia in 1774.

People of colonies submitted a petition to the king of England.

They demanded a revocation of the regulations enforced on industry and commerce and not to impose tax without approval of the people.

But the king sent a military force to suppress the people.

This led to the war between England and the colonies

(4) Explain the results of Russian revolution?

Answer: The results of Russian revolution are as follows-

  • Russia withdraws from first world war
  • Seized out the and distributed among the peasants
  • Gave importance to public sector.
  • Introduced centralized planning.
  • Achieved developments in the field of science, technology and economy
  • New constitution came in to force in 1924
  • Union of soviet socialist republic was formed by consolidating different soviet republics
  • Spread the socialist idea all over the world.

(5) ”American war of independence was a movement of the English against England” Substantiate the statement?


From 17th Century onwards people of England migrated to north America.

By 18th century England had established 13 colonies is thew eastern coast of north America.

The British treated these colonies as centers for collecting raw materials for their industry and as market for selling their products.

People of colonies protested against the policies and rules of British and it led to American war of independence against England.

(6) What is mercantilism? And How mercantilist laws affected the American colonies?

Answer: Mercantilism is an economic policy that is designed to maximize the exports and minimize the imports for an economy.

The laws that affected the American Colonies if several ways-

(1) It destructed the domestic production.

(2) Import Tax led to price hike.

(3) Stamp duty curtailed the rights of the people.

(4) Through these laws America was totally exploited by the English merchants.

Long Answer Type Question-

(1) Prepare a note about the causes of French Revolution?


Social Cause: French society was divided in it three estates

  • First Estate: Clergy – held vast land-exempted from taxes collected tax from farmers-controlled higher positions.
  • Second Estate; Nobles- engage in military service exempted from taxes-led luxurious life-collected tax from farmers.
  • Third Estate: Middle class – no role in administration-paid land tax-low social status- paid taxes to clergy and nobles.

Similar to French society, states general also had three Estates Traditionally each Estate would vote as a group and had one vote.

Nobles and clergy could always overrule the third Estate.

The third Estate demanded individual vote for each member of the three Estates.

(2) Analyse the circumstances that led to form a provisional government in Russia?


Workers organizations called “the soviets” were formed all over Russia to conduct strikes.

Ignoring the protests, Nicholas 2 decided to participate in the first world war.

Lot of Russian soldiers were killed in this war and food shortage became severe.

Thousands of women marched along the streets of Petrograd on 8th march 1917.

The soldiers also joined with the farmers and workers, due to the tragic experience during first world war.

The workers captured Petrograd and Nicholas 2 was thrown out of power.

A provisional government was formed Under Alexnader Kerensky, the Menshevik leader.

This event is known as February Revolution.

(3) Prepare a note on the role played by Mao Zedong to make China a republic?

Answer: Chiang-Kai-shek ascertained military autocracy in China.

He gave opportunity for foreign powers to freely interfere in China, and did not co-operate with the communists.

The communists protested against the policies of Chiang Kaishek and they were brutally suppressed

In 1934, under the leadership of Mao Zedong, a journey started from Kiangsi in south China and ended in Yunan in north western China

Throughout the journey they seized out agricultural land and villages from lords and distributed them among the farmers.

The journey covered around 12000 kms. So, it is known as the ‘Long March’.

Hence Mao Zedong and the Communist Party became the symbol of struggle of the Chinese against foreign power.

Chiang Kai-Shek had to seek political asylum in Taiwan, when the Red Army of Mao Zedong captured the center of Kuomintang rule.

China became the People’s Republic of China on 1st October 1949 under the leadership of Mao Zedong.

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