Kerala scert std7- Keep Your Eyes Open-Activities and answers



Keep Your Eyes Open-Activities and answers-keral scert std 7

Activity 2
2. Now, let’s examine the ending of the story. Can you think of a different ending to the story? Here are two different endings. Add a few more endings in the space provided.
For saving them, the other animals rewarded the fox.
For saving them, the other animals rewarded the fox. As the fox stood there talking, the lion stealthily came out and killed him. 'Mind yourself before you mind others,' the lion told the fox.
Activity 3
A story can be developed collectively. Let’s participate in the act of developing a story based on the answers to a few questions.
1) The story is about a king and a queen. Where did they live? 
(in a castle/in a palace/in a mansion/in a stately home) 
2) The king and the queen had a daughter. 
a. What was her name? 
b. How did she look like? 
3) What was the attitude of the princess? 
(always sad /happy/gloomy/lively) 
4) The queen offered something as a reward. What was it? 
(a ring/gold coins/a sack of rice/…) 
5) What did the musician play on? 
(a flute/a guitar/a harmonium/a piano) 
6) What did the fairy and the joker do?
 (The fairy cast a magic spell/blessed her/…) 
The joker told jokes/did a somersault/…) 
7) There was a young man in the story. What was he? 
(a teacher/a musician / a wrestler) 
8) The boy in the story had a pet. What was it? 
(a cat/a dog/a squirrel / a parrot / a bear) 
9) What happened when the princess saw the pet? 
10) Who won the prize? 
(the cat/the dog/the squirrel/the parrot/the bear/no one)
1. in a castle 2. a. Jane b. beautiful 3. always sad 4. a ring 5. a flute 6. The fairy cast a magic spell The joker told jokes 7. a musician 8. a bear 9. happy 10. the bear.

Activity 4
4. Now, write a story and give it a suitable title. The beginning of the story is given. Once upon a time, there was a king and a queen. .................................................... 
Once upon a time there was a king and a queen. They lived in a lovely golden castle. They had a very beautiful daughter named Jane. But Jane was always very unhappy. Nobody knew why she was sad. She never laughed or smiled. Both the king and the queen were quite worried about their daughter. One day, the queen offered a golden ring to the person who could make Jane happy. A musician came and played the flute, a fairy cast a magic spell, and a joker came and cracked jokes, but none of them could make her smile or laugh. 
 As days passed, a young musician came to work at the queen's castle. He was accompanied by his little bear. The bear was extraordinarily brilliant and he captured everyone's heart. One day, while Jane was standing at the balcony of the castle, she happened to see the bear. She was happy to see the bear's pranks. She started to laugh wholeheartedly. The Queen was happy to see her daughter laugh. She kept her promise by rewarding the bear with a golden ring!
Activity 5
A story is given in a jumbled order. Rewrite the story in the correct sequence
A big bad wolf saw the first and second pigs, and decided to make a meal of them. 
 Now, the two little pigs were terrified, and they ran to the third pig's house. 
 Even though the pigs tried to hide in their house, the wolf blew it down in minutes. 
 The wolf tried to huff and puff the house down, but he could not, and he died in the attempt. 
 The third pig worked hard all day, and built his house strong with bricks. 
 The first and the second pigs were lazy, and they built their houses very quickly with straw. 
The two little pigs, now, felt sorry for being so lazy. They too built their houses with bricks, and lived happily ever after.
Once there lived three little pigs. The first and the second pig were lazy and built their houses very quickly with straw. However, the third little pig worked hard all day and built a strong house with bricks. One day, a big bad wolf saw the first and second pigs and decided to make a meal of them. 

 They felt scared, so they ran into the straw house. Even though the pigs tried to hide in their house, the wolf blew it down in minutes. Now, the two little pigs were terrified and they ran to the third pig's house. Though the wolf tried to huff and puff the house down, he could not and he died in the attempt. The two little pigs now felt sorry for being so lazy. They too built their houses with bricks, and lived happily ever after.
Activity 6
6. Look at the picture and complete the story given below.
jobsandjoys std 7 activities

One morning, a fox was walking through the woods. He was looking for something tasty to eat. Soon, his nose picked up a scent: a scent of something very sweet. He stood still and sniffed the air. The fox didn’t have to wait long to find out what it was. A crow was sitting on a branch high up in a tree, and, in its beak, was the biggest piece of cheese he’d ever seen. ..................................................................
One morning, a fox was walking through the woods. He was looking for something tasty to eat. Soon, his nose picked up a scent: a scent of something very sweet. He stood still and sniffed the air. The fox didn't have to wait long to find out what it was. A crow was sitting on a branch high up in a tree, and in its beak was the biggest piece of cheese he'd ever seen. He thought for a while. Soon, an idea struck him. He decided to flatter the crow and therefore, began to praise him. He told the crow, "You are such a pretty and clever bird! If only you could sing as beautifully!" Now, the crow was very proud. He wanted to show the fox that he could sing very well. So he opened his mouth to sing, and lo! The piece of cheese fell to the ground. The fox laughed at the crow and picked up the cheese and ate it hungrily. Too late the crow realised that one should not be vain.
Activity 7
7. Look at the cartoons. Fill in the bubbles and frame a story. The beginning of the story is given.


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