

1 ) What is crop rotation?
• Crop rotation- Cultivating a different crop instead of the crop cultivated earlier is called crop rotation.

 Eg: cultivation of Tapioca in the field after the rice crop

2 ) What is integrated farming?

• It Is a farming system with simultaneous activities Involving crop and animal .The farming components support each and reduces the external Inputs.
eg : The paddy can be provided as fodder for cows whereas the cow dung can be used as fertilizer for crops

3 ) What are lntercrops ?

•  lntercrop -Short term crops cultivated among the main crop in such a way that they do not harm the main crop are called lntercrops. They help In maintaining soil fertility.

4 ) Which other crops do we cultivate than food crops?
•Cotton, jute, tea

5 ) Examples of  bio-fertilizers?
• Cow dung, compost manure, fish manure

6 ) Write examples for plants formed through sexual reproduction and
vegetative propagation.

Sexual reproduction:

Peas, Green chilly, Tomato, Pumpkin,

Vegetative propagation:

Potato, Sweet Potato, Garlic, Ginger, Rose

7 ) What is layering and the features  of layering?
• The development of root on a stem while the stem is still attached to the parent plant is called layering.

The features are:

• Most of the plants can be grown this way.
• Plants formed from layering will be of smaller size & do not have much life span.

8 ) What are the factors to be considered for getting a good yield
besides nurturing?

The other factors to be considered are:
• Fertile soil
• Favourable climate
• Quality seeds and planting materials,

9 ) Which stage is suitable for collecting seeds – the first formed mid formed or those formed, at the  end of its, growing stage?

Seeds, must be collected from fruits that form in the mid span.

10 ) Differentiate between sexual reproduction and vegetative propagation’?
• The formation of seedlings from seeds is by sexual reproduction.
• The formation of new plantlets from parts like root, stem and leaf is called vegetative propagation.

11 ) Which of the following activities increases the fertility of soil?

a. Repeating the same cultivation.

b.  Leaving agricultural remains on soil.

c. Burning agricultural remains after drying

d. Removing agricultural  remains and cleaning the land.

12 ) Which of the following statements is true of grafted mango tree? (unstriked are true)

 Has greater life span.
 Requires less nurturing.
• Yields in a short span of time.
• Has high disease resistance.

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