The Last Leaf Textual Questions and Answers


 The Last Leaf Activities Kerala Syllabus 9th Question 1. (Page 123-128)

What added to the interest of G Greenwich village?
The old and dirty buildings and apartments and the Bohemian life added to the interest of Greenwich village.

The Last Leaf Textual Questions Kerala Syllabus 9th Question 2.
Identify an instance of personification in the story. What effect does this have?
“In November, a cold, unseen stranger whom the doctors called pneumonia, stalked about the city, touching one here and one there with his icy finger,” is an instance of personification. The personification makes pneumonia a living character, waiting to attack human beings.

9th Class English The Last Leaf Kerala Syllabus Question 3.
Do you think the doctor’s medication would really help Johnsy? Give reasons.
No, Johnsy has already decided that she’s not going to get well. Medication will not help if we don’t have the mental strength and hope to get well.

9th Class English Notes Kerala Syllabus Question 4.
What aspects other than medicines can help a patient recover from a serious illness?
The Last Leaf Questions and Answer:
Willpower, faith, hope and confidence are aspects other than medicines that can help a patient recover from a serious illness.

The Last Leaf Questions And Answers Pdf Kerala Syllabus 9th Question 5.
Why did Sue go to Johnsy’s room whistling? What message does her action convey?
To instill confidence in Johnsy. The message is, “You will be soon alright, Johnsy, be cheerful.”

9th Standard English Notes Kerala Syllabus Question 6.
What does the expression ‘counting backward’ reveal about Johnsy’s state of mind?
The expression ‘counting backward’ reveals Johnsy’s pessimism.

9th Class English Textbook Answers Kerala Syllabus Question 7.
“There goes another’’. How did Johnsy correlate the leaves with her own life?
She believed that she would die when the last leaf fell.

The Last Leaf 9th Class Kerala Syllabus Question 8.
“I’d rather stay here with you,” says Sue to Johnsy. What does it tell us about their relationship?
It tells us that their friendship is deep and strong.

The Last Leaf Summary In Malayalam 9th Question 9.
Why do you think O.Henry portrayed Behrman as a pathetic, old, unsuccessful artist?
Henry portrays Behrman in such a way to evoke sympathy for the character and to make him immortal.

The Last Leaf Questions And Answers Kerala Syllabus 9th Question 10.
Identify the expression which suggests that Behrman loved Sue and Johnsy a lot?
The expression ‘ a watchdog and protector’ suggests that Behrman loved Sue and Johnsy a lot.

Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard English Notes  Question 11.
WhatwastheblankcanvasinBehrman’sstudio waiting for?
The blank canvas was waiting for his promised masterpiece.

English 9th Class Notes Kerala Syllabus Question 12.
Why did Sue and Behrman look at the vine fearfully’?
Johnsy related her death with the falling leaves of the vine. So Sue and Behrman looked at it fearfully.

The Last Leaf Class 9 Questions And Answers Kerala Syllabus Question 13.
Why does the author call Johnsy ‘merciless’?
The author calls Johnsy ‘merciless’ because she wants to die and not to live in this beautiful world.

The Last Leaf Question Answer Kerala Syllabus 9th Question 14.
How did the last leaf on the vine affect Johnsy?
The last leaf made her understand that it was a sin to want to die.

Kerala Syllabus 9th Std English Notes  Question 15.
Soon after Johnsy started showing signs of recovery, she expressed her wish to paint the Bay of Naples. What does it tell us about her?
It tells us that she is a creative artist and wants to reach lofty heights.

Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard English Guide Pdf Question 16.
Why didn’t the last ivy leaf flutter or move?
The last leaf didn’t flutter or move because it wasn’t a real one, but a painting by Behrman.

Let’s revisit and reflect (Page 138)

Last Leaf Question Answer Kerala Syllabus 9th Question 1.
What is the role of a patient’s conviction/willpower in the process of getting cured of a disease? Do you think it has a positive role? Why?
Conviction and willpower play a very prominent and positive role in a patient’s life. They, along with hope and confidence, raise a patient’s spirits and will help him/her to overcome the disease. Many prominent persons have successfully fought, even terminal diseases, with their will power. For a sound body,
one needs a sound mind.

The Last Leaf Story Questions And Answers Kerala Syllabus Question 2.
Do you think Behrman drew the leaf knowing well that he was risking his own life? Give reasons.
Behrman always called himself as a watchdog and protector of the two artists. It was very difficult for him to understand the uncanny belief of Johnsy and he was very concerned. Outside, it was raining heavily and there was every possibility that he would get Pneumonia. Still, he risked his life because he wanted Johnsy to live.

Question 3.
Do you think the painting was Behrman’s masterpiece? Substantiate. What message does it convey?
Yes, the painting was Behrman’s masterpiece. It was not a mere painting, but a life saving one as it transformed Johnsy to a woman who wants to live and not die. It is indeed a masterpiece as it gave life to someone.

The Last Leaf Additional Questions

a) Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow.
“One morning instead of one in ten” (pages 132- 133)

Question 1.
Why did the doctor go to Sue’s apartment?
Johnsy was infected with Pneumonia.

Question 2.
Why did the doctor give one in ten chance to Johnsy?
Johnsy had already decided that she was not going to get well. That was why the doctor rated her chances of survival as very thin.

Question 3.
Complete the sentence:
The curative power of medicines increases by 50 percent
If the patient has a positive mind.

Question 4.
What according to the doctor, would improve the chances of Johnsy to survive?
If she had the desire to live, that would improve her chances of survival.

Question 5.
Pick out an idiom from the passage that means ‘decided’
The idiom is: made up one’s mind.

b) Read the excerpt given below and answer the questions that follow:
“To Greenwich village…. opposite building” (Page 123)

Question 1.
The word ‘Bohemian’ means:
a) a person who is hardworking and forthright.
b) a person who is interested in art and lives in a very informal way.
c) a person who leads a country life,
b) a person who is interested in art and lives in a very informal way.

Question 2.
Why did the two artists come to New York?
a) They wanted to join an art school.
b) They came as tourists.
c) They came for making a living.
c) They came for making a living.

Question 3.
Why does the author say that the old and dirty apartments added interest to the place?
It was a place frequented by artists and for the artists, old and dirty places have more artistic elements in them.

Question 4.
Whose ‘icy finger’ is mentioned here?
a) Sue’s
b) Johnsy’s
c) Pneumonia’s
c) Pneumonia’s

Question 5.
“In November, a cold, unseen stranger, whom the doctors called pneumonia….”.What figure of speech is used by the author here?
The author personifies pneumonia here. The figure of speech is called personification.

Question 6.
Identify the word that means to follow an animal or person as closely as possible without being seen or heard” from the passage.
The word‘stalk’

c) Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow.
“Sue found Behrman…. strange ideas”

Question 1.
Where did Sue find Behrman?
Sue found Behrman in his poorly-lighted studio.

Question 2.
What was waiting for the promised masterpiece by Behrman?
The blank canvas

Question 3.
Sue told Behrman of ‘Johnsy’s Fancy’. What was Johnsy’s Fancy?
Johnsy’s fancy was when the last leaf of the ivy. vine fell, she would die too.

Question 4.
How does the author describe Johnsy here?
The author describes Johnsy as ‘light and fragile as a leaf.

Question 5.
Identify the expression that shows Behrman’s love for Johnsy.
The expression “Oh, that poor little Miss Johnsy

Activity 1 (page 138) 

Question 1.
Now that you have read the story ‘The Last Leaf’, complete the story map given below.


Activity 2 (page 139)

Sue and Behrman have different character traits, yet they have something in common. Fill in the character indication maps given below, using words that describe the characters and their actions and then quote sentences from the story to justify your words.
9th Class English The Last Leaf Kerala Syllabus

The Last Leaf Questions And Answers Pdf Kerala Syllabus 9th

AmbitiousHe always talked about the great masterpiece he was going to paintThe Blank Canvas
Kind and considerateHe scolded Sue when he heard about John’s strange idea. He posed as a model for SueWhy do you., into her mind? 

Oh… little Miss Johnsy

selfless/sacrificialHe risked his own life to save Johnsy’s life.Mr. Berman died ….last leaf fell
fiercely protectiveHe regarded himself as a watch­dog and protector for the young artist, of whom he was very fond.He regarded himself as a watchdog
FearfulHe looked at the ivy vine fearfullyHe looked at the ivy vine fearfully

Write a paragraph comparing and contrasting the characters.
Sue and Behrman in the story The Last Leaf are kind and considerate characters who always think about the well being of their friend, Johnsy. Pneumonia has cast a shadow over the dreams of Johnsy. But Sue somehow wanted to keep her spirits alive. Johnsy correlates the falling of leaves of the ivy vine with her life and believes that the falling of last leaf means her death is near. Sue finds her argument foolish and wants Johnsy to promise not to look at the ivy vine. She is quite sensitive because she cries after listening to the doctor’s words. She whistles and puts up a happy face in front of Johnsy.

Even old Behrman is quite kind and considerate and reveals his genuine affection for Johnsy when he says, “Oh, that poor little Miss Johnsy”. His fiercely protective nature is quite clear when he scolds Sue for filling Johnsy’s mind with silly ideas. Although Sue and Behrman put up brave faces, both have fear about Johnsy’s condition. Both the characters are quite selfless and sacrificial. Sue sacrifices money and time to save Johnsy, whereas Behrman risks his own life and succeeds in saving Johnsy’s life. Both of them stand tall as symbols of hope, friendship and sacrifice and we cannot but admire them.

Activity – 3 (page 140)

How can we make a greeting card?

  • Fold a piece of paper in half
  • Decide on a feature for the card ( a picture, drawing or photograph)
  • Think about a design for your chosen feature.
  • Write your greeting, preferably on the outer page. Write your message inside the card.

Activity – 4 (Page 140)

What is comic strip?
A series of cartoon drawings that tell a story or part of a story is called a comic strip. It is often serialised, with the text in balloons and captions.

Develop the conversations between Sue and Johnsy
SUE: How are you? Have you been coughing a lot? Have you taken your medicine?
JOHNSY : Oh! I think it’s of no use. My cough is killing me.
SUE: What are you looking at?
JOHNSY : ……………………………………………………………………
SUE : ……………………………………………………………………
JOHNSY : ……………………………………………………………………
SUE : ……………………………………………………………………
JOHNSY : ……………………………………………………………………
SUE: Stop having unnecessary thoughts. Sleep well.
Sue: How are you? Have you been coughing a lot? Have you taken your medicine?
Johnsy : Oh! I think it’s of no use. My cough is killing me.
Sue: What are you looking at?
Johnsy : At the ivy vine leaves.
Sue: What have ivy leaves to do with you?
Johnsy : When the last leaf falls, I will also die.
Sue: Die! Please don’t be silly and foolish.
Johnsy : I want to see the last leaf fall. Then I’ll go too.
Sue: Stop having unnecessary thoughts. Sleep well

Panel Two:

Johnsy is wearing a blue coat. She is sitting on the bed near the window. A green bed sheet is used to cover the bed. Sue is wearing a blue coat and is standing next to her. On the top left-hand side, a blue curtain is seen hanging on a half-open window. A long shadow on the wall is created by the sunlight that creeps in through the window. A table lamp is kept on a red box beside the bed. A picture of a comic figure is seen hanging on the wall.

Panel Three:

Caption :-
Sue looks at Johnsy anxiously. Johnsy is looking at the ivy vine outside.
Picture :-
Johnsy is wearing a blue overcoat and she is looking at the ivy vine leaves outside curiously. She covers her body using the green bed sheet. Sue, who is also wearing a blue overcoat, is looking anxiously at her. The window is completely open and a blue curtain is hanging on its side. Through the window, we can see an ivy vine with a few leaves. One leaf is on the way down. The room is completely lit by sunlight.

Sue: What are you looking at?
Johnsy : At the ivy vine leaves.
Sue: What have ivy leaves to do with you?
Johnsy : When the last leaf falls, I will also die.

Before preparing the comic strip, prepare a description of the picture. The description should be comprehensive. Pay attention to the minute details.

Activity – 5 (Page 142)

The Last Leaf Comic Strip Question 1.

What are the features of a Radio Play? Discuss.

  • A radio play has scenes like a stage play. But unlike stage plays, a scene has to be more crisp and brief.
  • Scenes of radio’s play should differ in pace and length. Use a variety of backgrounds, scene lengths, and sound effects to sustain the attention of the readers.
  • Have a good beginning, middle, and end. Also, use the element of surprise.
  • Understand your characters well. Each one should have a distinct speech mannerism. Let not all of them speak in the same type of voice.
  • Remember, that a listener knows the existence I of a character only if he/she speaks or if another character refers to him or her by name.
  • Use the four building blocks- speech, sound effects, music, and silence.
  • Make your writing radiophonic. In a radio play, expressions like ‘Ramu pats on his back’ will not work. Change it to, maybe,’ Congratulations’.

Question 2.
Which of the following elements are related to a radio play? Put a tick mark against the appropriate ones.
9th Standard English Notes Kerala Syllabus

  1. Sound effects
  2. Clearstory line
  3. Crisp dialogues
  4. Sound modulations
  5. Background music
  6. Effective narration
  7. Catchy introduction

The Last Leaf Activities Question 3.

Prepare the script of a radio play for the following event and perform it.
An imaginary conversation between Johnsy and Pneumonia, Radio Play


(Music, quite soft in tune)

Many people who were interested in art came to Greenwich village. There came Joanna. But everyone called her Johnsy. She met Sue over some snack in a restaurant on Eighth street. Both found they shared the same taste in art, Jane Austen novels and they became thick friends. That was in May. (Wind sound effects accompanied by the sounds of owl, crickets indicating a bad omen)

In November, the red-fisted, cold Mr. Pneumonia visited the city looking for prey. He found the thin fragile looking Johnsy and decided to touch her with his cold fingers. Lying on her bed, Johnsy saw the scary figure of Pneumonia in front of her and she talks to him.

Johnsy : Who are you? Why do you look so scary?
Pneumonia: I am Pneumonia. Do I look scary? Who are you?
Johnsy : Yes, you do. I am Johnsy. Tell me, why are you here?
Pneumonia: Ha, ha, ha! Why am I here? I am here to take people out of their troubles.
Johnsy : So, are you a representative of God? But angels look divine and you do not.
Pneumonia: No, God saves life and I, the representative of Satan, take lives.
Johnsy : You are going to kill me, aren’t you?
Pneumonia: Kill you? Well, I am going to pass my germs to your body, that’s all.
Johnsy : What will happen to me, then?
Pneumonia: I decided to infect you because you look mentally weak. Your mental state will kill or save you.
Johnsy : No, no, please don’t, don’t, don’t.

Her voice became weak as Pneumonia infected her. She started looking through the blank wall of the opposite building. Slowly she started to correlate her life with the falling of leaves from the ivy vine. And she began her slow, but painful wait for death.

The Last Leaf Additional Discourses

The Last Leaf Class 9 Solutions Question 1.

Sue wrote a letter about the events that unfolded in her apartment to one of her friends, Susan. Write the likely letter.
Dear Susan,
How are you? I hope you are in fine health and spirits. Did you enjoy your vacation? How are your parents? Are they OK now?
Dear, last two weeks witnessed many dramatic events at our apartments. I would like to share with you the event that ended in a bitter-sweet note. You know, my friend Johnsy was infected with Pneumonia. Then, she developed a strange fancy. She started correlating her life with the fall of the leaves from a decayed ivy vine outside. I tried to revive her dying spirits but failed. I conveyed this to old Behrman.

You know him, don’t you? We had some chat about him. I told you, how he protected us and cared for us. You know what he did. He braved the bad weather and drew the last leaf on the wall- a real masterpiece. When Johnsy saw the last leaf still there, she understood that it was a sin to want to die and she recovered. But unfortunately, my heart breaks when I write about this. Our old friend Behrman died of pneumonia within two days. His was a rare, but real sacrifice. Now Johnsy is getting ready to paint the Bay of Naples. In a tribute of Behrman, we are planning to conduct an exhibition at the ‘Grand Hall’ next week. Please be there. Convey my regards to everyone at home. I am eager to hear about your vacation. Do reply and be at the Grand Hall for the exhibition.
With love,

Chapter the Last Leaf Question 2. Many critics say that O. Henry’s The Last Leaf abounds in themes. Prepare a write-up on the themes of the story.
O. Henry, the master storyteller, injects several themes into his beautiful story The Last leaf. It is a story of hope, optimism, love, friendship, and sacrifice. Hope is one of the major themes in The Last Leaf. In fact, the whole Universe runs with the idea of hope. When it is deserted, people die and when it is there, they live. The last leaf on the ivy vine signifies life. Leaf is the hope of life for a tree or plant. When Johnsy sees the painted leaf against the wall, she regains hope and says, “It is a sin to want to die” and recovers. The theme of optimism and love is symbolically presented in the story.

O. Henry tries to convey that optimistic attitudes will help us to live our life better. Johnsy embodies pessimism when she says,” when the last one falls I must go, too”. Sue consoles Johnsy and stands as symbol of optimism. It is her words full of optimism that keep Johnsy going. It is through them that O. Henry brings in the theme of friendship. Sue, as a friend, sacrifices her time and money for Johnsy. She says,” I’d rather stay here with you”. When her efforts don’t work, she seeks Behrman’s help. Sue is a symbol of true friendship.

It appears that O. Henry has a penchant for the theme ‘Sacrifice’. He brings in this theme in two of his most popular stories The Last Leaf and ‘The Gift of the Magi’. In The Last Leaf, it is Mr. Behrman who gives up his life to help Johnsy live. In’ The Gift of the Magi’, Della and Jim sacrifice their prized possessions for each other’s happiness. O. Henry seems to suggest we should make small sacrifices almost every day to make this world a better place to live in.

The Last Leaf can be regarded as O. Henry’s, masterpiece. He portrays characters that have true human strengths and weaknesses, characters we can easily identify with. Thus his world becomes our world and his stories become our stories.

Language Activities

“Grammar is to a writer what anatomy is to a sculptor or the scales to a musician. You may loathe it, it may bore you, but nothing will replace it, and once mastered it will support you like a rock.” – Beatrice Joy Chute

Activity -1 (Page 144)

a) Read the following sentences.

1. I can walk hundreds of kilometers without being tired.
2. I walked through the jungle without being tired.

Question 1.
What difference do you notice between these two sentences?
Write your ideas here:
1. In the first sentence, the speaker talks about her ability to walk kilometers without being tired.
2. In the second sentence, the speaker states that she walked through the jungle without being tired.
‘Can’ implies possibility or ability

b) Study the conversation between Juliane and her mother carefully.
Juliane: Mother, shall we go now? It’s already late. We may miss the flight.
Mother: The baggage is very heavy, Juliane. Could you help me?
Juliane: Don’t worry, mom. I can carry the baggage.
Mother: It might rain today. You had better take two umbrellas.
Juliane: I’ll do that. Anything else?
Mother: May I ask John also to join us at Pucallpa? He can cook quite well.
Juliane: We mustn’t disturb John. I can manage that. We must
report at the reception at 11 a.m. Please hurry up.
Mother: OK, let’s leave.

Now, pick out suitable sentences from the conversation and write according to the pattern given below. One is done for you
9th Class English Textbook Answers Kerala Syllabus

Abilitylean manage that.canmanage
PermissionMay I ask John also to join us at Pucallpa?mayask
RequestCould you help me?couldhelp
OfferI can carry the luggagecancarry
PredictingIt might rain today.mightrain
Obligation/ CompulsionWe must report at the reception at 11 am.mustreport

Additional Material:
Ram: Ashraf, will the maths teacher come today? She might be on leave.
Ashraf: She is not. Can we solve the two problems now?
Ram: Yes, we can solve them.
Ashraf: Ram, Ashok may need some help. Could we help him?
Ram: We mustn’t do that. He might not learn on his own then.
Ashraf: I feel thirsty. Shall we go to the Cafeteria now?
Ram: We’ll go there.

We normally use modal auxiliaries to express:
i) Certainty
Eg: 1) Things will become all right.
2) She must be agile.

ii) Obligation
Eg: 1) Participants must register in the registration form.

iii) Possibility
Eg: Kiran may build a new house.

iv) permission (can, could, may, might)
Eg: 1) You may use the phone.
2) Could you come in fora minute?

v) ability (can, could)
Eg: 1) Raoji can speak many languages.
2) I could reach there by bus.

vi) request
Eg: 1) Could you give ten rupees?

vii) advice
Eg: 1) You are in trouble. You shouldn’t do that.

c) Sue meets the doctor who treats Johnsy and asks about her illness and the doctor gives her some suggestions. Certain instructions and questions from their conversation are given below.
1. Shall I meet Johnsy, doctor?
2. She thinks that she is not going to get well.
3. Johnsy can recover soon.
4. Can I give her some milk?
5. She needs rest.
6. She may like your company.
7. I can give her medicines at the right time.
8. She likes to draw pictures.
9. She might be ready now.
10. May I take her for a walk?
Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard English Solutions Unit 4 Chapter 3 The Last Leaf 8

Sentences stating a fact:Sentences indicating ability:Sentences showing possibility:Sentences seeking permission:
She needs rest.Johnsy can recover soon.She may like your company.Can I give her some milk?
She thinks that she is not going to get well.I can give her medicines at the right timeShe might be ready now.May I take her for a walk?
She likes to draw pictures.

Note: We use modal auxiliaries can, may and might to express ability, possibility, permission, etc.

d) The pictures given below have two possible interpretations. Guess what the pictures are. Use may, might, can, could.


  1. The first picture might be that of a duck, but it could also be a rabbit.
  2. The second picture may be that of a girl, but it could also be a plant.
  3. The third picture might be that of a monkey or it might be that of a tree.
  4. The fourth picture could be that of a chalice (used by the catholic priests during the Holy Mass) or it might be that of a trophy.
  5. The fifth one can be read as Liar (a person who speaks lies) or it might be read as Lion written in a graphic way.

Activity – 2 (Page 147)

a) Look at the sentence from the story ‘The Last Leaf.’
“I’d rather stay here with you,” said Sue.
What does Sue mean by the statement?

b) Now, read the conversation given below.
Mary: Hi, John! Welcome to my house. What would you like to have,
tea or coffee?
John: I would rather have a cup of coffee.
John prefers coffee to tea.

c) Now, study the sentences given below and note the changes.
I would rather have apple juice.
I would prefer to have cold coffee.
1. After would rather, ‘to’ is not used.
2. Would prefer is followed by ‘to’

d) Some options are given in the box. Which of them would you prefer to do? Express your ideas using would rather… / would prefer…
(eat at home, hire a taxi, go alone, wait a few minutes, watch a film, go for a swim, stand, wait till later)
e.g. Do you want to eat now?
I would prefer to eat at home.
I would rather wait till later.

Question 1.
Would you like to watch TV?
i. I would prefer to watch a film.
ii. I would rather wait till later.

Question 2.
Shall we play football?
i. I would prefer to go for a swim.
ii. I would rather watch a film.

Question 3.
Would you like to sit for a while?
i. I would prefer to wait a few minutes.
ii. I would rather stand.

Question 4.
Could we watch a film?
i. Yes, I would prefer to watch a film.
ii. No, I would rather go for a swim.

e) Write a few things that you prefer to do during a weekend. Use ‘would rather’/ ‘prefer.’

  1. I would prefer to shop at Lulu Mall.
  2. I would rather watch football at Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium.
  3. I would prefer to go to Grandpa’s house.
  4. I would rather stay with my parents and enjoy the weekend.
  5. I would prefer to play cricket.
  6. I would rather sit at home and study.

We use ‘ would rather’ to talk about preferring one thing to another, ‘would rather is normally used in two ways.
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Activity – 3 (Page 148)

a) Read the sentence from the story ‘The Last Leaf.’
“She was looking out of the window, and counting-counting backward.”
The sentence can be divided into two simple sentences as below.
Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard English Solutions Unit 4 Chapter 3 The Last Leaf 11
Here and is used to connect two simple sentences

b) Study the use of ‘and’, ‘but’, & ‘or’ in the sentences given below.
1) John and Mary are writing a book.
2) Your book is on the table or in the drawer.
3) Mohan is poor but honest.
4) She danced beautifully but not very energetically.
5) Roy went to the beach but Irfan stayed at home.
In the first sentence, two noun phrases are linked using and.
Two prepositional phrases are linked using or in the second sentence

Examine the use of ‘but’ in the last three sentences. Discuss your findings.
My Findings:
In the last 3 sentences, ‘but’ is used because it connects ideas that do not go together.
In sentence 3, Mohan is poor but he is honest. Poverty and honesty often do not go together.
In sentence 4, she danced beautifully but not energetically. Her dance should have been energetic too.
In sentences, Roy went to the beach but Irfan Stayed
at home; two people doing two different things.

c) Now, construct sentences using ‘and’, ‘but’ or ‘or’ using the pattern below.
1. Noun phrase + Noun phrase
2. Prepositional phrase + Prepositional phrase
3. Adjective + Adjective
4. Adverbial + Adverbial
5. Sentence + Sentence

  1. Noun Phrase + Noun phrase – Mv son and my daughter love films.
  2. Prepositional phrase + Prepositional Phrase – Ramu can sit on the table or under it.
  3. Adjective + Adjective – Sania is kind but superstitious.
  4. Adverbial + Adverbial – He worked quickly and methodically.
  5. Sentence + Sentence -1 studied for the exams but he played outside.

d) Now, read the passage given below and study the use of ‘and’ ‘but’ & ‘or.’ Convert the sentence into simple sentences. One is done for you.
Granny could hear the distant roar of the river and smell the pine needles beneath her feet and feel the presence of her grandson, Mani, but she couldn’t see the river or the trees; and of her grandson she could only make out his fuzzy hair, and sometimes, when he was very close, his blackberry eyes and the gleam of his teeth when he smiled.
1. Granny could hear the distant roar of the river.
2. She could smell the pine needles beneath her feet.
3. She could feel the presence of her grandson, Mani.
4. She couldn’t see the river or the trees.
5. She could only make out the fuzzy hair of her grandson.
6. When he was very close, she could make out his blackberry eyes.
7. She could make out the gleam of his teeth when he smiled.

e) Read the passage given below and study the phrases given in bold.
Both Mr. and Mrs. John watch television regularly. So do their two children. They enjoy cartoons and wildlife programs. But both parents think that the children watch too much TV. Both children watch television for over four hours a day. Neither child reads very much. If Mrs. John asks either of the children to turn off the television, an argument will result. Neither Mr. John nor his wife knows what to do about their behavior. They can either ask the children to watch television less often or they can take away the television itself.
i. Both Mr. and Mrs. John watch television regularly.
ii. They can either ask the children to watch television less often or they can take away the television itself.
iii. Neither Mr. John nor his wife knows what to do

Question 1.
Now split the sentences into two


Mr. John watches television regularly.Mr. John watches television regularly.
They can ask the children to watch television less often.They can take away the television itself.
Mr. John doesn’t know what to do.Mr. John doesn’t know what to do.

Question 2.
Look at the table given below where the likes and dislikes of Ashok, Abraham, and Ashraf are given. Connect and compare them using and, but, neither…nor, either…or, or both
Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard English Solutions Unit 4 Chapter 3 The Last Leaf 13

  1. Both Ashok and Abraham like swimming.
  2. Neither Ashok nor Abraham likes cycling.
  3. Abraham likes fried rice but Asraf dislikes it.
  4. Ashok likes both football and boxing.
  5. Ashok likes swimming and wrestling.
  6. Both Ashraf and Ashok dislike Gobi Manchurian.
  7. Abraham likes boxing and swimming.
  8. Neither Abraham nor Ashraf like fried rice.


Conjunctions :
The word ‘conjunction’ means joining and that’s exactly what conjunctions do. They join words, phrases, clauses, and sentences. These are joiners.

Coordinating conjunctions :
They join equal parts in sentences, words, phrases or clauses. They are only seven and are often called ‘FANBOYS’.
FANBOYS – for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so –

Subordinating conjunctions :
They introduce a part of the sentence, called a dependent or subordinate clause, which holds a lesser meaning or enjoys a lesser status.
After, although, as, because, before, though, unless, if, since, when, whenever, while, whenever, whether. Eg: 1) Although John was ill, he went to play.

Correlative conjunctions :
Correlatives are pairs of related words. These conjunctions link grammatically equal elements and help us to write sound parallel constructions. Both…. and, not only…. but also, either… or, neither… nor, as…. as

1) When ‘both’ is used to link two noun phrases, it is followed by a plural verb.
Eg: Both Arun and Ashok are IAS aspirants.
2) When two nouns are combined using ‘either…or,
or neither…nor, the verb agrees with the second noun.
Eg: Neither the squirrel nor the rats disturb us.

  1. Both Ashok and Abraham like swimming.
  2. Neither Ashok nor Abraham likes cycling.
  3. Both Ashok and Abraham like football.
  4. Neither Ashok nor Abraham likes volleyball.
  5. Both Abraham and Ashraf like ice cream.
  6. Neither Ashok nor Abraham like fried rice.

Activity – 4 (Page 151)

Read the sentence from the narrative ‘The Jungle Air Crash.’
“I was so dizzy that after each step I had to rest.”

a) 1. Can you guess the meaning of the sentence? Write your ideas below.
The narrator had to rest after each step. Because he was too tired/giddy or unbalanced.

2. The narrator was dizzy. What happens as a result of that?
He had to rest after each step.

b) Now, read the following sentences.
The exam was so difficult that most of the students failed.
He was so weak that he had to be rushed to a hospital.
The tea is so hot that we cannot drink it.
He drove so fast that no one could overtake him

Question 1.
Write them in the table as shown below.


The exam was difficultMost of the student failed
He was very weakHe had to be rushed to the hospital
The tea is very hotWe cannot drink it
He drove very fastNo one could overtake him

c) Now, combine the following sentences using ‘so… that.’
1. The air was very turbulent. The plane started to move up and down.
2. Jungles are quite attractive. You forget the dangers lurking in them.
3. The men were extremely helpful. Juliane’s life was saved.
4. Behrman’s painting was absolutely realistic. It saved Johnsy’s life.

  1. The air was so turbulent that the plane started to move up and down.
  2. Jungles are so attractive that you forget the dangers lurking in them.
  3. The men were so helpful that Juliane’s life was saved.
  4. Behrman’s painting was so realistic that it saved Johnsy’s life.

Activity – 5 (Page 152)

b) Read the following passage:
I was traveling by train. As the weather was too hot, I was dressed in white. The person who sat next to me was reading a book. I asked him where he lived. He replied that he was an actor and returning after a stage performance.
Now, let’s analyze the first sentence “I was traveling by train.”
The preposition ‘by’ in the sentence comes before the noun ‘train.’
List the prepositions and write down the word classes that follow them


PrepositionsFollowed byWord class
inwhiteAdjective used as a noun
next tomepronoun
aftera stage performanceNoun phrase

c) Shanker is from Kannur. Last week, he went to Thiruvananthapuram. It was his first visit. Fill in the blanks with suitable words given in brackets.
(along, across, from, onto, to, round, in)
Shanker traveled _____ Kannur to Thiruvananthapuram ___ Janshatabhdi train. On the first day, he traveled _____ Thiruvananthapuram in a double-decker bus. Then he went ______ the Puthen Street looking at the shops. After that, he walked _______ the bridge to see the Padmanabha Swamy Temple. In the evening, he got ______ a speed boat at Veli. He returned______ Kannur the next day.
From, by, round, to, along, into, to

d) Read the description given below and draw a picture.
Reema’s family consists of her father, mother, two sisters, and a brother. Today is Reema’s birthday. The members of the family are sitting at the dining table. There are a variety of dishes on the table and the room is decorated with balloons and festoons. Reema’s mother is sitting next to her husband. Reema is sitting opposite her mother. Her brother Arun is standing behind his mother with a cake in his hand. It has a big candle on it. There are a few presents beside the table. Radhika, Reema’s sister is standing near the door to switch off the lights.
Draw a picture based on the description given.

e) Write a description of the room in the picture using suitable prepositions.

Kiran is sitting on a chair and working on his computer. A few books are lying on the table. Beside the table, on the right side, a small flower pot with a green plant is seen. In front of the table, a bag is lying on the floor. Kiran is quite engaged in his work. The door behind him is open and a shirt is hung on the door. A wardrobe made of wood is standing on the floor.

f) Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.
‘Send Me An Angel’:
The wise man said just walk this way
……… the dawn of the light
The wind will blow ……… your face
As the years pass you by
Hear this voice ……… deep inside
It’s the call ……… your heart
Close your eyes and you will find
The passage out of the dark

Here I am
Will you send me an angel?
Here I am
……… the land of the morning star
The wise man said just find your place
In the eye ……… the storm
Seek the roses ……… the way
Just beware ……… the thorns

Here I am
Will you send me an angel?
Here I am
In the land of the morning star

The wise man said just raise your hand
And reach out ……… the spell
Find the door ……… the promised land
Just believe ……… yourself

Hear this voice from deep inside
It’s the call of your heart
Close your eyes and you will find
The way out of the dark

Here I am
Will you send me an angel?
Here I am
In the land of the morning star
The Wiseman said just walk this way
To the dawn of the light
the wind will blow into your face
As the years pass’ you by
Hear this voice from deep inside
It’s the call of your heart
Close your eyes and you will find
The passage out of the dark

Here I am
Will you send me an angel?
Here I am
in the land of the morning star
The wise man said just find your place
In the eye of the storm
Seek the roses along the way
Just beware of the thorns

Here I am
Will you send me an angel?
Here lam
In the land of the morning star

The wise man said just raise your hand
And reach out for the spell
Find the door to the promised land
Just believe in yourself

Hear this morning star.
Listen to the song by ‘scorpions’ on Youtube. Listen to the song a couple of times so that you will get the prepositions right.

1. A preposition always pre-positions a noun, pronoun, or noun equivalent.
Eg: on the floor, into the water
2. When you have the word ‘to’ and a verb, you have the verbal infinitives and not a prepositional phrase.
Eg: to sit, to run

Activity – 6 (Page 155)

Let’s edit:

Read and edit the passage given below. The errors are given in bold letters. Juliane, along with her friends, board Lansa Flight 508 again to visit the crash site. In the plane, she sees two young men talking quite loudly. They talk very loudly that they disturb the other passengers. Neither the passengers nor the air hostess like their behavior. The air hostess politely said, “You would rather kept quiet and fasten your seat belts so that the plane can take off.”

Mistake — Corrections
1. board — boards
When we use connectors like ‘as well as’,’ along with’, ‘together with’, ’with’, ’in addition to’, ‘accompanied by’, ‘unlike’, etc, the verb agrees with the first noun.

2) in — on
When we refer to the mode of conveyance in general, we use ‘by’ along with car, bus, train, plane, etc. But when we specify the means of transport, we use ‘in’ with car and ‘on’ with bus, train, plane, etc.

3) very — so
The construction is so ……… that

4) like — likes
When we either…… or, neither……. nor, etc. to connect two nouns, the verb agrees with the second noun.

5) kept — keep
‘Would rather’ takes the base form of the verb.

Activity – 7 (Page 155)

c) Find other words beginning with ‘re-‘ and split them into two.
rebuild — re + build
1. recall – re + call
2. recapture – re + capture
3. recast – re + cast
4. recalculate – re + calculate

d) Here is a list of prefixes. Refer to a dictionary to find the meaning of each and write at least two words with each prefix.
Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard English Solutions Unit 4 Chapter 3 The Last Leaf 17

e) Read the following sentences.
i. Ravi has a keen sense of taste.
ii. John and Mary had a senseless argument.
In the first sentence, ‘sense’ is used to name one of Ravi’s abilities to react to something.
Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard English Solutions Unit 4 Chapter 3 The Last Leaf 19
Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard English Solutions Unit 4 Chapter 3 The Last Leaf 20

f) Complete the table by adding suitable prefixes and suffixes to the root word. Examine the changes in word-class by referring to a good dictionary


PrefixRoot wordsuffixNew word

Some Common prefixes, their meaning and examples
Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard English Solutions Unit 4 Chapter 3 The Last Leaf 22
There are five suffixes that we commonly use for artists. They are -ist, -er, -or, -ian
Art Form — Artist
Art — Artist
Sculpture — Sculptor/sculptress
Dance — Dancer
Poetry — Poetess/poet
Painting — Painter
Music — Musician
Fashion design — Fashion Designer
Movie making — Moviemaker
Novels — Novelist
Photography — Photographer
Cartoons — Cartoonist
Acting — Actor/actress
Animation — nimator
Direction — Director

Activity – 8 (Page 157)

a) Read the sentence given below from the narrative ‘The Jungle Air Crash’ and look at the words given in bold letters.
“Daddy, an ecologist, and Mother, an ornithologist, held professorships at San Marcos University in Lima, and we spent a lot of time in the jungle where they carried out the research.”
Let’s analyze the words.
1. ornith/ornithoid means bird.
2. ology means a subject of study
3. ist denotes a person who believes or practices something.
So an ornithologist is a person who studies about birds.
The word ‘eco’ means ‘connected’ with the environment.
You may guess the meaning of the word ecologist.

b) Now, read the following words and try to find their meanings, from a good dictionary.
1. anthropologist
2. dermatologist
3. cardiologist
4. entomologist
5. neurologist
6. ophthalmologist
7. psychologist
8. graphologist
9. biologist
anthropologist — One who scientifically studies humanity
entomologist — A scientist who studies insects
Psychologist — One who studies the human mind and human behavior.
dermatologist — One who scientifically studies and treats skin diseases.
neurologist — A doctor’ who studies and treats disease of the nerves
cardiologist — a doctor who specializes in medical problems related to heart.
biologist — a student of biology

c) Fill in the blanks, using the hints given.
1. Ravi has a special interest in insects and he is engaged in an in-depth study of the different varieties of insects. He is an ……………….
2. John treats heart disorders. He is a …………………
3. Shruti is engaged in research with respect to the development of the human race. She is an ………………
4. Mary takes care of diseases of the eye. She sometimes performs surgeries. Mary is an ………………
5. People with skin diseases flock to Dr. Varun’s clinic. He is a ……………
6. Rohan is an expert in the mysteries of the human mind. He is a ……………….
7. Rahul specializes in diseases related to the nervous system and the brain. He is a ……………..
8. Anil analyses the handwriting of people to determine their character or aptitudes. He is often consulted to verify the authenticity of signatures. He is a ………….
9. From a one-celled amoeba to the highly complex human being, Dilip always wants to know more about them. So he became a …………..
1) entomologist
2) cardiologist
3) anthropologist
4) ophthalmologist
5) dermatologic
6) psychologist
7) neurologist
8) graphologist
9) biologist

Some more words ending with ‘ologist’ and their meanings.
Phonplogist — A person who specializes in Phonology, the functional use of sounds in language.
Archaeologist — Someone who is skilled at the study of the past by excavation and analysis of its remains.
Ecology — a scholar of ecology- the branch of biology dealing with man’s relationship with the environment and with each other.
Gynecologist — A doctor who specializes in matters affecting the reproductive system.
Lexicologist — An expert in the art of linguistics that studies words, their nature and meaning
Oncologist — One who specializes in the treatment of tumors and cancerous diseases.
Meteorologist — One who is skilled in the study of the atmosphere and its phenomena, especially with weather and weather forecasting.

Activity – 9 (Page 158)

a) Read the following sentence from ‘The Jungle Air Crash’ and look at the word given in bold.
“Everything seemed quite normal — the takeoff, the climb over the snowcovered Andes, breakfast, the smiling stewardesses….”
A stewardess is a lady who serves passengers on a ship or an aircraft.

Ways of walking:
Stroll — to walk in a relaxed way
saunter — to walk in a slow and lazy manner
plod — to walk slowly with heavy steps
hobble — to walk slowly because you are tired
stagger — to walk unsteadily with your body moving from side to side.
tiptoe — to walk on your toes because you don’t want to make any noise.

b) Unscramble the words to identify the names of the profession.
1. Ravi is in charge of a museum. He is a c _ _ _ _ _r (ratorcu).
2. Mohan is interested in words and their meanings. He is now employed as a l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _r (xicograpleher).
3. Map-making is Ramu’s Job. He is a c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ r (togracarpher).
4. Srinath makes a living by making and repairing shoes. He is a c_ _ _ _ _ r (blercob).
5. Radhika likes to spend time with books. She got a job as a l_ _ _ _ _ _ _n (riabnarli).
6. John captures the audience’s attention by doing difficult and skillful things. He is an a_ _ _ _ _t (batacro).
7. Cutting precious stones is Thomas’ profession. He is a l_ _ _ _ _ _y (apliryda).
8. Rohan sells flowers. He is a f_ _ _ _ _ t (istrolf)

  1. curator
  2. lexicographer
  3. cartographer
  4. cobbler
  5. librarian
  6. acrobat
  7. lapidary
  8. florist

Words that denote professions/trades
1) Admiral — The commander of a fleet
2) Chauffeur — One who drives a car
3) Pharmacist — One who compounds and sell drugs
4) Journalist — One who writes for the newspaper
5) Astronomer — One who studies the stars..
6) One who designs plans for making/building something
7) Referee — The official in a sport who is expected to ensure fair play.
8) Psephologist — One who studies the pattern of voting in an election.
9) Radio Jockey — One who present a radio programme
10) Choreographer — One who teaches the art of dancing

Read more:
i) Juliane Koepcke’s ‘When I Fell From The Sky’
ii) O. Hentry’s stories

‘Brushing up on Grammar’ – by Joyce Armstrong Carroll and Edward E. Wison ‘Oxford Guide To Effective Writing’ – John Seely and speaking
‘Practical English Usage’ – Michael Swan

i) Watch animation/films on The Last Leaf’
ii) Watch ‘Wings of Hope’/’Miracle still Happen’ Films on Julliane Koepcke’s life.

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