The Happiness Machine Textual Questions and Answers Read and Respond


 The Happiness Machine Questions Answers Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Question 1.

What according to Huffman is the novel invention?
The novel invention is “The Happiness Machine”.

The Happiness Machine Summary Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Question 2.
What was the perplexing question forming in his mind?
The perplexing question forming in his mind was “Should the machine be something you carry in your pocket or something that carries you in its pocket?”

The Happiness Machine Lesson Plan Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Question 3.
Leo Huffman was carrying a dictionary when he went to talk to his wife. What is his intention behind it?
His intention is to get the right words for feelings associated with happiness.

Happiness Machine Lesson Plan Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Question 4.
“Do you think whether I am happy by doing all these household works?” What did Lena mean by that? Do you think she is really happy?
She means she is not happy doing all those household works. No, she is not really happy.

The Happiness Machine Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Question 5.
What made Lena freeze? What led to such a mishap?
Lena froze because she caught the burning smell from the kitchen. Her husband’s talk with her led to the mishap as her attention was diverted by the talk.

The Happiness Machine Notes Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Question 6.
Pick out the expressions which suggest Leo Huffman worked hard.
Clings, clangs, rings, beeps; sounds of toil echoed rhythmically from the garage. Those days were without food, rest and sleep.

The Happiness Machine Summary Pdf Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Question 7.
How did Lena respond when she heard that the Happiness Machine was ready?
She said that Leo had become thinner and their children had lacked his care. She said that man could not make such changes and he should stop working on such a

Happiness Machine Question Answer Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Question 8.
The garage grabbed the attention of even the birds and dogs. Why were they attracted to it?
They were attracted to it because the Happiness Machine produced sounds with all kinds of humming in varied frequencies.

The Happiness Machine Short Summary Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Question 9.
What made Lena think that the machine was worthless? How should the happiness machine be according to Lena?
Lena thought the machine worthless because if Leo died of overwork, she would be left alone with all the tedious household tasks. According to her, a happiness
machine should make old men young and her happy. It should be able to get all things done for the house, the kitchen and the children.

The Happiness Machine Summary In Malayalam Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Question 10.
Who was the first to test the machine? What was the effect of it?
Saul, Leo’s son, was the first to test the machine.
He went inside the machine but the machine became terribly hot. The Machine could not make him happy.

Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard English Notes  Question 11.
Why was Lena ready to try the machine?
Lena was ready to try the machine because she wanted to spare her children from being tested in the machine. She did not want them to get nightmares.

The Happiness Machine Pdf Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Question 12.
How did the machine behave when the button was pressed?
When the button was pressed, the machine shivered and growled like a wild dog. The machine continued to make strange sounds.

Lesson Plan Of The Happiness Machine Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Question 13.
“Blue Danube”
Stands for the Danube River.

The Happiness Machine Characters Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Question 14.
“Only she thinks she is dancing!” What did Leo Huffman mean by this?
He meant that he too was dancing because of the success of the machine.

Question 15.
How did Paris make Lena sad?
The sight of Paris made her realize that she and Leo had not danced for 20 years.

Question 16.
What all things did the machine do to make Lena happy?
Apart from showing her Paris, Rome and the . Pyramids of Egypt, the machine-made the sunset last forever. The air was fragrant and the temperature fine.

Question 17.
Why could not Lena enjoy the sunset which lasted long?
Lena could not enjoy the sunset which lasted long because she always likes sunset when it comes and goes. Moreover she could not go on watching the sunset when her children were waiting for food, dishes were to be washed and beds made.

Question 18.
In the words of Lena what was the mistake Leo Huffman made in the making of the Happiness Machine?
Leo Huffman made the mistake of making quick things slow and far away things close. People like quick things for they are quick and far away things as they are not easily reachable.

Question 19.
How could Leo Huffman escape from the burning machine?
The boys dragged him out from the machine when someone broke the door open.

Question 20.
What changed the house into total disarray?
The burning Happiness Machine and the commotion it caused changed the house into total disarray.

Question 21.
Did Leo Huffman realize his mistake in his attempt to make others happy with a machine?
Yes, he did. It was made more than a thousand years ago and it is still there even though not good all the time. It runs on and on.

Question 22.
According to Leo Huffman, what is the real Happiness Machine? What made him realize that?
According to Leo Huffman, the real Happiness Machine is a well-knit Home, where all the family members work and enjoy together carrying out their various responsibilities and doing the things they like most. He realized that when he looked through the window and saw the various things going on around him. He saw the ripples outside, his children playing games or making dresses for the doll or painting. Lena was cooking. Someone was singing melodiously. There was the aroma of the baking bread and the tempting butter. All this made real happiness.

Let’s Revisit and Reflect

Let’s quote what Mr. Leo Auffman and Lena Huffman said about the machine. The following quotes of Leo Huffman suggest that he is very confident about the machine which creates happy situations. Now pick out the comments of Lena Huffman about the machine.

a) Could the machine make old men young or make me happy?
lam trying to get away to solve all your complaints.

b) Can the machine get all things done for the house, the kitchen and the children?
That’s not how it’s built!

c) OK. You test your damn thing with me and spare my children. Don’t give them nightmares.
Press the button and you will see!

d) Oh! Ah! look at that! Paris! Rome! The Pyramids! Perfume!
She only thinks she is dancing!

e) Music! lam dancing.
I still do not understand what’s wrong with the machine. Amazing!

Now we have gone through the different perspectives of Leo and Lena Huffman towards happiness. Let’s discuss to what extent the story supports or refutes the following statements.
Real happiness comes from our relationships rather than from material things. Machines and devices do make our life easy, but they will not bring real happiness. A family may have a large, fully air-conditioned mansion, fine furniture, all kinds of electrical and electronic gadgets in the house, the latest Benz car, and an excellent garden.

But if the parents and children go on quarreling, arguing and getting angry with one another, where is happiness there? Happiness can’t be bought with money. In a home where the parents and the children work hard at their respective duties and carry out their responsibilities, encourage, love and make little sacrifices for one another, there will be real happiness. A house is built of stones, bricks, steel, and wood and you may pack it with all sorts of luxurious things, but it does not become a home unless love reigns there.

Activity -1

a) Given below is the storyboard of the film ‘The Happiness Machine’. Study the pictures carefully and write the appropriate events from the story in the space provided. One has been done for you.
1. Leo Huffman is with his wife. Wife is ironing the clothes. He asks his wife whether she is happy or not.

2. Lena is busy in the kitchen preparing food for the family. Nobody is helping her. She looks tired and bored, and even slightly angry.
Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard English Solutions Unit 5 Chapter 1 The Happiness Machine 3
3. Leo is busy in the garage working on his Happiness Machine, It is almost finished. It is a huge one and looks taller than him.
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4. Leo sees his son Saul crying in his bed at late night. He asks Saul if he had a nightmare. He finds that the garage door is open. On checking, he finds the Happiness Machine is hot. Saul had gone inside the machine.
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5. Lena is inside the machine. Leon is instructing her how to operate the machine. He looks very happy and confident. So is one of his sons standing beside him.
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6. The Happiness Machine is on fire. The firemen are trying to put out the flames. Leo is angry and surprised as he tries to keep away from the flames.
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b) Now select any scene from the given storyboard and complete the worksheet. Sample is given
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Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard English Solutions Unit 5 Chapter 1 The Happiness Machine 10
Title of the Scene: Lena inside the Happiness Machine (Inside the garage)
Key Ideas: Showing the sights, sounds and smells inside the happiness machine.
Appearance/Features of the characters: Lena (middle-aged, happy-looking) inside the Machine. Leo (middle-aged, confident-looking) outside the machine. Saul, the son of Lena and Leo, stands by Leo, looking worried.
Setting and Background Information: Leo has made the Happiness Machine. He wants to test it. Lena volunteers to go inside the machine to spare the children of any nightmare of being tested. The children gathered round the 8-foot tall, orange-colored machine.
Plot (Problems and Solutions) : Leo spends all his time perfecting his Happiness Machine. Lena is unhappy as she has to clean the dishes, cook the meals and iron the clothes by herself. Leo also does not spend time with his children. Finally, the machine is ready. Lena volunteers to go inside the machine to spare the children of any nightmare of being tested. She thinks Leo has wasted his time making this machine. ,
Props you may need A large washing-machine-like box with the front door with see-through glass.
Likely Conversation :
Naomi: Is Mama alright, Papa?
Leo : All right! She is fine! Listen!
Lena (from inside) the machine: Oh, Ah, Look at that! Paris! Rome! The Pyramids! Perfume! The Blue Danube! Music! I’m dancing!
Leo : Only she thinks she is dancing.
Lena : Amazing!
Naomi: She is crying!
Leo: She can’t be!
Saul : She is like a baby. (Leo opens the door of the machine.)
Lena : Please Lee! Let me finish!

c) Watch the film, and complete the checklist.

d) Given below is the dialogue of the characters from a particular scene of the film ‘ The Happiness Machine ‘. Scan the QR code to see the particular scene. Watch the scene carefully and complete the dialogue.
Leo : Why am I in bed so late?
Lena : Stay there or I will give you such a hit.
Leo: What’s this?
Lena : ………………………
Leo : Why am I in bed so late?
Lena : Stay there or give you such a hit.
Leo : What’s this?
Lena : It used to be breakfast; then it could have been lunch; now it’s dog’s dinner.
Leo : What is that? It can’t be. Where is the Happiness Machine?
Lena : You haven’t spoken to the children for 2 weeks. You haven’t spoken to me for months. You lost 10 pounds and I lost 15. Leave off that machine. You will never find a cook big enough to go into it.

e) Let’s now draft a subtitle for this scene.
Subtitle : Breakfast for dinner
Subtitle is the caption or translation shown at the bottom of a film or television screen.

Activity – 2

Words for the blank spaces: Love, optimism, sacrifices

How can we be happy?
Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard English Solutions Unit 5 Chapter 1 The Happiness Machine 12
Happiness is a state of mind. It is not something that can be bought with money or can be got through material things alone. Machines and gadgets will certainly add to our happiness, but the basic ingredients are love, optimism, ambition, friends, kindness, and sacrifices. Love is the primary ingredient.

A house is made of bricks, stones, steel, and wood, but a home is made of, mainly, love. If there is no love, even the members of the family become an unruly crowd where selfishness dominates. Optimism helps us to overcome our worries. Ambition enables us to achieve greater things. Friends make our life worth living. Kindness shows that we care for others and sacrifices indicate that we are willing to suffer for others.

Why are Gandhiji, Mother Theresa and Nelson Mandela so loved all over the world?
They had all these qualities in abundance.

Activity – 3

a) Leo Auffmann tries to find happiness from a machine. The present generation tries to seek happiness from mobile phones. Now, look at this cartoon strip.

b) What idea does this cartoon strip convey?
The cartoon strip shows how a man is so immersed in his mobile that he does not even notice that birds come and lay eggs in his cap. The eggs are incubated and hatched there. Small birds fly out and still, the man is busy with his mobile not knowing what has happened in his cap.

c) Based on the discussion on the cartoon, conduct a debate on the topic, ‘Mobile phone – boon or bane.’
Boon (Blessing):

  • Easy communication with people all over the world.
  • Can watch movies, and other entertainment programs and listen to songs.
  • play games
  • learn a lot of new things
  • get the latest news
  • is helpful in emergencies
  • take photos
  • send quick messages
  • access to the internet
  • There are things like calculators, spell-checks, etc.

Bane (Curse):

  • expensive
  • people get addicted to it
  • accidents happen as people use mobile while walking or driving
  • loss of secrecy as people take photos even without your knowledge
  • spread rumors
  • vulgar videos from the internet
  • chats often lead to unhealthy relations
  • people become dependent on it
  • misuse it even in the exam halls for malpractices
  • people lose their interest in reading, instead, they use the mobile for information

Language activity

a. Leo consoled Lena.
b. Lena was consoled by Leo.
1. Do the above two sentences express the same meaning?
2. What did Leo do?
3. Hence Leo is the doer of the action.

Activity -1

Read the following sentences and identify the doer of the action in each sentence.

1. The oven door was pulled open by Lena. ………………………………….
2. Leo forced Lena to stop her work. ………………………………….
3. Leo was awakened by vague sounds. ………………………………….
4. Leo makes a new machine. ………………………………….
5. The clothes have been ironed by Lena. ………………………………….
6. Naomi was cutting paper doll dress. ………………………………….
1. Lena
2. Leo
3. Vague sounds
4. Leo
5. Lena
6. Naomi

When do we begin a sentence with the doer of the action? Tick the correct option
(a) When the doer of the action is emphasized.
(b) When the receiver of the action is emphasized.
(a) When the doer of the action is emphasized.

a) Observe the sentence patterns given in column A and column B and complete the missing rows.


1. Leo made a new machine1. A new machine was made by Leo
2. Naomi was cutting paper doll dress.2. Paper doll dress was being cut by Naomi.
3. Lena pulled the oven open.3. The oven was pulled open by Lena
4. Lena has ironed the clothes.4. The clothes have been ironed by Lena.
5. Joseph is running his electric train.5. His electric train is being run by Joseph.
6. Lena had pressed the button6. The button had been pressed by Lena.

b) Some events from the lesson The Happiness Machine are given below. Read them
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Active and passive voice.
In the given sentences, the doers are emphasised. Now rewrite the sentences giving emphasise to the receiver.
1. Leo completed the work of the happiness machine.
The work of the happiness machine was completed.

2. Lena checked the function of the happiness machine.
The function of the happiness machine was checked by Lena.

3. Leo did not care for their children.
Their children were not cared for by Leo.

4. Lena looked after their children.
Their children were looked after by Lena.

5. They could hear a muffled explosion.
A muffled explosion could be heard by them.

6. The boys dragged him out.
He was dragged out by the boys.

7. They called the fire force.
The fire force was called by them.

8. Children were watching the firemen.
The firemen were being watched by the children

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