Maternity Textual Questions and Answers


 Maternity Questions And Answers Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Question 1.

How did the Armenian refugees settle?
They settled down in any way they could: the richest under tents; the others in the ruined sheds; but the majority of the refugees were sheltered under carpets held up at the four corners by sticks.

Maternity Chapter Questions And Answers Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Question 2.
Describe the life of the refugees in the camp.
The men found odd jobs and so that they and their families had something to eat.

Maternity 9th Standard Questions And Answers Question 3.
Why couldn’t Mikail earn even a penny?
Mikail couldn’t look for work because he had with him his new-born brother. His mother had died at childbirth.

Maternity 9th Standard Lesson Plan Question 4.
Why was he chased away by his fellow Armenians?
He was chased away by his fellow Armenians because they were unable to bear the continuous, disturbing cries of the new-born baby.

Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard English Notes Question 5.
Mikali wandered like a ‘lost soul.’ Comment on the comparison.
Mikali wandered about like a lost soul because he did not get any help or protection from anyone. As a lost soul wanders around looking for peace and rest, Mikali too was wandering.

Maternity Lesson Plan Class 9 Question 6.
Why did the refugees wish that the child would die?
The refugees listened to the cries of the baby with irritation. They all had so many troubles of their own and they all wanted it to die and give them their peace.

Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard English Notes Chapter 2 Question 7.
Notice how the women behaved. What do you think about their attitude?
No woman in the camp came forward to help and protect the child. It is very saddening and shameful of them to behave in that inhuman manner.

9th Standard English Question And Answer Question 8.
What made Mikali go to the camp of the Anatolians?
Mikali had been told that there was a nursing mother there who might take pity on his baby. So with full of hope there he went there.

Class 9 English Unit 2 Maternity Notes Question 9.
Mikali did not stop when the old women rose to ask him what he wanted because …
a. he was very tired.
b. he heard the wailing of the infant.
c. he wanted to see the ‘nursing mother.’
d. he didn’t like the women.
c. he wanted to see the nursing mother.

9th Class English Unit 2 Question 10.
Why was Mikali happy?
At Mikali’s appeal, a lovely, dark woman appeared. She held in her arms an infant blissfully sucking the maternal breast; its eyes were half-closed. She asked if she could see the kid and enquired whether it was a boy or a girl. On hearing this Mikali was happy.

Maternity Chapter  9th Standard Question 11.
Why did the women give vent to cries of horror?
The child had no longer anything human about it. The head had become enormous and the body was all shrivelled up. As until then it had sucked only its thumb, it was all swollen. So, the women give vent to cries of horror.

9th Class English Maternity Notes Question 12.
Why did he feel immensely alone and lost?
It was very difficult for Mikali to get food and shelter. He was helpless and his life was full of misery. Moreover, he was mercilessly turned away by people, g. There was nothing he could do to help the baby he carried along. So he felt immensely alone and lost.

Class 9 English Unit 2 Question 13.
Why did he sob?
He would have to go looking for some half-eaten roll left on a plate; or else, rake about in the garbage for what a dog would not have eaten. Suddenly, life 9. seemed to him so full of horrors that he covered his face with his hands and began to cry badly.

Maternity 9th Standard Summary Question 14.
In what way is the Chinaman different from the refugees?
The Chinaman was kind-hearted and helpful. He helped Mikali to overcome the difficult situation.

Question 15.
Describe how the Chinaman’s wife behaved when she saw Mikali with her husband.
Seeing the men, her face reddened and with a happy smile she made a brief courtesy to them.

Question 16.
What did the Chinaman’s wife do when she saw the famished infant?
She gave a cry of immense pity and then pressed the baby to her heart, giving it the breast. Then, with a gesture of modesty, she brought forward a flap of her robe over the milk-swollen breast and the poor, gluttonous infant suckling there.

Maternity Additional Comprehension Questions and answers

Question 1.
Describe the refugee camp.
The refugee camp looked like a small village. The richest among the refugees had settled down under tents, others in the ruined sheds, but the majority of the refugees were sheltered under carpets held up at the four corners by sticks. The men were ready to do any work, to get some money to buy food for the family.

Question 2.
Why were the men in the refugee camp ready to do whatever work they found?
They had to get food for themselves and their families.

Question 3.
What had happened to the mother of the newborn babe?
The mother had died in childbirth.

Question 4.
Who had so badly chosen the moment to appear on the earth?
Mikali’s newborn brother.

Question 5.
Did anyone in the camp extend a helping hand to Mikali?
No. Nobody helped Mikali.

Question 6.
What were the troubles Mikali faced because of the newborn baby?
He had to bear his newborn brother on his back round the clock. Moreover, the baby wailed throughout and that made the whole neighborhood awake even at night, and they chased Mikali away from the camp.

Question 7.
‘Mtkali felt immensely lonely and lost’. Why?
The Armenians and Anatolians chased Mikali away from the camp. He couldn’t find food for his wailing newborn brother. This made him feel immensely alone and lost.

Question 8.
Why did Mikali wander about like a drunken man?
He was tired and he was carrying the baby on his back. He couldn’t find food for himself and his wailing brother.

Question 9.
Who were Anatolians?
The Anatolians were refugees who had fled from the Turkish massacres in Asia Minor.

Question 10.
What fear did Mikali have of the Orientals?
Mikali had heard so many horror stories about the cruelty of the Orientals.

Question 11.
What did the Chinaman do when he saw Mikali’s plight?
He took Mikali and his brother to his own house.

Question 12.
Why did the refugees mock at the Chinaman?
The refugees mocked at the Chinaman because of his colour and his squint.

Question 13.
Did Chinamans’s wife welcome Mikali to her home?
Yes, she welcomed Mikali and proved her humanity.

Question 14.
The young woman invited Mikali to walk in and see something. What was it?
The young woman invited Mikali near a wicker cradle. In it her own baby was sleeping.

Question 15.
How did the Chinaman’s wife react on seeing the newborn brother of Mikali?
At first she cried and then with immense pity she pressed the baby to her heart and gave it breast-milk.

Question 16.
What was the response of Mikali to see Chinaman’s baby?
Mikali silently admired the Chinaman’s baby.

Question 17.
Was the Chinaman different from the refugees? How?
Yes, he was different from the refugees. He didn’t chase Mikali away; instead he felt pity and took Mikali home.

Let’s revisit and reflect

Question 1.
How did the child become a problem to Mikali and the others in the refugee camp? What impression do you get about Mikali from the way he faced the problem?
The child became a problem to Mikali because the mother died at childbirth and Mikali had to take care of the newborn baby. The child became a problem for others in the refugee camp as it always cried. Since it did not get any milk to drink it was hungry and it went on crying disturbing the others in the camp. They had their own problems and they did not want to hear these constant cries.

Mikali is a loving boy. In spite of his hunger and tiredness he carried the baby on his back all the. time. Finally, he gets help from the Chinaman and his wife. His perseverance and brotherly love are quite impressive.

Question 2.
Describe Mikali’s experiences in the Armenian camp and the Anatolian camp. What difference do you notice?
Mikali experienced great indifference and neglect from both the Armenian and Anatolian camps. The refugees in both the camps behaved as if they had lost all their humanity. Not a single man or woman from both the camps felt pity on the newborn babe or. Mikali. I do not notice any difference between the two camps – both were miserable.

Question 3.
How does the story reveal the nobility of maternity? Describe.
The story reveals the nobility of maternity by showing how the Chinaman’s wife behaved when she saw the hungry child. Although the baby was horrible looking with its swollen head and thumb, and frail body, she readily breastfeeds the baby, giving it new life. Most mothers are like the Chinaman’s wife – tender, kind and empathetic.

Question 4.
Which character in the story was the most empathetic to the baby? justify.
The Chinaman’s wife was the most empathetic to the baby. It is true that the Chinaman was empathetic and that is why he took Mikali and the baby home. But the woman could have refused to feed the baby. But she takes the baby and breastfeeds it showing her empathy.

Activity 1

What is your impression about the Chinaman and his wife? How are they different from the other characters in the story? Write a paragraph. The following hints may help you.

The Chinaman and his wife are exemplary models for love and humanity. The Armenians and Anatolians have so many imaginary stories showing the Orientals as cruel and brutal. But here we see them to be much more empathetic towards the suffering Mikali and his new-born brother. Mikali and brother were driven out both from the Armenian and Anatolian camps because of the constant cries of the starving newborn baby. As its mother had died in childbirth he never got any milk. By sucking its thumb all the time, it had swollen. Its body was frail and head had grown to enormous size.

All these did riot make the refugees from both the camps to help the baby. The Armenians wanted it to die so that they are not disturbed by the cries of the baby. But the Chinaman and his wife proved to be a real savior as the wife breastfed the baby without worrying how horrible and dirty it looked. The Chinaman and his wife prove there are still good people on this earth.

Activity – 2

“…the majority of the refugees, having found nothing better, were sheltered under carpets held up at the four corners by sticks.” “Mikali ate the stale bread which his neighbors cared to offer and it weighed on him.”

You have understood the sufferings of the people in the refugee camp. If a disaster (flood, cyclone, earthquake, etc.) strikes your neighboring village, what action plan will you prepare for immediate relief?
a) Evacuate the people to a safe place.
b) Make provision for their feeding and drinking water.
c) Provide them with necessary sanitation facilities.
d) Take steps to prevent contagious diseases.
e) Provide medical facilities.
f) Give the people counseling.
g) Make their rehabilitation as quickly as possible.

a) Study the pie chart below, showing the effect of natural calamities in the world over the past few years.


  1. Flood
  2. Drought


Question 1.
What are the adverse effects of calamities? List them.
1. diseases
2. ……………….
3. ……………….
4. ……………….
2. deaths
3. loss of property
4. dislocations

Question 2.
Suggest a few precautionary measures to reduce the adverse effects of such calamities.

  • Give early warnings to people.
  • Evacuate people to safer places.
  • Ensure that there is enough food supplies.
  • Ensure that the hospitals are ready to look after the sick.
  • Take all the possible steps to prevent such calamities. Prevention is better than cure.

a) In certain cases, people are given some precautionary measures. A few warnings related to earthquake are given in the boxes.
Maternity 9th Standard Questions And Answers
Prepare a few warnings to be given to avoid the spread of epidemics in the camp

  • Conduct awareness programmes.
  • Drink only clean water, preferably boiled and cooled.
  • Eat only healthy diet.
  • Take preventive vaccinations.
  • Avoid contact with the sick people.

b) Now, we can think about forming a Disaster Management Committee. Form different groups like Medical Assistance Group, Food Catering Group, Publicity Wing, etc. Sit in groups and discuss what you can do in case of emergencies. Present your ideas in the class.
Present these ideas in the class.

c) Suppose you are the convenor of the Publicity Committee. What can you do to ensure community support?
1. Prepare posters.
2. ……………
3. ……………
4. ……………
1. Prepare posters
2. Conduct awareness programmes
3. Make the people hygiene conscience
4. Make the people to keep their premises and environment clean

d) Now, design posters to make the community aware of the dangers of epidemics.
Posters showing rubbish heaps where insects and rodents flourish.
Posters publicising preventive vaccinations.
Posters stressing the need to drink clean water and eat healthy foods.
Posters showing personal hygiene.

Language Activities

Activity -1

Read the following sentences from the story ‘Maternity.’

“Have pity on this poor orphan and give him a little milk… ,” he said in Greek.
“Come with me,” said the Chinaman.
“Come in, then. Do not be afraid,” said the Chinaman.
What do you notice about the sentences given within quotes?
Write your findings here
1. They begin with verbs.
2. …………..
3. …………..

  1. They begin with verbs.
  2. They are the words spoken by the various speakers.
  3. The actual words of the speaker are enclosed in quotation marks.

a) Now look at the picture.

Pick out sentences from the picture to match the functions in column A and note them down in column B.

You might have noticed that the sentences in column B express surprise, request, suggestion, order, advice, prayer, wish, etc.

A FunctionsB Sentences
warningTake care or else you’ll fall down.
adviceLook at that notice board.
requestPlease keep this umbrella with you.
ordersDon’t smoke here. Don’t spit here.
instruction/directionDon’t push me. Be patient/ Take the first turning on the right.
invitationHow tired you look! Come and have a coffee.
sign and noticeLook at that notice board

b) Read the directions given below. Form groups and the leader will give these directions. Try them out.

  1. Rest your chin on your chest and remain seated.
  2. Close your eyes.
  3. Raise your head and turn it to the right.
  4. Put your hands on your waist.
  5. Stand up.
  6. Put your left hand on your right hand.
  7. Nod your head four times.
  8. Freeze. Remain in this position till I ask you to relax

c) Look at the posters given below and study their features.
Maternity Lesson Plan Class 9
Features of posters
1. Catchy captions
2. ……………..
3. ……………..
4. ……………..
5. ……………..
1. Catchy captions
2. Clarity of thought
3. Brief and to the point
4. Attractive to the eye
5. Give a fine message

Activity 2

a. Read the following sentences.
He told her to sit on a straw mat.
What do you think were the actual words of the Chinaman? Complete the following.
The Chinaman said, “……………………”
What changes do you notice when someone’s actual words are reported? Discuss and say whether the following statements are true or false.
When a sentence is reported:
1. There is always a change in the order of the words.
2. It becomes more formal.
3. Speech marks are not used.
4. The meaning changes totally.
5. The imperative mood changes into ‘to infinitive’ (to + verb).
6. There is no change in the pronouns

  1. True
  2. True
  3. False
  4. False
  5. True
  6. False

b. Look at the picture and report what the teacher tells the students.
Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard English Notes Chapter 2
1. Suman, stand up straight.
2. Give me the details, Aysha.
3. Don’t shout.
4. Speak aloud, Mary.

  1. The teacher asked Suman to stand up straight.
  2. The teacher asked Aysha to give her the details.
  3. The teacher asked the students not to shout.
  4. The teacher asked Mary to speak loud.

Now, try to report the following.

Do you find it difficult to report? How is the reporting of the imperative sentence different from that of the declarative sentence?
Write your opinion here.
1. ……………..
2. …………….
3. …………….
4. …………….
5. …………….

Direct SpeechIndirect Speech
1. Mikali said, “I cannot go for work.”1.  Mikali said that he could not go for work.
2 An Anatolian said to Mikali, “There is a nursing mother in the camp.”2. An Anatolian told Mikali that there was a nursing mother in the camp.
3. The Chinaman said “My wife will feed this baby.”3. The Chinaman said that his wife would feed that baby.
  • Imperative sentences are reported by using to-infinitive.
  • When reporting imperative sentences, we can use verbs like asked, ordered, told,
  • When reporting statements, the 1st person pronouns become 3rd person pronouns.
  • In reporting imperatives, second-person pronouns become 3rd person pronouns.
  • When reporting imperatives, words like this and these change to these and those.
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