Bang the Drum Textual Questions and Answers


Let’s revisit and enjoy the poem

Bang The Drum Question Answers Kerala Syllabus 9th Question 1.
What was each of the athletes from around the world trying to do?
Each of the athletes is trying to take part in the event and do his best, to run faster or to jump higher.

Bang The Drum Poem Questions And Answers Kerala Syllabus 9th Question 2.
Why do the singers ask to bang the drum and sing the song louder?
The singers ask to bang the drum and sing the song louder so that the athletes can do their best encouraged by the loud song and loud beating of the drum.

Bang The Drum Poem Summary Kerala Syllabus 9th Question 3.
What are the singers urged to do when the games begin?
They are urged to sing louder.

Bang The Drum Poem Lesson Plan Kerala Syllabus 9th Question 4.
Jump up a little higher
so the whole world can see ya
the whole world can see ya
The last two lines are repeated here in different stanzas. What effect does it make?
Pick out the other lines or stanzas which are repeated in the song.
The repeated lines are: “Bang the drum a little louder, . “Sing the song a little louder” and “so the whole world can hear”.

Bang The Drum Poem Line By Line Explanation Kerala Syllabus 9th Question 5.
The expressions ‘follow the flame’ and ‘little louder’ create a pleasing ring effect. What is the poetic device used here?

Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard English Notes  Question 6.
The expression ‘whole world’ creates a similar ring effect but in a different way. How is that ring effect created?
Through consonance.

9th English Kerala Syllabus 9th Question 7.
The father of the Modern Olympic Games Mr. Pierre de Coubertin says, “The important thing in the Olympic Games is not to win, but to take part; the important thing in life is not triumph, but the struggle; the essential thing is not to have conquered but to have fought well.”
How is the comment of Mr. Pierre de Coubertin about participation in the games expressed in this song?
It is not about winning the game, it’s all about playing the game.

Bang The Drum Poem Summary In English Kerala Syllabus 9th Activity

Do you like songs related to sports? Your teacher can help you listen to Celine Dion’s ‘The Power of Dream’ and Whitney Houston’s ‘One Moment in Time’. Discuss the role of the songs in sports events and games. Now write a theme song for your annual school sports meet or games championship
We will conquer greater heights
Nothing can stop us from our endeavors
We want to run faster, jump up higher
And do all the things better than last year!

Language activities

Bang The Drum Poem Summary  Kerala Syllabus 9th Activity 1

Read the sentence given below from the story, ‘The Race’.
“Tarun always thought of himself as the black sheep of the family.”
What does the expression ‘black sheep’ mean?
Black sheep means the odd person in the group, who brings disgrace to it. A black sheep does not come up to the expectations of others.

The term ‘black sheep’ literally refers to the color of sheep. But when we use it figuratively, it means ‘the odd person in a group.’ Such a group of words with a meaning different from the meanings of the individual words is called an idiom.

a) Read Ravi’s diary entry given below and circle the idioms.
When I reached the ground, it was raining cats and dogs. I felt blue as I was not sure if the match could be held. Viewers like me get a chance of watching a match only once in a blue moon. The ball was in the umpires’ court. Finally, the match started and we enjoyed a wonderful game. Today is a red-letter day in my life
Now, match the idioms you have identified with their meanings.
1. …………………………….. feel sad
2. …………………………….. somebody’s responsibility to take action
3. …………………………….. happening very rarely
4. …………………………….. raining very heavily
5. …………………………….. an unforgettable day

  1. felt blue-felt sad
  2. the ball was in the umpire’s court – somebody’s responsibility to take action
  3. once in a blue moon – happening very rarely
  4. raining cats and dogs – raining very heavily
  5. a red-letter day – an unforgettable day

b) Find the meaning of the following idioms with the help of a dictionary and use them in your own sentences.
1) pros and cons
2) bed of roses
3) Herculean task
4) blue blood
5) crocodile tears
6) eleventh hour
7) in black and white
8) red tape
1) pros and cons — advantages and disadvantages. Motherhood has both its pros and cons.
2) bed of roses — not a pleasant situation Leadership is not always a bed of roses.
3) Herculean task — very hard to perform Making the new airport at Kannur was a Herculean task.
4) blue blood — a person of noble birth Abraham Lincoln could not boast of any blue blood.
5) crocodile tears — insincere tears My neighbor was shedding crocodile tears when I lost my car.
6) eleventh hour — last minute Many students have the habit of preparing for the exams at the eleventh hour.
7) in black and white — in writing, I want what you said in black and white.
8) red tape — unnecessary delay Sajan committed suicide because of the red tape in the Anthur municipality.

Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard English Notes Pdf Kerala Syllabus 9th Activity – 2

Read the sentences given below.
1. Life is full of ups and downs.
2. A training school is very expensive.
3. Children of your age are competing there.
4. Tears were rolling down his cheeks

a) Identify and write down the subject and predicate of the sentences given above.
Subject — Predicate
1. Life — is full of ups and downs
2. ……. — ……
3. ……. — …..
4. ……. —……
1) Life — is full of ups and downs
2) A training school — is very expensive
3) Children of your age — are competing here.
4) Tears — were rolling down his cheeks.

b) Did you notice the change in verbs according to the singular and plural subjects of the sentences? How do they vary?
Subject — Verb
1. Life — is
2. …… — ……
3. ……. — …..
4. ……. — …..
Subject — Verb
1) Life — is
2) A training school — is
3) Children of your age — are
4) Tears — were

Usually a singular subject takes a singular verb whereas a plural subject takes a plural verb.

Read the live description of the race and underline the singular verbs

On the track there is a shallow path. As he is running fast, Tarun does not notice that and he slips. Breathing fast, he sees the other kids going past him. He gets up to run once more. Being quick, Tarun overtakes a few kids ahead of him. But as fate has it, he slips once again!
is, is running, does not notice, slips, sees, gets up, overtakes, slips

Here is a paragraph about the reaction of the spectators. Fill in the blanks with the suitable form of verbs.
Tarun’s mother ……… (is/are) applauding her son. Ram Narayan and his trainees …….. (is/are) watching Tarun running on the track. The parents of the kids who …….. (participate/participates) in the race are anxiously waiting. The crowd in the stands ……. (is/are) clapping their hands. When Tarun falls, everyone …… (stop/ stops) clapping and is about to rush for help. But the next moment, he …… (get up/ gets up) and is running on the track again.
is, are, participate, is, stops, gets up

9th Class English Chapter The Race Conversation Kerala Syllabus Activity 3

Read the excerpt from the story ‘The Race’ and identify the questions in it.
Suddenly, he heard a voice at his elbow. “What is it, son?”
Tarun turned to his left and there sat a man of about sixty.
“I failed in two subjects,” he replied in a depressed tone.
The man smiled sympathetically and said, “Life is full of ups and downs, my boy. By the way, I am Ram Narayan, and you are one of the best runners I have ever seen.”
“Ram Narayan? Raaaa…m…Narayan! Are you the same Ram Narayan who won an Olympic medal in the 400-meter race in the1960s?” Tarun could not hide his excitement.
“Yes,” pat came the reply. Tarun was dazzled.
1. What is it son?
2. RamNarayan?
3. Are you the same Ram Narayan who won the Olympic medal in the 400-meter race in the 1960s?
i. If a question begins with an auxiliary verb, the answer will be either “yes” or “no”.
ii. If a question starts with a question word, the answer will be a piece of information.

a) Make questions using the words given in jumbled order.
1. intelligent you an are boy
2. enter can stadium the without an I pass
3. for is spectators the where the gallery
4. move we ahead project the shall with
5. summer where the camp did conduct Achrekar Sir
6. is condition what your

  1. Are you an intelligent boy?
  2. Can I enter the stadium without a pass?
  3. Where is the gallery for the spectators?
  4. We shall move ahead with the project.
  5. Where did Achrekar Sir conduct the summer camp?
  6. What is your condition?

b) Complete the conversation between Sachin and a journalist.
Journalist: Good morning, Sachin.
Sachin: Good morning.
Journalist: May I ask you some questions about your childhood
cricket experiences?
Sachin: Sure.
Journalist: Who did you start playing cricket with?
Sachin: With my friends in the colony.
Sachin: Ajit took me to Ramakanth Achrekar Sir.
Journalist:……………. when Ajit took you to Achrekar Sir?
Sachin: I was only eleven years old.
Sachin: The camp was at Shivaji Park.
Journalist:……………. from your home to Shivaji park?
Sachin: It would take forty minutes.
Sachin: By bus.
Journalist: Thank you for sparing your valuable time.
Sachin: It’s my pleasure.
Journalist: Who took you to Ramnath Achrekar Sir?
Journalist: How old were you when Ajit took you to Achrekar Sir?
Journalist: Where was the camp?
Journalist: What was the distance from your home to Shivaji Park?
Journalist: How did you go to the place?

9th English Notes Kerala Syllabus Activity – 4

a) Read the following passages and identify the sentences that express conditions.

Passage i.
But Ram Narayan seemed pretty serious. “I will train you if you want, but I put forward a condition.”
“What is your condition?” Tarun’s voice showed curiosity and anxiety.

“There is a race on Children’s Day at the Nehru Stadium. Children of your age are competing there. If you participate and win that race, I promise I will start training you,” said Ram Narayan.

“I will, I will, sir!” he heard himself saying with complete conviction.
“Fine, boy! Tell me, what is your name?” asked Ram Narayan.
“Tarun…Tarun Kapoor, sir.”

“Tarun, I will meet you hereafter five days to give you your participation card. All the best,” said Ram Narayan and left. On the way home, Tarun thought that if his father had not scolded him, he wouldn’t have got this opportunity. (The Race)

  • I will train you if you want.
  • If you participate and win that race, I promise I will start training you.
  • If his father had not scolded him, he wouldn’t have got this opportunity.

Passage ii.
My father sat me down and explained that while he did not have any objections to my changing schools, I should do so, only if I was really serious about playing cricket. (Learning the Game).
I will train you, if you want.
I should do so only if I was really serious about playing cricket.

Divide the sentences you have identified into two parts.


If ClauseMain clause
If you wantI will train you.
If you participate and win that raceI promise I will start training you.
If his father had not scolded himHe wouldn’t have got this opportunity.
If I was really serious about playing cricketI should do so.

b)Tarun fell down thrice in the race. But he did not give up. The following pictures and the statements show his thoughts at different times.

Discuss the differences in meaning and arrange the sentences according to their level of possibility.
Bang The Drum Poem Summary Kerala Syllabus 9th

SentencesIf clauseMain clausePossibility
If I practice well, I will win.If I practice wellI will winlikely to happen
If I did not fall, I would win.If I did not fallI would win.Unlikely or Improbable to happen.
If had not fallen, I would have wonIf had not fallenI would have won Impossible.

The sentences containing the ‘if’ clause are called conditional sentences. We use conditional sentences to express possibility (probable condition), imagination (improbable condition) and unfulfilled conditions (impossible condition)

c) Complete the thoughts of Tarun, the members of his family, Ram Narayan and Pawan.
Bang The Drum Poem Lesson Plan Kerala Syllabus 9th
Tarun: If I had practiced before, I would have won the race.
Mother: If Ram Narayan trains my son, he will win the race.
Father: If my son studied well, he would get a good job.
Ram Narayan: If he hadn’t fallen down thrice, Tarun would have been the champion.
Pawan: IfTarun had not fallen down thrice, I would not have become the winner.
Brother: If I had gone to Nehru Stadium, I would have felt bad on seeing Tarun lose.

Activity – 5

Read the passages given below and compare them.

(i) He was among the last few. He did not give up. He overtook some children.
(ii) He was among the last few. But he did not give up. Once more he overtook some children

Question 1.
Which among these two passages do you find more readable and meaningful? Why?
I find the second passage more readable and meaningful because they are properly connected by linkers.

a) Pick out the words from the given passages which link sentences or ideas.

Question 1.
On the one hand, his parents hated his running and wanted him to concentrate more on his studies, which he never did. On the other hand, he belonged to a middle-class family. (The Race)
On the one hand, on the other hand.

Question 2.
By the middle of the summer camp, Sir had started taking an active interest in my batting, and at the end of the two months, informed Ajit that I had the potential to be a good cricketer if I practiced all year round. However, my school the New English School in Bandra did not have cricket facilities. (Learning the Game)
and, that, if, however,

b) Rewrite the passage using suitable linkers given in the box.
soon, then, at that time, once, at times, once again, later, so, but, at last

Once I happened to watch a volleyball match. The referee whistled announcing the start. Both the teams were not ready. He whistled, louder than before. The players were not ready yet. The referee got red in the face. The spectators seated comfortably in the stadium started howling at the top of their voice. I tried to keep calm. The players arrived. A fierce game was on the go. The big white ball jumped over and under the net. It bulged the net too. I witnessed the players turning the ground into a battlefield of fair play. It was really a feast for the eyes of everyone inside the stadium.

Activity 6

Let’s edit a text

Read the notice prepared by Manohar, the School Sports Club Secretary, in connection with the Sports Day celebrations of his school. There are a few errors in it. Identify and correct them.

Govt. Dv Hss, Charamangalam

Ladies and gentlemen,

We celebrate the Annual School Sports Day on Monday, the 20th of October, 2016. The GV Raja state award winner Mr. Ravikumar have consented to inaugurate the celebrations. The Khel Ratna National Award winner Mrs Ghosh will flag off the school athletic meet. Thereafter follows the school march-past. All the athletes of the meet is requested
to participate in it. The winners of the meet will be given the championship trophy at the concluding ceremony and so the winning team are requested to be present till the end of the meet. All are
welcome. Thank you.
School Sports Club
We celebrate the Annual School Sports Day on Monday, the 20th of October, 2016. The GV Raja State Award Winner Mr. Ravikumarhas consented to inaugurate the celebrations. The Khel Ratna National Award Winner Mrs Ghosh will flag off the School Athletic Meet. Thereafter follows the School March-Past. All the athletes of the Meet are requested to participate in it. The winners of the Meet will be given the Championship Trophy at the concluding ceremony and so the Winning Team is requested to be present till the end of the Meet. All are welcome. Thank you.

Activity – 7

There are seventeen action words related to sports in the puzzle. Sheena, a class 9 student, has found out seven of them. Help her find out the remaining words.

Seven words she found :

  1. ride
  2. dribble
  3. pass
  4. cheer
  5. throw
  6. bowl
  7. strike

Remaining ten words:

  1. set
  2. tie
  3. jump
  4. finish
  5. shot
  6. run
  7. cycle
  8. draw
  9. hit
  10. serve
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