Chapter 1: A road to history Multiple Choice


  Questions: (Marks:1)

1.) Palakkad fort is old more than:-

A.) 100 years. B.) 200 years. C.) 300 years.

Ans: 200 years.

2.) ‘Anno Domini’ is a:-

A.) Latin word. B.) French word. C.) Chinese word.

Ans: Latin word.

3.) Gandhiji led the Salt Satyagraha in:-

A.)1920  B.) 1830  C.) 1930

Ans: 1930.

4.) A century denotes:-

A.) 50 years. B.) 100 years C.) 200 years.

Ans: 100 years.

5.) India attain independence in:-

A.)1947  B.) 1950 C.) 1952

Ans: 1947.


Answer The Following Questions: (Marks:1)

1.) Which period is known as pre- historic period?

Ans:- The period before the formation of art of writing is known as pre-historic period

2.) Which period is known as historic period?

Ans:- The period with written records is known as historic period.

 3.) What is museum?

Ans:- A museum keeps the objects or their remains that were once used by man.

4.) When did the state of kerala former?

Ans:- The state of kerala formed in 1956.

5.) Salt Satyagraha was led by whom?

Ans:- salt Satyagraha was led by Gandhiji.

6.) We are living in which century?

Ans:- we are living in 21st century.

 7.) What are the divisions of history?

Ans:- History was divided into BC (before christ) and AD ( Anno Domini)

8.) What is history?

Ans:- History is the record of the progress of the human beings acquired through ages.


Answer The Following Questions: ( Marks: 2)

1.) What are the sources that provides the information about the pre historic period?

Ans: the sources that provides information about pre historic period were – Stone tools, cave paintings, books, early coins, stone inscriptions, palm leaves etc.

2.) What is ‘ Anno Domini ‘?

Ans: The word Anno Domini is derived from the Latin words that means ‘ in the year of our lord ‘ . It signifies the year of the birth of jesus christ.

3.) What is BC and AD?

Ans: the period in history is divided into BC and AD based on the birth of jesus christ. The time before the birth of jesus christ is known as BC (before christ) and the time after the birth of jesus christ is known as AD ( Anno Domini).

4.) What do you mean by century?

Ans: A century denotes 100 years. For example, AD 1 to AD 100 is the 1st century and AD 1901 to AD 2000 is the 20th century.

 5.) What are the main difference between historic period and prehistoric period?

Ans: Historic period means where the written records presents about past. On the other hand, pre-historic period means the time before historic period where no written records are present.


Answer The Following Question:

1.) What is museum? What are the importance of the museum? (2+3=5)

Ans: A museum is a building or institution that keeps the objects or their remainings that were once used by man.

In other words museum keeps the historic objects and materials safe.

Importance of museum:-

  •  Museum provides valuable knowledge and information about our history.
  •  Museum keeps the historic objects or remainings safe.
  •  Museum helps in reserch.
  •  Museum helps in study and collection of information about history
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