The Biology Of Movement 9th Chapter 6 Question 1.
Are exercise and games necessary?
On physical strength increases as we involve in interesting exercises such as games. Exercise reduces mental stress and helps us to work energetically.
9th Class Biology Notes Kerala Syllabus Chapter 6 Question 2.
Prepare a note on how exercise is beneficial to the body?
Biology Answer:
Exercise helps us in many ways.
It increases blood circulation all over the body. Cardiac muscles become strong. More capillaries are formed in muscles. Increases the efficiency of muscles. Stored fat is broken down thereby reduces obesity. Sweats more and so more waste is eliminated through sweat. Exchange of respiratory gases becomes more effective. Vital capacity increases.
Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Biology Notes Chapter 6 Question 3.
‘Exercise helps our respiratory system more healthy.’ Do you agree with this statement? Substantiate your answer?
Exercise increases our vital capacity and exchange of respiratory gases becomes more effective,
Involuntary Movements
Kerala Syllabus 9th Class Biology Notes Chapter 6 Question 4.
Prepare a table about voluntary movements and involuntary movements?

Voluntary movements | Involuntary movements |
Hand movements Movement of tongue Leg movements | Heart beat Lung’s movement Pulse rate |
9th Biology Chapter 6 Question 5.
What do you mean by voluntary movements?
The movements which occur according to our will is called voluntary movements.
9th Biology Notes Kerala Syllabus Chapter 6 Question 6.
Define involuntary movements?
The movements which are not controlled by our will is called involuntary movements.
Types Of Muscles
9th Class Biology Chapter 6 Notes Question 7.
Which muscle make voluntary movements possible?
Skeletal muscle
Biology 9 Chapter 6 Question 8.
Striated muscle have cells
9th Standard Biology Notes Chapter 6 Question 9.
Where do you find smooth muscles in human body?
Smooth muscles are seen in internal organs like the stomach, small intestine and in blood vessels.
Class 9 Biology Notes Kerala Syllabus Chapter 6 Question 10.
Smooth muscles are also known as
Nonstriated muscles
9th Standard Biology Notes Pdf Chapter 6 Question 11.
Shape of smooth muscle is
Class 9 Kerala Syllabus Chapter 6 Question 12.
Cardiac muscles are seen on the
Walls of the heart
9th Standard Biology Solutions Chapter 6 Question 13.
…….. & ……… makes involuntary movements possible.
Smooth muscle and cardiac muscle
9th Standard Biology Notes Malayalam Medium Question 14.
Skeletal muscle: Cylindrical shape
…………………..: Spindle shape
Smooth muscle
9th Std Biology Solutions Chapter 6 Question 15.
Skeletal muscle: striated muscle
………………….: nonstriated muscle
Smooth muscle
9th Standard Biology Question 16.
Different types of muscles and their characteristics. Prepare a table.
Muscles Fatigue
Question 17.
What do you mean by muscle fatigue?
When we are engaged in continuous and strenuous exercises, lactic acid accumulates in the muscles due to anaerobic respiration. This increases acidity in muscles and slows down the action of many enzymes associated with muscle contraction. As a result, muscles get exhausted and temporarily lose their power of contraction. This condition is called muscle fatigue.
Bones and Movement
Question 18.
The human skeleton system consists of bones.
Question 19.
Based on the position, the human skeleton can be divided into ………. & …………
Axial skeleton and appendicular skeleton.
Question 20.
Number of bones in the human skull is
Question 21.
How many bones are there in human ribs?
12 × 2 = 24
Question 22.
Hind limbs: 60 bones
………………: 26 bones
Vertebral column
Question 23.
There are bones in the pelvic girdle of human beings.
1 × 2 = 2
Question 24.
Muscles which contracts on folding the forelimb?
Flexor muscle
Question 25.
Complete the illustration given below
Question 26.
Muscle which contracts on extending the forelimb?
Extensor muscle
Question 27.
Muscle which relaxes on folding the forelimb?
Extensor muscle
Question 28.
Muscle which relaxes on extending the forelimb?
Flexor muscle
Question 29.
What is antagonistic muscle?
A movement is effective and complete when muscles work in unison with bones. In forelimb, when one muscle contracts the other muscle relaxes. These types of muscles which are opposite in action are called antagonistic muscles.
Question 30.
The basis of almost all the movements of the body is the proper functioning’ of ………….
Antagonistic muscles
Joints And Movements
Question 31.
Complete the table of skeletal joints. Which shows its position and peculiarities.
Structure Of Joint
Question 32.
…………. are the meeting place of two bones
Question 33.
Explain the function of joints
joints help in the movement of bones. Joints give more flexibility to bones to move. The nature of movements varies with the nature of joints.
Question 34.
…………. secretes synovial fluid
Synovial membrane
Question 35.
…………. covers and protects the joints
Question 36.
…………. reduces friction between the bones
Question 37.
What is the function of synovial fluid?
Synovial fluid functions as a lubricant between the bones.
Question 38.
What is the function of ligaments?
Ligaments ensure that bones are not displaced and holds them in position.
Question 39.
What are the functions of the skeletal system?
Skeletal system facilitating movements, maintains posture, helps in hearing, protects our internal organs from damage, produces blood cells and maintains the mineral homeostasis.
Skeletal And Muscular Disorders
Rheumatic Arthritis:
- Caused by infection in joints, injuries, degenerative changes due to old age.
- Damage to cartilage
- Severe pain, incapable of moving joints
- Displacement of bones in joints
- Damage to ligaments
- Severe pain oedema and difficulty in movements
- The stretching or breaking of ligaments
- Severe pain and oedema
- A condition in which bones become brittle and cause fracture
- This may be due to the deficiency of calcium, defects in metabolic activities and deficiency of Vitamin D
Muscular dystrophy:
- A condition that leads to degeneration of muscles due to various reasons.
- Muscles become weak
- Generally, affect boys.
Skeleton Outside the Muscles
Organisms | Parts of exoskeleton |
Humans | Nail, Hair |
Reptiles | Scales, Nail |
Locomotion Without Skeleton
Question 40.
Different types of movement in organisms which move without skeleton.
Organisms | Different types of movement |
Paramecium | Cilia |
Euglena | Flagellum |
Earthworm | Circular muscles and longitudinal muscles setae |
Locomotion And Movement
Movement is the displacement occurring in any part of the body. Displacement of the entire body is called locomotion
The diversity of locomotion in animal world:
Do plants move?
Question 41.
Plants exhibit movements in response to various
Question 42.
What are the various stimuli which cause movements in plants?
Light, gravity, water, touch, chemicals, etc. are the various stimuli which cause movements in plants.
Question 43.
Complete the table relating to the plant movement
Question 44.
Identify the type of movement, roots grow towards water
Question 45.
What do you mean by tropic movement?
If the direction of plant movements is in accordance with the direction of stimulus it is called tropic movements.
Question 46.
Is there any relation between stimulus and the direction of movement in mimosa?
No. Hence it is nastic movement.
Question 47.
What do you mean by nastic movement?
If the direction of plant movement is not in accordance with the stimulus, it is called nastic movement.
Question 48.
Write some examples for nasty plant movements from your surroundings.
Movements of Mimosa pudica, prayer plant, venus flytrap, etc.
Let Us Assess
Question 1.
What is the reason for muscle fatigue?
a) Lack of glucose in muscle cells
b) Lack of oxygen in muscle cells
c) Increase in the level of carbon dioxide in muscle cells
d) cellular respiration ceases
b) Lack of oxygen in muscle cells
Question 2.
Observe the figure and answer the following questions. What changes do you observe in the growth of root and stem in a plant, if it is kept stationary as shown in the figure for a few days? Why?
Roots grow towards gravity and the stem grows against gravity.
Question 3.
Identify the odd one giving reason
a) Coconut trees near a river bend towards the river
b) Root of trees near a well grows towards the well
c) Leaves of touch-me-not fold when we touch it
d) Roots of plants grows towards gravity
Leaves of touch-me-not fold when we touch it because it is a nastic movement.