1,3,5,7,9 ക്ലാസ്സുകളിലെ പുതിയ പാഠപുസ്തകങ്ങളെ അടിസ്ഥാനമാക്കിയുള്ള സ്റ്റഡി മെറ്റീരിയലുകൾ ഉടനെ ലഭ്യമാക്കുന്നതാണ്..

Simple Nutrients into Cells Textual Questions and Answers


 Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Biology Notes Chapter 3 Question 1.

…………. carrying hormones to their target tissues.

Simple Nutrients Into Cells Class 9 Notes Kerala Syllabus Chapter 3 Question 2.
State whether true or false.
a) Blood transporting oxygen and carbon dioxide.
b) Plasma is the straw yellow colored fluid.
c) Albumin regulates blood pressure.
d) Fibrinogen synthesizes antibodies for immunity.
a) True
b) True
c) True
d) False

9th Class Biology Chapter 3 Notes Kerala Syllabus Question 3.
Prepare a word wheel related to the functions of blood

Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Biology Notes Chapter 3

Class 9 Biology Chapter 3 Notes Kerala Syllabus Question 4.
……..carried nutrients to the cell

9th Class Biology Chapter 3 Kerala Syllabus Question 5.
………. regulates the body temperature.

Biology Class 9 Chapter 3 Notes Kerala Syllabus Question 6.
‘Nutrients formed as a result of digestion reach cells.’ – How do they reach cells.
Blood carried nutrients formed as the result of digestion to the cells.

Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Biology Notes Chapter 3 English Medium Question 7.
Blood is a tissue.
Fluid connective.

Class 9 Biology Chapter 3 Kerala Syllabus Question 8.
What are the important parts of blood?
Fluid part named plasma and blood cells.

Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Biology Notes Chapter 3 Question 9.
Complete the table.

Disc-shapedNo definite shape….a……..
Transport of respiratory gases……..e…….…….f……..


Disc-shapedNo definite shapeNo definite shape
Transport of respiratory gasesImmunityblood clotting

9th Class Biology Notes Chapter 3 Kerala Syllabus Question 10.
List the various types of blood cell

  • Red blood cells
  • White blood cells
  • Platelets


9th Class Biology 3rd Chapter Kerala Syllabus Question 11.
Define plasma
Plasma is the straw yellow colored fluid that constitutes 55% of blood. Blood cells are found in plasma. The simpler molecules formed as a result of digestion namely glucose, amino acids, fatty acids, glycerol, etc. reach cells through the plasma.

Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Biology Chapter 3 Question 12.
Prepare a flow chart relation the components of plasma.

9th Class Biology Notes Kerala Syllabus Chapter 3 Question 13.
Plasma constitutes …………. % blood.

9th Class Biology 3rd Lesson Questions And Answers Kerala Syllabus Question 14.
Blood cells are found in the



Class 9 Biology Chapter 3  Question 15.
Where is the heart situated?
The heart is situated slightly tilted towards left in between the two lungs behind the sternum in the thoracic cavity.

 9th Standard Biology Notes Chapter 3 Question 16.
Human heart is of shape.

Question 17.
State whether true or false.
Size of one’s heart is equal to the size of one’s fist.

Question 18.
Heart is covered by the double-layered membrane called

Question 19.
Complete the table

Bicuspid valve…… a ……1. Helps blood to enter the left ventricle from the left atrium.
2. Prevents the backward flow of blood from the left ventricle to the left atrium.
….. b …..Between the right atrium and the right ventricle1. ………
2. ………
Pulmonary Valve…. e …..1. Prevents the backward flow of blood from the pulmonary artery to the right ventricle
….. f …..Where the aorta originates1. Helps blood enter the aorta
2. …… g ……..

a) Between the left atrium and left ventricle
b) Tricuspid valve
c) Prevents backward flow of blood from the right ventricle to the right atrium.
d) Helps blood to enter the right ventricle from the right atrium.
e) Between right ventricle and pulmonary artery
f) Aortic valve
g) Closes off the lower left chamber that holds the oxygen-rich blood before it is pumped out to the body.

Question 20.
What is pericardial fluid? What is its main function?
Pericardial fluid is filled in between the pericardial membranes. Its main function is to reduce friction between the membranes during the heartbeats.

Question 21.
Consider the following functions of the heart and identify the parts performing them.
a) Carries blood to lungs.
b) Carries blood to various parts of the body.
c) Brings blood from the lungs.
d) Carries blood from various parts of the body.
a) Pulmonary artery
b) Aorta
c) Pulmonary vein
d) Vena cava

Question 22.
…….. regulate the flow of blood through the heart.

Question 23.
The valves of the left ventricle is the tickest one. What may be its reason?
The wall of the left ventricle is the thickest one because it needs to pump blood to most of the body, while the right ventricle fills only the lungs.

Question 24.
What are the major valves of the heart?
Pulmonary valve, Tricuspid valve, Aortic valve, Bicuspid valve.

Blood Vessels

Question 25.
Complete the table listing the characteristics of different types of blood vessels.

Blood transportation

Up Wall: Thick wall, thin wall, wall is formed of single layer of cells and minute pores on the wall
Valves: No valves, valves are seen, no valves
Blood transportation: High speed and high pressure, low speed and low pressure, low speed and low pressure

Question 26.
………. carries blood to the heart

Question 27.
………. carries blood from the heart

Question 28.
What are capillaries?
Capillaries are the thin vessels that connect veins ” and arteries together.

Question 29.
State whether true or false
a) There are minute pores on the capillary walls
b) Artery carries blood to the heart
c) Vein transports blood in low speed and high pressure
d) Valves are seen in veins.
e) Artery carries blood in high speed and high pressure
a) True
b) False
c) False
d) True
e) True

Question 30.
What is the function of vein?
Vein carries blood to the heart

Question 31.
Small arteries spilt into

Question 32.
Capillaries unite to form
Small veins

Working Of Heart

Question 33.
What is pacemaker?
Initiation of the contraction and relaxation of the heart and regulation of the heartbeat are carried out by the special muscles of SinoArtial Node (SA node) at the anterior part of the right atrium. This part is called pacemaker.

Question 34.
Complete the following diagram


  1. Left atrium
  2. Tricuspid valve
  3. Bicuspid valve
  4. Right ventricle
  5. Pulmonary artery

Double Circulation

Question 35.
Complete the illustration.

a) Pulmonary vein
b) Right atrium
c) Aorta
d) Left ventricle

Question 36.
………. helps to maintain the level of oxygen in the blood.
Double circulation.

Question 37.
Prepare a flow chart relating the circulation of blood.
Biology Class 9 Chapter 3 Notes Kerala Syllabus

Question 38.
Define Double circulation.
The same amount of blood passes through the heart twice. This type of circulation is called double circulation. It includes pulmonary circulation and systemic circulation. Double circulation helps to maintain the level of oxygen.

Question 39.
What is pulmonary circulation?
The blood circulation that starts from the right ventricle to the lungs and from there to left atrium is called pulmonary circulation.

Question 40.
What do you mean by systemic circulation?
The circulation that starts from the left ventricle and ends in the right atrium after calculating throughout the whole body is called systemic circulation

Portal Circulation

Question 41.
Differentiate veins and portal veins.
Veins are the vessels that carry blood from various organs to the heart. But certain veins do not reach the heart and they carry blood from organ to organ. They are called portal veins.

Question 42.
……. is an example for portal system.
Hepatic portal system.

Question 43.
Prepare a flowchart showing the Hepatic portal system.
Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Biology Notes Chapter 3 English Medium

Question 44.
Which is the center of metabolism?

Question 45.
Explain the functions of Liver.
The nutrients that are formed by digestion undergo many changes in the liver. They include storing of glucose as glycogen, releasing of energy from fatty acids, producing cholesterol, etc. Besides, specific defense cells in the liver destroy the pathogens that enter the blood from the digestive tract.

Heart, Pulse, Blood Pressure

Question 46.
What do you mean by systole?
Contraction of the chambers of the heart is termed as systole. During this phase, blood flows from atria to ventricles and from ventricles to outside.

Question 47.
Define diastole.
After systole along with atria, ventricles also relax. This stage of relaxation is termed as diastole. In this phase, blood fills in the chambers of the heart.

Question 48.
Define heartbeat.
One systole and the subsequent diastole together constitute a heartbeat. It takes about 0.8 seconds.

Question 49.
Explain systolic pressure and diastolic pressure.
About 70 ml of blood is pumped into the arteries during each heartbeat. The pressure exerted by this excess blood to the walls of the arteries is systolic pressure. It is about 120mm Hg (mercury). When the heart dilates fully the same amount of blood enters the heart. A low pressure felt in the arteries in this phase is known as diastolic pressure. It is about 80 mm Hg.

Question 50.
Which instrument is used to measure blood pressure?

Question 51.
Average heartbeat is
72 times/minute

Question 52.
What is pulse?
The wave-like movement formed due to the contraction and relaxation of the heart is felt throughout the walls of the arteries is pulse.

Question 53.
State whether true or false.
Rate of pulse is equivalent to that of the heartbeat.

Question 54.
Carrying oxygen to cells is one of the major functions of ………

Question 55.
Oxygen is absorbed into the blood from

Variation In Blood Pressure

Question 56.
Differentiate between hypertension and hypotension.
The normal rate of blood pressure is 120/80 mmHg.The condition in which the blood pressure increases above the normal rate is disease condition called hypertension. This happens due to many reasons. Unhealthy habits such as excess use of salt and fat, smoking, lack of exercise. The condition in which the blood pressure rate goes below the prescribed rate is called hypertension. These hypotensions and hypertension may lead to stroke or heart attack.

From The Blood To The Cell

Question 57.
What is lymph capillary?
Besides blood capillaries, small vessels with their one end closed are seen’ in intercellular spaces. These are the lymph capillaries.

Question 58.
Tissue fluid that reaches the lymph capillaries is called ………

Question 59.
……….. is the largest organ in the Lymphatic system.

Question 60.
What is the main function of spleen?
Destruction of germs and inactive red blood cells is the main function of spleen.

Question 61.
Why does spleen known as the blood bank of body?
Since spleen stores blood in small quantities, it is also known as the blood bank of the body.

Question 62.
Name the blood bank of the body?

Question 63.
…… is the major production center of lymphocytes.
Lymph nodes

Question 64.
Lymphatic system participates in the defense mechanism of the body – substantiate.
The lymph nodes seen at intervals in the lymph ducts are the major production center of lymphocytes, a kind of white blood cells. When lymph passes through these nodes, the white blood cells destroy the pathogenic bacteria that are present in it. Thus lymphatic system participates itself in the defense mechanism of the body.

Question 65.
Define lymphatic system.
Lymphatic system consists of large and small lymph ducts, lymph nodes, lymph, and spleen,

Question 66.
Prepare a flow chart on how fatty acid and glycerol that are absorbed into the lymph from the small intestine reach cells.
Fatty acid and glycerol → Lacteals (Lymphs) → Small lymph ducts → Large lymph ducts → Venacava (Blood) → Heart

A Healthy Heart – Vital For Life

Question 67.
What are the factors that affect health of the heart?
Food habits, lack of exercise

Question 68.
Define atherosclerosis
Consumption of excess fatty food leads to the accumulation of fat in the arterial walls. This condition is called atherosclerosis. As a result of atherosclerosis, the inner diameter of the artery reduces. Moreover, the arterial walls become rigid, losing their elastic nature.

Question 69.
What is thrombosis?
The accumulated fat roughens the inner wall of blood vessels. Here platelets and RBCs may clump together to form blood clots, named thrombus. This condition is called

Question 70.
How we maintain the health of the heart?
Proper food habits and regular exercise play an important role in reducing the level of fat in blood. Thus we can maintain the health of the heart and the circulatory system.

Question 71.
The first heart transplantation was done by
Dr. Christian Bernard

Transportation In Plants

Question 72.
Complete the table

Vascular TissueFunction
……………. …………..


Vascular TissueFunction
Xylemtransports water and salt that roots absorb from the soil to the leaves.
PhloemTransports food from the leaves to the rest parts of the plant.

Conduction Through Xylem

Question 73.
Transportation of water takes place through ……… & ………..
Tracheids and vessels

Question 74.
What is transpiration?
Water is expelled from leaves due to evaporation. This process is called transpiration.

Question 75.
How does water reach the treetop through the xylem naturally?
This happens due to the combined action of many processes like transpiration, root pressure, cohesion, and adhesion.

Question 76.
Define adhesion?
The force of attraction between unlike molecules or the binding of a cell to another cell.

Question 77.
………… keeps the water drops on the surfaces of leaves and flowers in place.

Question 78.
…….. is the intermolecular attraction between like molecules.

Question 79.
Define cohesion in water?
Cohesion in water is a property of water that makes its molecules attracted to each other. A water molecule is made of one oxygen atom bonded to two hydrogen atoms.

Question 80.
Differentiate between cohesion and adhesion.
Cohesion is the force of attraction between molecules of the same substance. But adhesion is defined as the force of attraction between different substances such as glass and water.

Transport Through Phloem

Question 81.
Which is the main part of the phloem?
Sieve tube

Question 82.
Food is transported in the form of ……….. through the sieve tube.

Question 83.
……….. cells are seen along with sieve tubes, they also help in the transportation of food.
Companion cells

Let Us Assess

Question 84.
Choose the simple nutrients which are absorbed into blood from those given below.
A) Fatty acid
B) Amino acid
C) Fructose
D) Glycerol
E) Glucose
B) Amino acid
C) Fructose
E) Glucose

Question 85.
Observe the figure showing the transportation of water and minerals plants.
Class 9 Biology Chapter 3 Kerala Syllabus
a) Identify the vascular tissues indicated by A and B.
b) Name the processes that help water absorbed by the roots to reach the leaves.
a) A ……. Xylem
B ……… Phloem
b) Transpiration, root pressure, cohesion and adhesion

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