Resource Wealth of India TextBook Questions and Answers


 Resource wealth of India Question 1.

Name the different sectors that are the basis of Indian economy

  • Agriculture
  • Transport
  • Communication
  • Energy production
  • Mining


Zaid Crops Examples Question 2.
Observe the map and identify major rice producing states in India.


  1. West Bengal
  2. Assam
  3. Odisha
  4. UP
  5. Bihar
  6. Andra Pradesh
  7. Telangana
  8. Tamil Nadu

Universal Fiber Crop Question 3.
What are the favorable conditions for the cultivation of diverse agricultural crops in India?

  • Suitable agricultural climate that extends throughout the year
  • Fertile soil
  • Suitable physiography
  • Irrigation facilities

Which Crop is Known as Universal Fiber Question 4.
…………. is called golden fiber

Question 5.
Complete the following chart.


  1. Cash crops
  2. Fibre crops
  3. Plantation crops
  4. Beverages

Universal Fibre Crop Question 6.
Match the following.

Food cropRubber
Cash cropJute
Fiber cropCotton
Plantation cropWheat


Food cropWheat
Cash cropCotton
Fibre cropJute
Plantation cropRubber

Coffee Raw Material Question 7.
Distinguish between Kharif crops, Rabi crops and Zaid crops. Give examples for each
Kharif crops: Crops that are cultivated at the beginning of monsoon and harvested by the end of monsoon.
Eg. rice, cotton.
Rabi crops: Crops that are cultivated by the beginning of winter season and harvested by the beginning of summer.
Eg. wheat
Zaid crops: Crops that are cultivated by the beginning of summer and harvested by the beginning of monsoon.
Eg. fruits, vegetables.

Electroplating Plant Question 8.
Which crop is called universal fibre? Why?
Cotton is called universal fibre. Cotton is widely used all over the world as the raw material for textile industry. Hence it is known as ‘Universal fibre’.

Rubber Industry Question 9.
Categories the following crops into food crops and cash crops
Rice, wheat, cotton, tea, coffee, pulses, tobacco, maize, ragi, rubber
Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard Social Science Solutions Part 2 Chapter 8 Resource Wealth of India 3

Food cropsCash crops
1. Rice1. Cotton
2. wheat2. Tea
3. Pulses3. Coffee
4. Maiza4. Tobacco
5. Ragi5. Rubber

Question 10.
Observe the map of India and name the major wheat-producing states in India.

  • Punjab
  • U.P.
  • Hariyana
  • Himachal Pradesh
  • Utterakhand
  • M.P
  • Rajastan
  • Bihar

Question 11.
What are the geographical conditions suitable for wheat cultivation?
The geographical conditions suitable for wheat cultivation are:

  • Fertile plain lands.
  • Temperate regions conducive for wheat cultivation
  • Availability of porous or well-drained fertile soil with content of lime.
  • Average temperatures of 10°C during planting and 15°C to 26°C during harvesting period and 75 cm of rainfall are needed for wheat cultivation. These conditions are available in these states.
  • Rainfall received from western disturbance is suitable for the cultivation of rabi crops like wheat.

Question 12.
Wheat is not cultivated in Kerala. Why?
Wheat cultivation is not possible in Kerala because,

  • Scarcity of alluvial soil
  • High temperature
  • Poor irrigation facilities


Question 13.
Which are the soils ideal for cotton cultivation?

  • Black soil of Deccan plateau
  • Alluvial soil of North Indian Plain.

Question 14.
What are the raw materials for iron and steel industry?

  • Irone ore
  • Manganese
  • Coal
  • Limestone

Question 15.
Distinguish between metallic minerals and non- metallic minerals.

  • Minerals with metallic content are called metallic minerals. Eg. iron ore.
  • Minerals without metallic content are called non-metallic minerals. Eg. Mica.

Question 16.
Iron is considered as the basis of all industries. Why?

  • Machines and tools made of iron are used widely.
  • The amount of iron used in a country determines its standard of living.

Question 17.
Which are the four varieties of iron ore?

  • Magnetite
  • Hematite
  • Limonite
  • Siderite

Question 18.
Name the non-metallic minerals.

  • Limestone
  • Mica
  • Gypsum
  • Coal
  • Petroleum

Question 19.
Is there any metro project in Kerala?
Yes, Kochi metro

Question 20.
How many international airports are there in Kerala? Which are they?
4 airports.

  1. Thiruvananthapuram
  2. Nedumpasseri
  3. Kozhikode (Karipur)
  4. Kannur

Question 21.
Which are the major iron and steel industries in India?

  • Tata Iron and Steel factor (TISCO)
  • Visvesvaraya Iron and steel factory limited (VISL)
  • Bhilai Steel Plant
  • Durgapur Steel Plant
  • Rourkela Steel Plant
  • Bokaro Steel Plant
  • Indian Iron and Steel Company
  • Visakhapatnam Steel Plant.

Question 22.
Describe the two agro-based industries in India. Agro-based industries are those that use agricultural products as raw material. The two major agro-based industries of India are cotton textile industry and sugar industry.

Cotton textile industry: This is the biggest agro-based industry in India. India has been renowned for cotton clothes since very old times. The first cotton mill in India was established at Fort Gloster near Kolkata in 1818. The large scale cotton textile industry began to function at Mumbai in 1854. Mumbai is the largest cotton textile manufacturing centre in India. Though cotton textile mills function in various parts of the country, the majority of them are located in the states of Maharashtra and Gujarat.

Sugar industry: Among agro-based industries, sugar holds the second place. If sugarcane is kept for a longer period after their cropping, the content of sugar (sucrose) in it decreases. Therefore all sugar factories have been located near sugar fields. About 60% of the sugar being manufactured in India is from the states of Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, and Maharashtra. Uttar Pradesh leads both in the production of sugarcane and sugar. The majority of the sugar industries in India are concentrated in the states of Uttar Pradesh and Bihar. So these states are known as the sugar belt of India.

Question 23.
Compared to road transport, what are the advantage of rail, water, and air transport?
Each means of transport has its own advantage. Road transport is the best for short distances. But the other means of transport have certain advantages over road transport.
Rail transport:

  • Suitable for long-distance travel and cargo.
  • Can rest while traveling.

Water transport:

  • Less air pollution.
  • Less sound pollution.
  • Less cost for construction and maintenance of water transport route.
  • Transportation of heavy cargo.
  • Helps international trade.

Air transport:

  • Suitable for rugged terrain and in places which cannot be reached by roads and railways.
  • Most speedy form of transport.

Question 24.
Which are the Indian states leading in spice production?
Kerala, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu

Question 25.
The states of Uttar Pradesh and Bihar are known as the ‘Sugar Belt of India’. Why?
Among the sugar industries in India, majority of them are set up in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar.

Question 26.
Complete the chart

Cash cropsAgro-based industries
1. Cotton
2. Jute
3. Rubber
4. Oilseeds


Cash cropsAgro-based industries
1. Cotton1. Cotton textile industry
2. Jute2. Jute industry
3. Rubber3. Footwear, Sports goods, Cables, Cushions
4. Oilseeds4. Paint, Varnish, Soap, Lubricants, Spices

Question 27.
All sugar industries have been located near sugar fields, Why?
The juice is to be extracted immediately after the harvest of sugarcane. Otherwise, the quantity of juice and the amount of sucrose in the juice will be less. That is why sugar industries are located near sugar fields.


Question 28.
What are the raw materials for agro-based industries?
Sugarcane, cotton, jute, rubber, oil seeds

Question 29.
Which are the major agro-based industries in In-dia?
Sugar industry, cotton textile industry, jute industry, paper industry, woollen industry, silk industry, paint industry, varnish industry, soap industry, rubber industry, etc.

Question 30.
Identify the Indian states where sugar factories are located.
Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu.

Question 31.
Name major tea producing states in India.

  • Assam
  • West Bengal
  • Kerala
  • Tamil Nadu

Question 32.
Complete the flow chart of industries in India.

Question 33.
Match the following.}

Universal fibreMumbai


Universal fibreCotton

Question 34.
Rail and road transports are not developed in north-east states of India and in the regions lying close to the Himalayas. Why?
Idukki and Wayanad districts in Kerala have no railway lines. Why?
The construction of road and railway network is difficult in mountainous regions, hilly areas, valleys, and slopes. The above-said regions belong to such places.

Question 35.
What is the importance of agro-based industries?
These industries contribute substantially to India’s national income.
They are a base for huge employment potential

Question 36.
What are the conclusions to be drawn on the analysis of the location of the agro-based industries in relation to agricultural regions?
All the agro-based industries of India are located near to places where the raw materials for them are cultivated. This enables to get raw materials cheaply and in plenty. For eg: Mumbai and Ahmedabad, the centers of cotton textile industry in India are located near to places where cotton is cultivated on a large scale.

Question 37.
Which are the fossil fuels?

  • Coal
  • Petroleum
  • Natural gas

Question 38.
Point-out conditions required for rubber cultivation.
Temperature raging from 25°C to 35°C and annual rainfall of over 150 cm are ideal. Laterite soil is ideal.
Kerala, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu are the leading producers.

Question 39.
Mumbai is the largest cotton textile manufacturing center in India. What are the reasons for this?

  • Availability of abundant raw materials
  • Humid climate
  • Availability of electricity at cheaper rate
  • Availability of freshwater
  • Nearness to harbor

Question 40.
Classify the roads in India

Question 41.
Which is the largest mineral-based industry in India? Why is it called basic industry?
Iron and steel industry is the largest mineral-based industry in India. The measuring rode of the industrial progress of any nation is calculated on the basis of the production and consumption of iron. The present progress in the country is due to the growth of iron and steel industry. Many other industries depend on this industry. It laid the foundation for rapid industrialization in India. So it is called the basic industry.

Question 42.
Consider the map showing parts of India

Name the important ports

  1. Kandla
  2. Mumbai
  3. Goa
  4. Mangalore
  5. Kochi
  6. Thoothukudi
  7. Chennai
  8. Vishakhapatnam
  9. Vishakhapatnam
  10. Paradweep
  11. Kolkatta

Let Us Assess

Question 43.
Starting cultivation by the end of winter season and take harvest before rainy season’. Which agricultural season is mentioned here? Which are the main crops of this season?
Zaid season
Main crops: Fruits and vegetables

Question 44.
Prepare short notes
i) Golden quadrangle
ii) Universal fibre
Golden quadrangle: Golden quadrangle is the Express Highway that links the four metropolitan cities of India. In addition to this, the Government of India has planned under the category of Expressways, a North-South (Srinagar to Kanyakumari) and east-West (Silcharto Porbandar) corridor.

Universal fibre: Cotton is called universal fibre. Cotton is widely used all over the world as the raw material for textile industry. Hence it is known as ‘Universal fibre’.

Question 45.
Identify the following ports.
i) Port at southern end
ii) Main port of Karnataka
iii) Important port in West Bengal other than Kolkotta
i) Thoothukudi
ii) Mangalore
iii) Haldia


Question 46.
During which season are crops like Maize, Cotton and Jute are cultivated.

Question 47.
Which one of the following is a winter crop?
a. Wheat
b. Sugarcane
c. Groundnut
d. Millet
a. Wheat

Question 48.
Name the agricultural season that starts in June and ends in June.

Question 49.
Differentiate food crops and cash crops.
The crops which can directly be consumed as food are called food crops. Cash crops are those having industrial and commercial significance.

Question 50.
Explain the geographical factors required for rice cultivation.
Alluvial soil is most suitable for rice cultivation. Rice requires high temperature (24°C) and a good amount of Rainfall (more than 150cm) Rice is being cultivated on regions with less rainfall with the aid of irrigation.

Question 51.
Why is it said that maize is a suitable crop for In-dia?

  1. In India Maize is cultivated in both summer and winter.
  2. Cultivated in regions receiving an annual average rainfall of 75cm.
  3. Well drained fertile soil is ideal.

Question 52.
How are roads classified in India?
Roads in India are classified based on the con-struction and management.

Question 53.
What is Golden Quadrilateral Superhighway?
The six lane superhighways connecting the metropolitan cities in India such as Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata are together named as the golden quadrangle superhighway.

Question 54.
Which type of waterways are used for inland navigation?
Rivers, Backwaters, Canals, etc.

Question 55.
Which are the major inland waterways in India?

  1. Godavari – Krishna rivers and itstributories
  2. Buckingham canal of Andhra-Tamilnadu Region
  3. Mandovi and Zuvari rivers of Goa
  4. Back water of Kerala.

Question 56.
Through which mineral, the following places are known
i) Neyveli
ii) Jharia
iii) Digboy
i) Lingnite
ii) Coal
iii) Petroleum

Question 57. (Qn. Pool-2017)
Prepare a note on any three cash crops cultivated in India, its geographical requirements and the states where it is cultivated.
Cotton: Forest free growing seasons, 200 to 30°C temperature small amount of rainfall. Black soil in the best soil. Jute: Hot and humid conditions. High temperature and rainfall above 150cm is essential well-drained alluvial soil is suitable.
Sugareane: 4 tropical crop, requires hot and humid climate. Black soil and alluvial soil are ideal.

Question 58. (Qn. Pool-2017)
Presence of mineral resources has made some regions industrial centers. Substantiate this statement based on two industrial centers and the factors responsible for it.
Iron and steel industry, Aluminium industry availability of raw materials, transport facilities.

Question 59. (Qn. Pool-2017)
Write the favorable geographical factors required for the cultivation of major cash crops – cotton and jute and the states in which they are cultivated.
Cotton — Jute
1. Frost-free growing season — Hot and humid conditions
2. 20°C to 30°C temperature — High temperature
3. Black soil — Rainfall above 150cm
4. GujratMaharastra — Well drained alluvial soil
5. Andrapradesh, Tamilnadu — West Bengal,

Question 60.
(Qn. Pool-2017)
Write any two mineral-based industries in India. Find out the favorable factors for their development and prepares short note.
Iron and steel industries, Aluminium industries. Availability of new materials, transport facilities, cheap power, availability of water.

Question 61. (Orukkam – 2017)
Complete the following flow chart about the major Minerals in India.

a) Ferrous metals
b) Non-ferrous metals
c) Other minerals
d) Iron ore manganese
e) Gold silver copper
f) Coal, Petroleum
g) Mica

Question 62. (Orukkam – 2017)
Complete the following table of Major Iron and Steel Industry in India.

Iron and steel IndustryLocationCharacteristics
Tata Iron and Steel IndustryJamshedpurFirst public sector iron and steel company
Visweswarayya Iron and Steel Ltd.BhadravatiFirst iron and steel plant in south India
Bhilai Steel PlantDurgapurEstablished in collaborations with Russia in 1959
Rourkela Steel PlantSundargarhEstablished in Collaboration with Germany in 1954
Durgapur Steel PlanDurgapurEstablished in collaboration with the UK in 1962
Bokaro steel plantBokaroEstablished in collaboration with Russia in 1964

Question 63. (Orukkam- 2017)
Complete the table about the major Minerals in India, Uses, and the major state that produce these minerals.

MineralsUsesMajor producing States
GoldFor making jewelryKarnataka
SilverFor making jewelry in electroplating, photographsRajasthan, Jharkhand, Karnataka
CopperUsed conductor in electrical industriesJharkhand, Rajasthan Madhyapradesh-
BauxiteOre of Aluminium used for making aircraft, electrical equipment, domestic utensilsJharkhand, Chattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Orissa, Andrapradesh, Rajasthan, Jharkhand, Bihar

Question 64. (Orukkam – 2017)
Classify and write the Characteristics of Mineral
1. The major Thermal energy source in India
2. …………………..
3. …………………..
4. …………………..
5. …………………..
Petroleum and Natural gas:
1. Main energy source of Bus, Rail and Air transport
2. ………………..
3. ………………..
4. ……………….
Non – Conventional energy source:
1. Comparatively cheap
2. …………………
3. …………………

  1. Coal is a major industrial fuel
  2. Most of coal of fund in India is of medium grade of bituminous type.
  3. West Bengal, Jharkhand, Odisha, Chattisgarh are the major states producing coal.
  4. The largest coalfield in India is Jharia in Jharkhand.
  5. The less energy-efficient coal is lignite.

Petroleum and Natural gas:

  1. Other than petrol and diesel etc. numerous by-products are also obtained.
  2. Petroleum mining in India started at Digboi in Assam.
  3. Petroleum producing states in India are Assam Gujrat and Maharashtra.
  4. Natural gas is the fuel obtained along with petroleum.

Non – Conventional energy source:

  1. Environment-friendly
  2. Renewable

Question 65. (Orukkam – 2017)
Classify Roads in India and list down the features. National Highways
1. Major roads of the country
2. ………………..
3. ………………..
State Highways
1. ……………..
2. …………….
3. …………….
District roads
1. ……………
2. …………..
3. …………..
Village Roads
1. ……………
2. …………..
3. …………..
National Highways:

  1. Major roads of the country
  2. Maintained and constructed by the central government
  3. Links the state capitals, major cites, etc.

State Highways:

  1. Major roads of the state.
  2. Links state capital with the district headquarters.
  3. Construction and maintenance by the government

District roads:

  1. Major roads in the district.
  2. links district headquarters with important places with in the roads

Village Roads:

  1. Built and maintained by the district panchayath
  2. Ensures the domestic movements both in the state
  3. Construction and maintenance by local self-government


Question 66. (Orukkam – 2017)
List down the characteristics of Water Transport.
1. Cheapest mode of transport
2. …………………
3. …………………
4. …………………
5. …………………
2. Suitable for large scale cargo transport
3. Does not cause environmental pollution.
4. Does not cause environmental pollution.
5. Most suitable for international trade.

Question 67. (Orukkam-2017)
List down the areas where inland navigation is more
1. The rivers Ganges, Brahmaputra, and its tributaries.
2. ………………..
3. ………………..
4. ………………..
5. ………………..
2. Godavari – Krishna and their tributaries.
3. Buckingham canal of Andhra – Tamilnadu region
4. Mandovi and Zuari rivers of Goa
5. Backwaters of Kerala

Question 68. (Orukkam – 2017)
List down the major National Waterways in India

National waterwaysArea through which it passes
National waterway 1Allahabad to Haldia
National waterwaySadia to Dubri in the river Brahmaputra
National waterway 3The west coastal canal in. Kerala from Kollam to Kottapuram
National waterway 4Canal from Kakinada to Pondicherry linking Godavari and Krishna
National waterway 5Brahmini – Mahanadi delta river system
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