Kerala SCERT Class 10 Social Science 2 Consumer : Satisfaction and Protection Question Answer


 (1). What does the term means consumption?


Consumption is the satisfaction of human wants using goods and services.

(2). Who is consumer?


A consumer is a person who purchases and uses goods and services by paying or agreeing to pay a price.

(3).  Why we are in the situation now where we even have to pay for water and air?


Because there is the scarcity of resources and as the population of the world is goes on increasing day by day wants of people is also increases. There is  increase in urbanisation due to this factories are increasing and the coke of factories polluting the air and the harmful  chemical used in factories polluting the sea and River water due to all these things  there is the situation where we have less sources of water and air and wants is more that why we have to pay for Water and air.

(4). According to Gandhiji why we have to satisfy consumer?


according to Gandhiji a consumer is the most important visitor on our premises. He is not depending on us. We are depend on the consumer, consumer is not interruption in our work, consumer is the reason of it he is not outsiders of business he is the part of business. We are not doing favour on him by serving him. The Consumer is doing favour by providing us a chance to satisfy him. That’s why we have to satisfy consumer.

(5). What are the rights of consumer by the consumer protection act 1986?


The rights of the consumer as per the act are as follows

(i) Consumer rights are necessary to protect property and life-threatening goods and services against a market.

(ii)the right to be informed about the quality related aspects of goods and services.

(iii) the right to have access to goods and services at the fair prices.

(iv) the right to be heard and to speak redressed at appropriate forums.

(v) the right to consumer education.

(6). What are the problems faced by consumers in the market?


The main problems faced by the consumers are poor qualities of products and the information about the products displayed on the product should more informative.

(7). what are the consumer expects while purchasing products and using services?


He expects the product he is buying should of good quality, should be reliable, harmful chemical should not be used in these products.

(8). What is the satisfaction of consumer?


The act of fulfilling the wants of the consumer through the consumption of goods and services is called consumer satisfaction.

(9). What are the circumstances where the consumer are exploiting or cheated?


There are various circumstances where the consumer are exploited or cheated there are (i) selling low quality products

(ii) adulteration

(iii) charging excess price

(iv) manipulation in weight and measure

(v) delay in making services available.

(10). State any five situations when the complaints about consumer disputes can be filed?


In following situations consumer can file for dispute.

(i) If the purchased product is damaged or defective.

(ii) Inadequate services received from government / NGOs / non-governmental organizations.

(iii) Determining a price that exceeds the amount legally established or indicated on the outer shell.

(iv) Give misleading advertisement for increasing sale

(v) Sales of products that are harmful to life and safety


(11). what are the compensation for consumer disputes obtained through consumer courts?


The compensation for consumer disputes obtained through consumer courts are as follows:

(i) Replacing the product.

(ii) Repayment of cash paid or excess amount appropriate

(iii) Monetary compensation for the loss.

(iv) Direction to rectify the defects in services.

(v) Stopping harmful trade practices

(vi) Prohibition of the sale of harmful food items.

(12). what is Sale of Goods act 1930?


It ensures that the prescribed conditions of sale are met while purchasing product. Violation of guarantee or warranty, after sale services etc. comes under this act.

(13). What does Agriculture produce grading and marketing Act 1937 mean?


This Act is meant for determining the standard of agricultural products.

(14). How Essential Commodities Act, 1955 works?


This act protects the consumer from supernormal profit, hoarding, black marketing, etc.

(15). How weight and measure Act 1976 is helpful?


This Act is helpful in preventing cheating in weight and measure.

(16). State the works of the following departments works on the protection of consumer interests.

(i) Legal metrology department

(ii) Food safety department

(iii) Central drugs price control committee


(i) Legal metrology department – ensures the weight and measure standard

(ii) Food safety department – ensures the quality of food products

(iii) Central drugs price control committee – controls price of medicines

(17). How Drugs control department and food Safety and standard Authority of India works?


Drugs control department ensures the quality and safety of medicines and food safety and standard Authority of India ensures the quality of food products at various stages like production, distribution, storage, sale and import.

(18). State the following symbols used for what purpose and on which products?

(i) ISI

(ii) ISO

(iii) CE

(iv) FPO


(i) ISI :

ISI stamp is given by the bureau of Indian standard (BIS) to ensure to a fixed quality of products this symbol can be seen in products like paint, gas cylinder, electrical appliances, paper and cement.

(ii) ISO:

International Organisation for standardisation (ISO) certifies the quality of goods and services of more than 120 countries including India. ISO gives the certification to different products and services intuitions like hospital, banks, etc.

(iii) CE:

This symbol is used internationally to certify the safety of electronic and electrical appliances.

(iv) FPO:

It certifies the safety and quality of products processed from fruits and vegetables. FPO is the short form of Food Product Order.

(19). What are the ways in which consumers are empowered through consumer education?


It helps to consume sensibly as per the wants. It helps to acquire information regarding product and services. It enables the consumer to make the right choices.

(20).  What are the ways by which consumer education can be ensured ?


There are following ways by which consumer education can be ensured

(i) Awareness programmes

(ii) Inclusion in the curriculum

(iii) Observance of the National Consumer Day.

(21). What are the ways in which the intervention of the society can be made possible?


Functioning of consumer organisation consumer awareness and public interest litigation these are the ways by which the intervention of the society can be made possible.

(22). What habits will form as a result of consumer education programme?


The program will form the following habits as results of consumer education programme

(i) The customer ask for the bill for every purchase made

(ii) He/ she make sure that the weight and measure are accurate

(iii) He/ she will make sure while purchasing packed items that the name of the product date of packing expiry date, weight, price, and producer’s distributor’s address are stated.

(iv) He/ she will note the symbol representing the standard of the products.

(v) He will understand how to use and operate the product purchased.

(23). What is the role of Consumer Court for ensuring the justice for consumer?


There may be the situation in which the consumer will not satisfy with the dealing of the producers and distributors. They can approach the consumer courts which are mechanism for assisting or helping them as per the law. Consumer court plays the important role in ensuring the justice to the consumer. They settled the dispute by various means including ensuring compensation.

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