India: The Land of Diversities TextBook Questions and Answers



Kerala State Syllabus 10th Standard Social Science Solutions Part 2 Chapter 7 India: The Land of Diversities

India is a large country with liverse topography. The major peographical features are the Northern mountain ranges, the trans-Himalayan, the Himalayas and the Eastern high lands, the northern plains. The Himalayan rivers, the desert which is part of the northern plains. In the peninsular India, the mountains are the Aravalli mountains, Vindhya, satpura, western ghats, and the eastern ghats. The long western and eastern coastal plain and the islands of laccading and Andaman and Nicolas Islands also is part of India.

India The Land Of Diversity Sslc Kerala Syllabus Chapter 7 Question 1.
Answer the following questions with the help of Atlas.
i) Countries of Indian subcontinent
ii) Countries sharing land frontier with India
iii) Neighboring countries situated in Indian Ocean
i) Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, and Bangladesh
ii) Afghanistan, Pakistan, China, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, and Myanmar
iii) Sri Lanka, Indonesia, and Maldives


Sslc Geography Chapter 7 Kerala Syllabus Question 2.
Mountains of Northern Mountain system are depicted in the figure. Name the places.

A) 1) Karakoram
2) Ladakh
3) Zaskar
B) 1) Himadri
2) Himachal
3) Siwalik
C) 1) Patkai Bum
2) Naga hills
3) Khasi, Garo,
4) Mizo hills

India The Land Of Diversities Kerala Syllabus Chapter 7 Question 3.
Name the in the Eastern hill region.

  • Assam
  • Nagaland
  • Meghalaya
  • Mizoram
  • Arunachal Pradesh
  • Manipur
  • Sikkim
  • Tripura

Sslc Geography Chapter 7 Notes Kerala Syllabus Question 4.
Mark the mountain ranges belonging to the northern mountains in the outline map of India provided.

India The Land Of Diversity Kerala Syllabus Chapter 7 Question 5.
Observe the figure and write down the Himalayan rivers, their tributaries, and the states through which they flow.


India The Land Of Diversity In Geography Kerala Syllabus Chapter 7 Question 6.
Identify the states included in Northern Great Plains.
1. West Bengal
2. Bihar
3. ……….
4. ……….
1. West Bengal
2. Bihar
3. Rajastan
4. Punjab
5. Uttarakhand
6. U.P
7. Assam

Scert Class 10 Social Science Kerala Syllabus Chapter 7 Question 7.
Name the region where alluvial soil is found in India.

  • Northern great plains
  • Coastal plains
  • Riverbanks

Sslc Social Science Notes Kerala Syllabus Chapter 7 Question 8.
In between which physiographic divisions is the Northern Great plains located?
Between Northern mountains and peninsular plateau.

Hss Live Social Science 10th Kerala Syllabus Chapter 7 Question 9.
The Northern Great Plains have a good network of roads, rail, and canals. Why?
The Northern Great plains are formed by the alluvial deposits of Himalayan rivers. This is one of the largest alluvial plains of the world. Since it has a flat topography, construction of roads, rail and canals is easy.

Social Science Class 10 Kerala Syllabus  Question 10.
The Marusthali-Bagar region of Rajasthan is least populated. Why?
Marusthali-Bagar which constitutes the western part of Northern Great Plains receives very less rainfall. This has become a desert. The hottest place in India, Jaisalmer, is in this desert. Desert soil with rich salt content and less moisture content is found here. This soil is not suitable for agriculture. Shrubs and thorny plants grow here. Due to these, this region is least populated.

Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard Social Science Notes Chapter 7 Question 11.
Prepare a seminar paper on the topic: The Influence of Northern Great Plains in India’s Development.
Northern Great Plains situated between Northern mountain system and Peninsular plateau play a decisive role in the economic development of India. Northern Great Plains is formed due to the continuous depositional activity of the Himalayan rivers. With several thousand kilometers of thickness, these plains spread to about 7 lakh km2. This plain is one of the world’s most extensive alluvial plains. The plains are also known as Indo- Gangetic-Brahmaputra plain.

Alluvial soils are the major type of soil in there plains. There soils are highly fertile. So there plains are called the backbone of Indian agriculture. The Northern Plains are also known as the granary of India. Major crops cultivated here are wheat, maize, paddy, sugarcane, cotton and pulses. Fertile soils, flat land and the availability of waterthroughout the year attract people to these plains. So it is the most densely populates region in India. A variety of food crops and cash crops which add to the economic prosperity of India are produced here.

Along with agriculture, many agro-based industries and mineral-based industries are located here. The growth of industries paved the way for the emergence of many cities. The major Indian cities are located in these plains. The plains have well-connected road and railway network which help to transport goods to different parts of the country. The Great Plains are the birthplace of Indian culture. Many Hindu pilgrim centers are located here. Thus the Great Plains help in the cultural life of India also.

Sslc Social Science Malayalam Medium Kerala Syllabus Chapter 7 Question 12.
Mark the major features of the peninsular plateau in the outline map of India. Provides map of India
Provides map of India

Social Notes For Class 10 State Syllabus Chapter 7 Question 13.
Observe the map (fig 8.2) and find out the rivers flowing through the peninsular plateau.

Godaveri, Krishna, Kaveri, Narmada, Tapti

Sslc History Chapter 1 Notes Pdf Kerala Syllabus Chapter 7 Question 14.
Peninsular rivers and the direction flow:

West flowingEast flowingNorth flowing
1. Narmada1. Mahanadi1. Chambal
2. Tapti2. Godavari2. Betwa
3. Krishna3. Son
4. Cauvery4. Ken

10th Social Science Notes Pdf State Syllabus Chapter 7 Question 15.
The Himalayan ranges are known as a natural barrier. What changes would have happened in India if this mountain range was not there? Explain with example.
The Himalayan ranges influence the culture, economy, and climate of India. The Himalayan ranges run at a distance of about 2400 km from Kashmir to Indian border in the east.

  • The Himalayas, the world’s highest mountain system, separates Indian subcontinent from the Asian continent and helped India from foreign aggression and the development of its own culture.
  • Protects the North Indian states from severe cold by preventing the cold winds blowing from north Asian regions.
  • It obstructs the monsoon winds and brings the whole of India under rainfall.
  • The glaciers and ice fields in the Himalayan peaks are storehouse of freshwater. These are the sources of origin for the Himalayan rivers which help in the economic prosperity of India.
  • Indo-Gangetic plains, formed by the alluvial deposits of these rivers are the backbone of India agriculture and the granary of India.
  • The Himalayas is the habitat of rare species of plants and animals.
  • This region with cool climate and beautiful natural scenery is a tourist paradise.
  • In the absence of the Himalayas, all the above-mentioned factors would not have been available to India.

Social 10th Class Notes State Syllabus Chapter 7 Question 16.
What are the characteristics of Peninsular rivers compared to Himalayan rivers?
Peninsular rivers have:

  • Less catchment area
  • Intensity of erosion is less
  • Deep valleys are not formed because they flow through hard rocks.
  • Less potential for inland navigation.
  • Rainfed only

Question 17.
The Northern Great Plains are the most densely populated region in India. Give reason.
Alluvial soil, the most fertile soil is found in the Great Plains. The Great Plain is known as the granary of India. The Himalayan rivers flowing through the plains provide water throughout the year. Flatland enables the construction of good network of roads and railways. India’s agriculture and industries are concentrated here. Road, rail and canal transport help to carry people and goods. Due to these rea¬sons, the Northern Great Plains are the most densely populated region in India.

Question 18.
Most of the peninsular river enters the plain by forming waterfalls. Why is it so?
Most of the peninsular mountains and through the plateau regions. So when they enter the plain waterfalls are formed.

Question 19.
Complete the table showing details of Peninsular rivers.
Scert Class 10 Social Science Kerala Syllabus Chapter 7

What Plants Grow on Mount Everest Question 20.
Name the highest waterfall in India.
Jog falls in Saravathi river in Karnataka

10th Standard in India Question 21.
Using the indicators, complete the columns in the table.

IndicatorsHimalayan riversPeninsular rivers
Catchment area
Erosive capability
Availability of water
Inland navigation


Indicators riversHimalayan riversPeninsular
Catchment areaExtensiveComparatively small
Erosive capabilityHighLow
Availability of waterSnow fed and rain-fedRainfed
Inland navigationMore chanceLess chance

Average Height of Kerala Question 22.
The names of some major towns and cities situated along the river banks are given below. Prepare a. table in the given format by identify the river banks along which each is located. Also, locate these towns and cities in the outline map of India.
New Delhi: Agra, Devaprayag, Varanasi, Allahabad, Patna, Guvaheti, Kolkata, Ludiyana, Srinagar, Ahamedabad, Surat, Vijayawada, Thiruchirapally, Tanjavur, Coorg.

Question 23.
Delta are commonly formed along the east coastal plain, but not along the west coastal plain, why is it so?
When compared to the western coastal plain, eastern coastal is wider. So the east-flowing rivers at its lower coast flows through vast plains creating deltas.

Question 24.
Mark the Lakshadweep Islands and Andaman and Nicobar on the pep of India.

Question 25.
Point out 2 features of desert soil.

  1. Rich salt content
  2. Very little moisture content


Question 26.
Mark the answers to the following geoinformation in the outline map of India.

a) The southernmost Himalayan range
b) Major type of soil in Marusthali Bagar plain
c) Coromandel Coast
d) The southernmost point of India
a) Siwalik
b) Desert soil
c) Coromandel Coast
d) Indira Point

Question 27.
From which state do the following rivers originate?
Narmada, Mahanadi, Tapti, Cauvery,
Krishna, Godavari

RiverState of source
1. Mahanadi1.1. Madhya Pradesh
2. Narmada2. Chhattisgarh
3. Tapti3. Madhya Pradesh
4. Krishna4. Maharashtra
5. Cauvery5. Karnataka
6. Godavari6. Maharashtra

Question 28.
The names of some rivers are given. List them as originating from the Himalayas and from the Western Ghats.
Jhelum, Cauvery, Yamuna, Krishna, Kosi, Godavari

Rivers originating from HimalayasRivers originating from Western Ghats
1. Jhelum1. Cauvery
2. Yamuna2. Krishna
3. Kosi3. Godavari

Question 29.
Why is Peninsular plateau called the storehouse of minerals?

  1. There are large deposits of different minerals occur in this area.
  2. Iron ore, coal, manganese, bauxite, limestone, etc. are found.

Question 30.
Which are the river valleys in eastern coastal plain where paddy is cultivated on a large scale?
River valleys of Cauvery, Krishna, Godavari, and Mahanadi
In India like physiography climate also is diverse. Latitude, physiography nearness to ocean and attitude are the factors influencing the climate of India. In India seasons can be generally classified into winter season December, January, February. Summer: March, April, May, June, Southwest monsoon season June, July, August, September, Northeast monsoon season October, November, Summer, and winter is severe in north India. In peninsular India there is not much difference in the summer and winter temperature. Southwest monsoon brings plenty of rainfall to the western coast of India, whereas the coromandel coast receives rain from the northeast monsoon.

Question 31.
Which are the winter months in India?
December, January, February

Question 32.
Coastal regions experience comparatively high temperatures. why?
Water has a higher heat capacity than soil and rock. So the ocean takes much longer to heat and to cool than the land.

Question 33.
Which are the months of southwest monsoon season in India?
June, July, August, September

Question 34.
Rainfall is comparatively less along the eastern slopes of the western ghats, why?
The eastern slope of the western ghats lies to the law and side of the southwest monsoon. So this region has become a rain shadow region.

Question 35.
By what name is the southwest monsoon rain known in Kerala?

Question 36.
What is the role of eastern high lands in the heavy rainfall in the northeastern states?
The Bay of Bengal branch of the southwest Mon¬soon advances northward by absorbing more mois¬ture from the Bay of Bengal. Again it bifurcates and one branch
which turns towards northeastern states is blocked by the eastern highlands bringing plenty of rainfall.

Question 37.
‘What causes the rightward deflection of these winds?
In the northern home, sphere winds deflect towards right due to the conolis effect and the southward movement of the sun.

Question 38.
By what name is the northeast monsoon rain known in Kerala?

Question 39.
Observe the map on your textbook page 131 and answer the following questions.
i) Places receiving more than 200cm rainfall
ii) Places receiving less than 60cm rainfall
iii) Reason for the imbalance in the distribution of rainfall.
i) Kerala, Northeastern states
ii) Rajasthan, Interior of Decan and the earth of the sahadris.
iii) Physiography, Distance from the sea

Question 40.
What is western disturbance? Write its benefit.
During the cold-weather season of India, low pres¬sure systems develop over the Mediterranean sea and travel towards east under the influence of jet streams and enter India. This causes winter rainfall in North plains, especially in Punjab. This is known as western disturbance. This is most suitable for the cultivation of rabi crops like wheat and barley.

Question 41.
Explain ‘October heat’.
The northeast monsoon season experienced in the months of October and November is an interval between rainy season and cold weather season. The high temperature and humidity experienced all over India during this time make the day time very un-comfortable or sultry. This phenomenon is called October heat.

Question 42.
Though northeast monsoon winds are dry, they cause heavy rainfall over the Coromandel coast of India. How?
During the northeast monsoon period, low pressure areas are formed over the Bay of Bengal and attract air from land. The monsoon winds which blow from land to ocean get moisture from the Bay of Bengal and move in south-east direction. These winds cause heavy rainfall over the Coromandel coast.

Question 43.
Which are the different types of soil found in India?

  1. Alluvial soil
  2. Black soil
  3. Red soil
  4. Laterite soil
  5. Desert soil
  6. Mountain soil

Question 44.
Complete the following flow chart.
Sslc Social Science Malayalam Medium Kerala Syllabus Chapter 7

Question 45.
Mention the heights of
i) Mount Everest
ii) Mount K2
i) 8848 m
ii) 8661 m

Question 46.
Match the following.

IndusMount K2
Trans HimalayasHimachal Pradesh


IndusHimachal Pradesh
Trans HimalayasMount K2

Question 47.
Regions close to oceans experience high temperatures during winter season. Why?
Land gets heated up and cools quickly than ocean. Land experiences high pressure during winter season and ocean low pressure. The dense air from regions lying close to ocean move to less dense air area of ocean. This reduces the cold of those places.

Question 48.
During southwest monsoon period, less rainfall is experienced on the east of Western Ghats. Why?
The Western ghats obstruct the rain-bearing Arabian sea branch of southwest monsoon winds and cause heavy rainfall on the western margins in the state of Kerala, Karnataka, Goa, and Maharashtra. But the east of Western Ghats receives only less rainfall. This is because by the time the monsoon winds cross the Western Ghats and reach the east, the moisture content in them will be lost. This is the reason why Tamil Nadu gets scanty rainfall during southwest monsoon period while Kerala receives heavy rainfall. The eastern part of Western Ghats is a rain shadow region.

Question 49.
What are the reasons for regional distribution of rainfall in India?

  1. Physiography
  2. Location of mountain ranges
  3. Nearness to oceans
  4. Distance from oceans
  5. Direction of wind.
  6. Extent of land

Question 50.
How is India divided on the basis of the distribution of rainfall?

  • Heavy rainfall regions (above 200 ems): West coast plains, northeastern states and sonic parts in the Himalayan regions.
  • High rainfall regions (between 100 and 200 ems): Western Ghats regions, most parts of North Indian Plains, Northeastern parts of Peninsular India and northeastern regions.
  • Moderate rainfall regions (between 60 and 100 ems): Southwest of Kashmir, Malwa Plateau, Deccan Plateau and central parts of Tamil Nadu.
  • Low rainfall regions (below 60 ems): Rajasthan, western parts of Gujarat, central parts of Deccan Plateau and northern parts of Kashmir.

Question 51.
What are the peculiarities of Lakshadweep?

  • Located in the Arabian Sea about 300 kms away from Kochi.
  • Consists of 36 islands.
  • Only 11 islands are inhabited
  • Kavarathi is the capital of Lakshadweep
  • Lagoons, sandy shores, and coral reefs are present.
  • Agriculture is only namesake and people mainly depend on sea for livelihood.
  • Fishing and tourism are the main sources of incomb.

Question 52.
Write the peculiarities of Andaman and Nicobar islands.

  1. Situated in the Bay of Bengal.
  2. Consist of two groups of islands – Andaman with 200 islands and Nicobar with 19 islands.
  3. Majority of the islands are uninhabited.
  4. Most of them have thick forests.
  5. The only volcano of India is situated in the Barren island here. –
  6. Port Blair is the capital.

Question 53.
Complete the following table showing the features of soils in India.
Sslc History Chapter 1 Notes Pdf Kerala Syllabus Chapter 7

Indira Point which is the southern tip of Nicobar islands is treated as the southernmost part of India.

Question 54.
Which are the two branches of southwest monsoon winds? Identify the regions where they cause rainfall.
Due to the peculiar shape of the Indian peninsula, the southwest monsoon winds enter India by bifurcating into two branches -Arabian Sea branch and Bay of Bengal branch.

Arabian Sea Branch:
The Arabian sea branch which reaches Kerala coast by the beginning of June gives heavy rainfall in the western parts of Kerala, Karnataka, Goa, and Maharashtra.

Bay of Bengal branch:
The Bay of Bengal branch which absorbs moisture from Bay of Bengal advances through Sundarban delta and enters West Bengal and bifurcates into two. One branch enters the Brahmaputra plains and gives heavy rainfall in the northeastern states. Khasi, Garo hills obstruct the winds to cause rainfall.

The other branch enters the Ganga plains and gives rainfall in the states of West Bengal, Bihar, and Utter Pradesh. This branch joins with the Arabian Sea branch in the Punjab plain, moves northward and gives heavy rainfall in the foothills of the Himalayas.

Question 55.
The highest peak in India is ………………
Mount K2


Question 56.
After studying the features of Indian coastal regions, Suresh said that eastern coast is entirely different form western coast
a) Do you agree with this?
b) Why?
a) Yes, I agree
b) The reasons are given below.

East coastWest coast
1. Located between Eastern Ghats and Bay of Bengal1. Located between Western Ghats and Arabian sea
2. Stretches from Sundarbansto Kanyakumari2. Stretches from Rann of Kutch to Kanyakumari
3. Comparatively wider Deltas are formed3. Comparatively narrow Lagoons and estuaries are formed
4. Influenced by northeast monsoon4. Influenced by southwest monsoon

Question 57.
Prepare a short description about the Northern Mountain region.
These mountain ranges starting from the northwest of Kashmir and extending up to the eastern boundary of India is known as the Northern Mountains. This mountain range is classified into Trans Himalayas, Himalayas and Eastern Highlands.

Question 58.
Prepare a description about the Himalayas.
The Himalayan mountain ranges extend between the Trans Himalayas and the eastern high lands. These mountain ranges have a length of 2400 km. Many of the world’s highest peaks are situated here. The height of these mountains tends to decrease towards the east. The physical division extending over 5 lakh, comprises of three parallel mountain ranges.

Question 59.
What are the features of Himadri, which is part of Himalayas?

  1. The highest mountain range.
  2. Average altitude is 6000 meters.
  3. Origin of the rivers Ganga and Brahmaputra has a number of peaks above 8000 meters.

Question 60.
Differentiate Himachal from Himadri and Siwalik.
Situated to the south of the Himadri Average altitude is 3000 mts. The hill stations like Shimla, Darjeeling, etc. are situated in the southern slopes of this range.

Question 61.
What are the features of Siwalik?

  1. Situated to the south of the Himachal.
  2. Average altitude is 1220 meters.
  3. As the Himalayan rivers cut across this range, its continuity breaks at many places. Broad flat valleys seen
  4. along these ranges are called Duns.

Question 62.
Cherrapunji, the place receiving the highest rainfall in the world is located in which mountain?
Eastern highlands/ Poorvachal

Question 63.
On which mountain range are the hill stations like Shimla and Darjeeling?
a. Himadri
b. Himachal
c. Siwalik
d. Poorvachal
b. Himachal

Question 64.
What are ‘Duns
Broad flat valleys formed as Himalayan rivers cut across this range are called Duns.

Question 65.
Identify the correct statements related to Himalayas rivers.
a. Comparatively smaller catchment area.
b. Extensive catchment area.
c. Intensity of erosion is less.
d. Intensive erosion
(i) ‘a’ and ‘c’ are correct
(ii) ‘b’ and ‘d’ are correct
(iii) ‘b’ and ‘c’ are correct
(iv) ‘b’ and ‘d’ are correct,
‘b’ and ‘d’ are correct

Question 66.
On which coasted plain do deltas are formed?
Eastern coastal plain

Question 67.
What is ‘October heat’?
During October-November, which is the transition period between the rainy season to winter. During this time the days become unbearable due to high temperature
and humidty. This phenomenon is known as October heat.

Question 68.
Which Monsoon season brings rainfall to the coromandel coast?
North-East Monsoon/ Retreating Monsoon.

Question 69.
The Himalayan ranges are known as a natural bar¬rier. What changes would have happened in India if this mountain range was not there? Explain with example.
The Himalayan ranges influence the culture, economy, and climate of India. The Himalayan ranges run at a distance of about 2400 km from Kashmir to Indian border in the east.

  • The Himalayas, the world’s highest mountain system, separates Indian subcontinent from the Asian continent and helped India from foreign aggression and the development of its own culture.
  • Protects the North Indian states from severe cold by preventing the cold winds blowing from north Asian regions.
  • It obstructs the monsoon winds and brings the whole of India under rainfall.
  • The glaciers and ice fields in the Himalayan peaks are storehouse of freshwater. These are the sources of origin for the Himalayan rivers which help in the economic prosperity of India.
  • Indo-Gangetic plains, formed by the alluvial deposits of these rivers, are the backbone of India agriculture and the granary of India.
  • The Himalayas is the habitat of rare species of plants and animals.
  • This region with cool climate and beautiful natural scenery is a tourist paradise.
  • In the absence of the Himalayas, all the above-mentioned factors would not have been available to India. ‘

Question 70.
Distinguish between Himalayan rivers and Penisular rivers.

Himalayan riversPeninsular rivers
Originate from the hills of Himalayan rangesOriginate from the hills of Peninsular plateau
Extensive catchment areaComparatively less catchment area
High erosive capabilityIntensity of erosion is less
Develop canyons (gorges) in the mountains and meanders in plainsDeep valleys are not formed because they flowthrough hard rocks
Large volume of waterLess volume of water
inland navigation is possible in the plains Rainfed and snow-fed High irrigational capacityLess chances for inland navigation Rain fed only Low irrigational capacity

Question 71.
What are the characteristics of Peninsular rivers compared to Himalayan rivers?
Peninsular rivers have:

  • Less catchment area
  • Intensity of erosion is less
  • Deep valleys are not formed because they flow through hard rocks.
  • Less potential for inland navigation.
  • Rainfed only

Question 72. (Qn. Pool-2017)
Given is the map showing the direction of monsoon winds. Observe the map and prepare a description based on the hints given.

1. Monsoon season
2. Nature of winds
South-west monsoon winds enter the Indian subcontinent after bifurcating due to the peculiar shape of peninsular India. The Arabian sea branch enters the western coast and brings rainfall to the western coasted area. The Bay of Bengal branch enters India through odishe and Sudarban delta and again bifurcates and brings rainfall to northeastern.

Question 73. (Qn. Pool-2017)
Identify the rivers hinted below and write any two features of them.
a) River originating from the Chema-yung-dung glacier in the Kaila’s ranges.
b) One of the major tributaries is Yamuna
Brahmaputra flows through Tibet first and enters India and flow 725KM through India and enters Bangladesh Ganga is the longest river flowing through India. It joins Brahmaputra after entering Bangladesh.

Question 74. (Qn. Pool-2017)
While comparing it is understood that the Himalayan Rivers are quite different from the Peninsular rivers in every respect. Substantiate.

Himalayan RiversPeninsular River
1. Originate from the mountain Himalayan1. Originate from the mountain ranger in the peninsular plateau
2. Extensive catchment area2. Caperatively smaller catchment area
3. Intensive erosion3. Intensity of erosion less
4. Creats gorges in the mountain region and meandering courses in the plains.4. Do not create deep valleys due to herd and resistant rocks
5. High irrigatives potential5. Less irrigation potential
6. Navigable along the plains6. Navigalious potential is low

Question 75. (Qn. Pool-2017)
What are the factors causing variations in the cli¬mate experienced in India?

  1. Latitude
  2. Physiography
  3. Nearness to ocean
  4. Attitude

Question 76. (Qn. Pool – 2017)
Describe the characteristics of the different seasons in India.
Major seasons experienced in India are

  • Winter season from December to February. During this time extreme cold and snowfall in the Himalayan region is usual. Due to the origin of cyclone the Mediterranean and its shift towards eart under the influenced of the stream brings rainfall in Punjab and Hariyana known as the western disturbance.
  • Summer season: Summer months are March to June in India. During this time extreme heat is experienced in rest India.
  • Southwest monsoon season: This is the highest rainfall season in India. Sun is in the northern hemisphere low-pressure area increated and as a result wind defect right and reach Indians sub continued.
  • Northeast monsoon season. By the end of September, then sun is in the southern hemisphere low pressure is created over bay of Bengal and the Monsoon winds deflect right and blow from the northeast directions.

Question 77.
Write notes by mentioning the major soil types and the major crops cultivated in the northern plains as well as in the peninsular plateau.

AreaMajor soil typeCrops
Northern plateauAlluvial soil desert soilwheat, maize, rice, sugarcane, cotton pub
Peninsular plateauBlack soil Red soil Laterite soilCotton sugarcane, groundnut Pulses Rubber

Question 78. (Qn. Pool – 2017)
Name the branches of southwest monsoon bifurcated by the Indian peninsula. How do these branches influence the climate of India?
Arabian sea branch. The Arabian sea branch reaches the coast of Kerala by early June comes heavy rainfall in the western coastal areas. The Bay of Bengal branch of the Southwest

Question 79. (Qn. Pool-2017)
Write the location of India based on latitudes and longitudes.
Between the latitudes 8° 4′ North and 37° 25′ North latitudes.
Between the longitudes 68° 7′ East and 97° 25′ East longitudes.


Question 80. (Qn. Pool-2017)
The names of a few mountain ranges are given below. Categorize and tabulate them suitably, TransHimalayas, Himalayas, Eastern mountains.
a) Karakoram
b) Jaintia
c) Himachal
d) Shiwalik
e) Ladak
f) Naga hills

Trans HimalayasHimalayasEastern mountains
ShiwalikJaintiaNaga hills

Question 81. (Qn. Pool-2017)
Write notes on the Himalayan rivers based on the given hints.
1. Origin
2. Tributaries
3. Length
4. States through which they flow
5. Sea to which they join
1. Indus – Manasarovar lake – 2280 km – Jhelum, Chenab, Ravi, Beas, Sutlej – Jammu & Kashmir
2. Ganga – Gangothri Glacier/Gaumukh caves – 2500 km – Yamuna, Son, Ghaghra, Kosi, Gandak – Uttaranchal, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal- Bay of Bengal
3. Brahmaputra – Chema-Yung-dung glacier – 2900 km – Tista, Manaas, Luni, Subansiri – Arunachal Pradesh, Assam

Question 82. (Qn. Pool-2017)
Which are the physiographic divisions between which the Northern Great Plains are situated?
Between the Northern mountains/ Himalayas and the Peninsular plateau.

Question 83. (Qn. Pool-2017)
Which is the most common soil type found in the Northern Great Plains and in the coastal plains?
Alluvial soil


Question 84. (Qn. Pool-2017)
The road, rail and canal network in India is largely concentrated in the Northern plains. Why?

  • Extensive and level topography
  • High density of population.
  • Necessity of various means of transportation for agriculture, industry, etc.

Question 85. (Qn. Pool -2017)
The role of Northern plains is decisive in the agricultural economy of India. Do you agree with the statement? Why?

  • Fertile alluvial soil – water availability – favorable climate.
  • Wheat, rice, maize, sugar cane, cotton, pulses, etc. are largely cultivated here.
  • The Northern plains is also known as the granary of India.

Question 86.(Qn. Pool-2017)
Which are the major mountain ranges within the Peninsular plateau?
Vindhya, Satpura, Western Ghats, Eastern Ghats, Aravallies, etc.

Question 87. (Qn. Pool-2017)
Identify the physiographic division from where the following rivers originate and flow. Classify these rivers as east-flowing rivers and west-flowing rivers. Narmada, Mahanadi, Godawari, Krishna, Kaveri, Tapti

  1. Peninsular plateau
  2. East-flowing – Mahanadi, Godavari, Krishna, Kaveri
  3. West-flowing – Narmada, Tapti

Question 88. (Qn. Pool-2017)
A few peninsular rivers flow northwards and join river Yamuna and river Ganga. – Identify the rivers.
1. River joining Ganga-Son
2. Rivers joining Yamuna – Chambal, Betwa, and Ken

Question 89. (Qn. Pool-2017)
Which are the major peninsular rivers? Describe them based on the elements – like origin, direction of flow, length, tributaries, states through which they flow and the sea to which joins.

  • Mahanadi – Maikala ranges – East flowing – 857 km – lb, Tel – Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Odisha – Bay of Bengal
  • Godavari – Nasik district in Maharashtra – East-flowing – 1465 km – Indravathi, Sabari – Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh – Bay of Bengal
  • Krishna – Mahabaleswar hills – East-flowing – 1400 km – Bhima, Thungabhadra – Maharashtra, Andhrapradesh Bay of Bengal
  • Kaveri – Brahmagiri hills – 800 km – East-flowing – Kabani, Amaravathi, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Bay of Bengal
  • Narmada – Maikala ranges – 1312 km – West¬flowing – Hiran, Banjan – Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Gujarat-Arabian Sea
  • Tapti – Muntai plateau – 724 km – West-flowing – Anar, Girna – Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra – Arabian Sea

Question 90. (Qn. Pool-2017)
Waterfalls are usually created along peninsular rivers. Give reason.

  1. The edges of the plateau remain elevated from the surroundings
  2. The rivers enter the coastal plains from the plateau by creating waterfalls along these edges.

Question 91. (Qn. Pool-2017)
Deltas are not formed along the west coastal plain as that of east coastal plain. Why?

  1. West-flowing rivers are comparatively small.
  2. Smaller amounts of sediments are deposited.

Question 92. (Qn. Pool-2017)
Distribution of rainfall is not uniform everywhere in India. List out the geographical factors influencing the distribution of rainfall.

  • Physiography
  • Latitudinal location
  • Nearness to sea
  • Altitude
  • Direction of winds (any 4)

Question 93. (Qn. Pool-2017)
Write down the location of physiographic divisions of India with respect to the other physiographic divisions.

  • Northern mountains – North of the Northern great plain
  • Northern Great plain – Between the Peninsular plateau and the Northern mountains.
  • Peninsular plateau – Between the Northern plains and the Coastal plains
  • Coastal plains – Between the peninsular plateau and the coastal plains.

Question 94. (Qn. Pool-2017)
The Northern mountain region consists of a number of mountain ranges. Which are those mountain ranges?

  • Trans Himalayas – Karakoram, Ladakh, Zaskar
  • Himalayas – Himadri, Himachal, Siwalik
  • Eastern hills – Patkaibum, Naga hills, Garo, Khasi, Jaintia hills, Meso hills.

Question 95. (Qn. Pool-2017)
Each mountain ranges in the Himalayas consists of distinct features. Substantiate the statement.
1. Himadri – i. Average height 6000 m
ii. The major rivers such as Ganga, Yamuna, etc.
iii. Comprises the peaks like Kanjanjunga, Nandadevi, etc.
2. Himachal – i. Average height 3000 m
ii. Comprises major hill stations like
iii. – Shimla, Darjeeling, etc.
3. Siwaliks – i. Average height 1220 m
ii. The continuity breaks at many places as the rivers cut across them
iii. Broad and flat valleys called Dunes

Question 96. (Qn. Pool-2017)
The types of vegetation in the Himalaya mountain region varies with altitude. Substantiate the statement.

  • The trees such as oak, chestnut, maple, etc. at an altitude between 1000 and 2000 meters.
  • Coniferous trees such as deodar, fir, etc. are grown beyond 2000 meters.

Question 97. (Qn. Pool-2017)
What are the peculiar features of eastern hills?

  • At an altitude of about 500 to 3000 meters.
  • Cherrapunji, the place receiving the highest rainfall in the world is located here.
  • Dense tropical evergreen forests.

Question 98. (Qn. Pool-2017)
Which is the most common soil type in the northern mountain region? Mention its characteristics.

  • Mountain soil
  • Black or brown in color, High fertility

Question 99. (Qn. Pool-2017)
Write a description on the human life in the Northern mountain region.

  • Animal rearing – sheep are reared on commercial basis in Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, etc.
  • Agriculture – Potato, barley, saffron, apple, orange, tea, etc. are cultivated in the Siwaliks ranges.
  • Tourism – Shimla, Darjeeling, Kulu, Manali, etc. are the hill stations in the Himachal range.

Question 100. (Qn. Pool-2017)
Explain the influence of Northern mountains in the climate and human life of India.

  • Protects to a certain extent from the foreign invasion from the north since ancient times.
  • Causes rainfall throughout north India by blocking the monsoon winds.
  • Prevents the cold winds blowing from the north from entering India.
  • Place of diverse flora and fauna.
  • The source region of major north Indian rivers.

Question 101. (Qn. Pool-2017)
Why is the Northern plains called as ‘the granary of India’?

  • Availability of fertile soil and water are favorable for agriculture.
  • Crops like wheat, rice, maize, sugar cane, cotton, pulses, etc. are largely cultivated here.

Question 102. (Qn. Pool-2017)
Write a note by explaining the geographical features of western part of the Northern plains.

  • Dry desert soil
  • Thrones and shrubs
  • Meager rainfall.

Question 103. (Qn. Pool-2017)
The Peninsular plateau is a physiographic division with some unique characteristics. Which are these characteristics?

  • Hard crystalline rocks
  • Most extensive and old landform
  • Area of 15 sq. km
  • Storehouse of minerals
  • Presence of black soil

Question 104. (Qn. Pool-2017)
Which are the soils found along the peninsular plateau? Explain their peculiarities.

  • Black soil, Red soil, Laterite soil
  • Peculiar features of each soil type

Question 105. (Qn. Pool-2017)
Complete the table by incorporating the information related to the given Himalayan Rivers.
Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard Social Science Solutions Part 2 Chapter 7 India The Land of Diversities 18

Question 106. (Qn. Pool-2017)
What are the factors influencing the climate of India?

  • Latitude
  • Physiography
  • Nearness to sea
  • Altitude (any 3)

Question 107. (Qn. Pool-2017)
Name the season during which the climatic phenomenon called western disturbance occur and explains the formation.

  • Winter
  • The low pressure originating over the Mediterranean Sea moves eastwards due to the jet streams and reaches India. This causes rainfall in the northern plains, especially in the Punjab region.

Question 108. (Qn. Pool-2017)
Give reasons for the regional variation in the distribution of the south-west monsoon rains.

  1. Rainfall is maximum along the windward slopes of the mountains. Thus the western side of the Western Ghats, the eastern highlands, and rain.
  2. As the amount of moisture decreases with the advancement of Arabian Sea branch and Bay of Bengal branch, the amount of rainfall decreases from the coast towards the interior.
  3. The eastern slopes of the Western Ghats is rain shadow region.


Question 109. (Qn. Pool-2017)
What are the characteristic features of north-east monsoon season?

  1. Retreating monsoon season
  2. High temperature and humidity makes the days unbearable (October heat)
  3. Heavy rain along the Tamil Nadu coast
  4. Rain also occurs along Kerala and Karnataka

Question 110. (Qn. Pool-2017)
Compare the characteristic features of Himalayan rivers and Peninsular rivers.

Himalayan riversPeninsular rivers
Originates from the Himalayan in rangesOriginates from the mountains the peninsular plateau
Extensive catchment area catchmentComparatively small area
Intense erosionLess intensity of erosion
Forms gorges in the mountain region and meanders along the plains.Deep valleys are not created because of hard and resistant bedrocks
High irrigation potentialLess irrigation potential
High inland navigation potential for along the plainsComparatively less potential inland navigation

Question 111. (Qn. Pool-2017)
Ken, Kabani, Sabari, and Tista are some of the tributary rivers. Mention the main rivers to which these tributaries join.
Ken — Ganga
Kabani — Kaveri
Sabari — Godavari
Tista — Brahmaputra

Question 112. (Qn. Pool-2017)
Mark and label the below mentioned geoinformation in the outline map of India.
a) River originated from the Maikala ranges and joins the Bay of Bengal
b) Plateau formed by volcanic activity
c) The southernmost major seaport.
d) The mountain range south-east of Thar Desert
a) Mahanadi
b) Deccan plateau
c) Tuticorin
d) Aravalli ranges (These features are to be marked and labeled in map)


Question 113. (Qn. Pool-2017)
Compare the Himalayan rivers and Peninsular rives based on the given hints.
1. Intensity of erosion
2. Water availability
3. Catchment area
4. Navigational potential

Himalayan riversPeninsular rivers
Receives water from rain and snowmeltReceives water only from rain
Extensive catchment area areaComparatively small catchment

Question 114. (Qn. Pool-2017)
Write anyone peculiar feature each for Himadri, Himachal and Shiwalik.
1. Himadri — i. Average height 6000 m.
ii. The major rivers such as Ganga, Yamuna, etc.
iii. Comprises the peaks like Kanjanjunga, Nandadevi, etc.
2. Himachal — i. Average height 3000 m
ii. Comprises major hill stations – Shimla, Darjeeling, etc.
3. Siwaliks — i. Average height 1220 m
ii. The continuity breaks at many places as the rivers cut across
iii. Broad flat valleys called Dunes

Question 115. (Qn. Pool-2017)
Observe the map and answer the questions.
a) Identify the physiographic divisions marked as a, b, c and d.
b) Write any one characteristic feature of each of them.

a) Northern Mountains
b) Peninsular plateau
c) East coastal plain
d) Northern plains

Question 116. (Qn. Pool-2017)
Observe the map and answer the questions.
a) Identify the physiographic divisions marked as A.
b) Write any 2 features of this physiographic division.
Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard Social Science Solutions Part 2 Chapter 7 India The Land of Diversities 21

Question 117. (Qn. Pool-2017)
Explain how the Himalayan mountain ranges influence the culture and life of people of India.

  • Protects us to a certain extent from the foreign invasion from the north since ancient times.
  • Causes rainfall throughout north India by blocking the monsoon winds.
  • Prevents the cold winds blowing from the north from entering India and protects north India from severe cold.
  • Place of diverse flora and fauna
  • The source region of major north Indian rivers.

Question 118. (Qn. Pool- 2017)
Identify the major rivers marked as A, B, C and D in the given map and classify them as Himalayan rivers and Peninsular rivers.

A. Ganga, B. Kaveri, C. Brahmaputra, D. Tapti

  1. Ganga, Brahmaputra – Himalayan rivers
  2. Kaveri, Tapti – Peninsular rivers

Question 119. (Qn. Pool-2017)
Identify the physiographic divisions situated between the Arabian Sea and the ‘Western Ghats as well as between the Bay of Bengal and the Eastern Ghats.

  • West coastal plain and the East coastal plain respectively.
  • East coast stretches from Sundarbans to Kanyakumari.
  • West coast stretches from Rann of Kutch to Kanyakumari.

Question 120. (Qn. Pool-2017)
In the given flow chart showing the divisions of the northern mountains identify what a, b, c, d, e and f represents.

a) Himadri
b) Siwalik
c) Ladak
d) Zaskar
e) Khasi
f) Jaintia/Patkaibum

Question 121. (Qn. Pool-2017)
While the western parts of the Western Ghats receive heavy rainfall during the south-west monsoon, the eastern slopes receive little rainfall. Why?

  • As the Western Ghats block is the monsoon winds coming from the southwest direction, the western slopes receive heavy rain.
  • As the winds reaching the eastern side become dry, gives little rain.

Question 122. (Qn. Pool-2017)
What are the factors causing variations in the climate experienced in India?
Any two factors

Question 123. (Qn. Pool-2017)
Write a note on the features distinguishing the west coastal plain from the east coastal plain.
Features of west coastal plain

  • Comparatively narrow
  • Lakes and backwaters can be found
  • Divided into Gujarat coast, Konkan coast and Malabar coast
  • Between the Arabian sea and the Western ghats
  • Extends from Rann of Kutch to Kanyakumari (any 4)

Question 124. (Qn. Pool-2017)
Write any four factors responsible for diverse climatic conditions experienced in different parts of India with one example each.
Latitude, Himalayan mountain range, nearness to sea, winds, distance from the sea, physiography, altitude (any .4 with one example each)

Question 125. (Qn. Pool-2017)
What are the reasons for uneven distribution of rainfall in India?
Nearness to sea, distance from the sea, location of mountains, direction of winds, extent of the land (any 3)

Question 126. (Qn. Pool-2017)
Describe the characteristics of the different seasons in India.

  • Winter seasons – characteristics
  • Summer season – characteristics
  • Southwest monsoon season – description
  • Northeast monsoon – description

Question 127. (Qn. Pool-2017)
Alluvial soil is dominant in most parts of the Northern Plains. Why?
The alluvium brought down by the rivers Ganga, Brahmaputra, Indus and their tributaries from the Himalayas are deposited here.

Question 128. (Qn. Pool-2017)
Write notes by mentioning the major soil types and the major crops cultivated in the northern plains as well as in the peninsular plateau.

  • Northern plains – Major soil types and crops
  • Peninsular plateau – Major soil types and crops

Question 129. (Qn. Pool-2017)
Name the branches of southwest monsoon bifurcated by the Indian peninsula. How do these branches influence the climate of India?

  • Arabian sea branch and Bay of Bengal branch.
  • Mention the advancement of Bay of Bengal branch and its influence.
  • Mention the advancement of Arabian Sea branch and its influence.

Question 130. (Qn. Pool-2017)
Write the names of any two peninsular rivers and anyone tributary for each.

  • Mahanadi/Godavari/Krishna/Kaveri/Narmada/ Tapti (any 2)
  • Anyone tributary for the rivers mentioned.

Question 131. (Qn. Pool-2017)
Prepare a seminar paper on the topic ‘the role of geographical factors in the life of Indians.’

  • Life of people in different physiographic divisions.* Influence of the climatic types in the life of Indians
  • The role of rivers in the life of Indians.

Question 132. (Qn. Pool-2017)
Compare the southwest monsoon and northeast monsoon experienced in India based on the given hints.
1. Formation
2. Places receiving rainfall
The sudden heating of th,e land compared to the sea results in the formation of a low-pressure region. This difference in pressure causes the winds to blow from the Indian Ocean to the land. The southeast winds in the southern hemisphere become southwest winds on reaching the northern hemisphere due to Coriolis effect -Southwest monsoon As a result of the cooling of land areas in the northern hemisphere compared to the surrounding oceans the pressure increases. This difference in pressure causes the winds to blow from the northeast in the northern hemisphere. The northeast monsoon causes rainfall in Tamilnadu, Karnataka and Kerala.


Question 133. (Qn. Pool-2017)
The role of physiography is decisive in the life of people in India.

  • Based on the topographic characteristics India can be divided into Northern mountain regions, Northern Great Plains, Peninsular Plateau, Coastal plains, and Islands.
  • Mention the influence of Northern plains in the life of Indians. (Food crops, sugarcane, cities, and towns, industrial centers, densely populated regions)
  • Mention the role of Northern mountains in the life of Indians
  • Mention the life of people in the Peninsular plateau, (mineral deposits, industrial centers)
  • Mention the influence of coastal plains and islands in life of people (fertile soil, nuclear power production, and fishing).

Question 134. (Orukkam – 2017)
Complete the flowchart.

a) Himalayas,
b) Eastern Highlands
c. Karakoram
D. Ladakh
F. Zaskar
I. Shiwalik
J. Patkaibum
H. Himachal
K. Naga hills
L. Garo, Khasi, Jaintia hills

Question 135. (Orukkam-2017)
Find out the main features of the Himalayan ranges and complete the following chart.

Question 136. (Orukkam-2017)
The northern mountains play a very important role in molding the climax and human life of India, justify
1. Have been protecting as from foreign invasions
2. ………………………
1. Block the monsoon winds and cause rainfall.
2. Prevent the cold dry wind from entering the north Indian plains.
3. Caused the emergence of diverse flora and fauna.
4. Source region of rivers.

Question 137. (Orukkam – 2017)
Compare the Himalayan rivers with peninsular rivers and complete the following table.
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Question 138. (Orukkam – 2017)
Find out the major Himalayan rivers, the states through which they flow and their tributaries with the help of an atlas.
Refer atlas

Question 139. (Orukkam-2017)
List out the major characteristic features of the Northern great plains.

  • it is one of the intensive alluvial plains in the world
  • One of the most densely populated regions in the world
  • Known as the granary of India.

Question 140. (Orukkam – 2017)
Complete the following table


Punjab-Hariyana plainRiver Indus and its tributaries
Mamsthalo – Bagar plains of RajasthanLuni and Saraswathi Rivers
Ganga plainRiver Ganga and its tributaries
Brahmaputra plains of AssamBrahmaputra and its tributaries

Question 141. (Orukkam-2017)
List out the soil types in India.

  1. Alluvial Soil
  2. Desert Soil
  3. Black soil
  4. Mountain Soil
  5. Red Soil
  6. Laterite Soil

Question 142. (Orukkam- 2017)
List out the factors controlling the climate of India.

  1. Altitude
  2. Latitude
  3. Physiography
  4. Nearness to sea

Question 143. (Orukkam – 2017)
List out the four seasons in India.

  1. Winter Season
  2. southwest monsoon
  3. Summer Season
  4. North-East monsoon

Question 144. (Orukkam-2017)
Prepare a brief note on western disturbances

  1. The Cyclones originates from Mediterranean sea during winter season.
  2. Gradually they shift towards east and reach India.
  3. Causes rainfall in the northern plains especially in the Punjab region.

Question 145. (Orukkam-2017)
Compare the southwest monsoon season with the northeast monsoon season and complete the following table.

Southwest monsoonNortheast monsoon
Starts from JuneOctober – November
Arabian sea branch, Bay of Bengal branchbrings rain to coromandel coast
Brings rain to western coast, northeast plain

Question 146. (Orukkam-2017)
The distribution of rainfall is not uniform everywhere. Find out the reason.

  1. Physiography
  2. Location
  3. Nearness to the sea


Question 147. (Orukkam- 2017)
Find out the major Himalayan rivers, the states through which the flow and their tributary with the help of an atlas.

RiversThe state through which they flowTributes
SindhuJammu and KashmirSutlej, Jhelum, Chenab, Ravi, Beas
GangaUttarakhand,Yamuna, Kosi, Son, Ghaghra,
Uttarpradesh, Bihar, JharkhandGomati
BrahmaputraArunachal Pradesh, AssamTista, Li hit, Subansiri

Question 148. (Orukkam – 2017)
List out the major characteristic features of the peninsular plateau.
1. The most extensive physical division of India

  1. Made of hard crystalline rock forms
  2. The oldest division in India.
  3. It has varied topography
  4. Known as the storehouse of minerals.
  5. Fertile black soil forced from the disintegrations of leave rocks.

Question 149. (Orukkam-2017)
Locate the peninsular river with the help of a map. List out the characteristic features of peninsular rivers to complete the following table.
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Question 150. (Orukkam – 2017)
Compare the western castal plain with the eastern coastal plain and complete the following table.
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Western coastal plainEastern Coastal plain
1. From rann of kutch to Kanya Kumari1. Between Bay of Bengal and Eastern ghats
2. Comparatively narrow2. From the sunderbav delta region to Kanya Kumari
3. Can be divided into3. Comparatively wide
4. Gujrat coast, Konken coast Malabar coast4. Can be divided into north zircar plain and coromandel coast.
5. Lakes and back waters can be found5. Delta are formed
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