A The Trio Textual Questions and Answers Read and Respond


The story ‘Happiness Machine’ conveys that happiness cannot be materialistic. It is a state of mind. It comes from our relationships with other people, rather than from material things. Won’t we feel happy if our relationships are smooth and mind is at peace? Let’s read a story.

The Trio Question Answer Kerala Syllabus 9th Question 1.
What was the major occupation of people in Elliman Street?
The major occupation of people in Elliman Street was oil-mongering (trading in oil).

The Trio Story Summary Kerala Syllabus 9th Question 2.
How was river Sarayu in the moonlight?
Rajam and Mani Questions and Answer:
It glistened like a silver belt across the North.

The Trio Summary In Malayalam 9th Question 3.
How is the evening at the river described here?
There used to be crowds on the sand of the river bank. Birds filled the air with their cries. Downstream one could see cattle crossing the river. Country carts drawn by bullocks
could be seen, the cart-men humming low tunes. Soon after sunset, there would be a soft red in the west for some time.

Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard English Notes Question 4.
Rajam had a heroic entry into the class. Discuss.
Rajam was a fresh arrival in first A. He had sauntered into the class on the opening day of the second term, walked up to the last bench and sat beside Mani.

9th English Kerala Syllabus Question 5.
How was the dress of Rajam different from that of the others?
Swami and friends Questions Answer:
He was dressed very well. He was the only boy in the class who wore socks and shoes, fur cap and tie, and a wonderful coat and knickers.

9th Class English 5th Unit Kerala Syllabus Question 6.
Why were the boys not confident to speak to Rajam in English?
There were rumors that he had come from some English boys’ school somewhere in Madras. He spoke very good English, exactly like a European. Many found it difficult to understand his English and they could not speak to him because of their broken English.

9th English Notes Kerala Syllabus Question 7.
How did Rajam turn out to be a power in the class and a rival to Mani?
Rajam turned out to be a power in the class because of his English. He was the 2nd in the class. He became a rival to Mani because of his nonchalant attitude towards him. If Mani jabbed, Rajam jabbed. If Mani clouted, Rajam clouted. If Mani kicked, Rajam kicked. If Mani was the overlord of the class, Rajam seemed to be nothing less.

Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard English Guide Pdf Question 8.
What was Swaminathan’s fear when he was told about Mani’s intentions?
Swaminathan’s fear was that if Mani went on troubling Rajam, he (Mani) Would have troubles because Rajam’s father was a police superintendent. Swaminathan thought the police people were an awful lot.

English 9th Kerala Syllabus Question 9.
What did Mani call Swaminathan for being afraid of policemen?
A milk-toothed coward.

Kerala Syllabus 9th English Notes  Question 10.
“How splendid it would have been!” According to Mani, what is missing in that fine evening?
Lime pickles.

9th Std English Notes Kerala Syllabus Question 11.
Why did Rajam and Mani need a cord of communication between them? Who was it?
Rajam and Mani needed a cord of communication between them because they were not on talking terms. The cord was Swaminathan.

9th English Kerala Syllabus Question 12.
What made the teacher call Swaminathan?
The teacher called Swaminathan because he noticed that Swaminathan was not attentive in the class. He was busy collecting the note from Mani and giving it to Rajam.

English 9th Kerala Syllabus Question 13.
What was the punishment Swami got from the teacher?
Swami was asked to stand on the bench.

9th English Notes Kerala Syllabus Question 14.
What was Swaminathan doing after he got the punishment?
Standing on the bench, Swaminathan stood well over the whole class. He could see so many heads and he classified them according to the caps. There were 4 red caps, 25 Gandhi caps, 10 fur caps and so on.

Question 15.
The services of the mediator turned needless in the later part of the conversation. How did they communicate then?
They communicated by shouting, Rajam shouting in one ear of Swaminathan and Mani shouting in the other ear.

Question 16.
What was the final settlement of their argument?
The final settlement was that neither of them would come with guards. If anything happened to Rajam he would keep it out of his father’s knowledge.

Question 17.
What were the doubts arising in Mani’s mind when he was sitting on the river step with the club under his hand?
He thought he would break Rajam’s head and throw his body into the river. But there was the possibility of the body being recovered. But then nobody would know that he had done it. Then there was the possibility of Rajam coming and troubling him at night as a spirit. Rajam could come and pull his hair at night. It would be better not to kill him. Just break his limbs and leave him. There was also the possibility of Swaminathan betraying him.

Question 18.
How did Rajam appear before them?
He appeared before them dressed in khaki, carrying an air gun that was given to him on his birthday.

Question 19.
What did Rajam do to frighten Mani?
He fired a shot in the air.

Question 20.
What made Mani hang down his head?
Mani hanged down his head because he had not told Rajam he would come with a club. That was a breach of the promise.

Question 21.
According to Mani, what was the reason for his hatred towards Rajam?
Rajam had called Mani a sneak before someone.

Question 22.
Now this was the happiest conclusion to all the unwanted trouble. How did they settle the issue?
Rajam said he never called Mani a sneak. If this was the only reason for Mani’s anger, he should forget it and they should become friends. Mani agreed. Rajam lowered his gun and Mani dropped his club. The issue was thus settled.

Question 23.
How did Rajam show his goodwill?
He showed his goodwill, by pulling out of his pocket half a dozen biscuits. The three friends shared them glowing with their new friendship.

Let’s Revisit and Reflect

Question 1.
“River Sarayu was the pride of Maigudi.”Why did R.K. Narayan say so?
R.K. Narayan said so because its sandbanks were the evening resort of all the people of the town. The residents of the town took any distinguished visitor to the top of the Town Hall and proudly pointed to him Sarayu in moonlight, glistening like a silver belt across the North.

Question 2.
Why did the teacher punish Swaminathan? What was the punishment? How did he feel it?
The teacher punished Swaminathan because he was not attentive in the class. The punishment was standing on the bench. He was glad that his punishment was standing on a bench and not getting beaten with the cane.

Question 3.
Why did Mani think that Rajam was his rival?
Mani thought that Rajam was his rival because in his manner to Mani, Rajam assumed a nonchalant attitude to which Mani was not accustomed. If Mani jabbed, Rajam jabbed. If Mani clouted, Rajam clouted. If Mani kicked, Rajam kicked. If Mani was the overlord of the class, Rajam seemed to be nothing less.

Question 4.
Mani was planning to kill Rajam with his wooden club but what was the thought that stopped him?
There were three things that stopped him from his planned killing of Rajam. Swaminathan could betray him to the police. Rajam’s father was a police superintendent. If Rajam is killed, his ghost may come and trouble Mani in the night.

Question 5.
The story ends with the sentence “Swaminathan felt at perfect peace with the world.” Why did he feel at perfect peace with the world?
Swaminathan was at perfect peace with the world because he was the one between the two great rivals – Rajam and Mani. He had admired Rajam intensely and longed to be his friend. But if Mani came to know about this he would kill Swaminathan. So he was always in fear of both Rajam and Mani. He was virtually between the devil and the deep sea. Now since Mani and Rajam became friends, he felt peaceful.

Activity -1

Mani is a friend and guide for Swaminathan. He enjoys Mani’s companionship and does everything possible to keep him happy. He goes into the kitchen to get some pickle for Mani as promised and sees his mother. He pleads with his mother to give some lime pickle but she denies. Complete the conversation.
Swaminathan: Are you busy with your work amma?
Mother: No dear. Tell me what brought you to the kitchen
Swaminathan : ………………………………………………
Swaminathan : ……………………………………………..
Swaminathan: Amma, I want to take some lime pickle to give to somebody.
Mother: To whom do you want to give lime pickle?
Swaminathan: To my best friend, Mani. He is so good and I like him most. He also likes me.
Mother:: He may be your best friend. But that does not mean that you should give him lime pickle which I have made with great difficulty. I can’t give you any lime pickle.

Activity – 2

a) Rajam is the newcomer in-class First A. He impressed the whole class on the first day itself. Complete the boxes given below

Personality: stylish and confident
Evidence: He saunters into the class, walks up to the last bench and sits beside Mani.
Appearance: Neat and Clean. Well-dressed
Evidence: He was the only boy in the class who wore socks and shoes, fur cap and tie, and a wonderful coat and knickers.
Actions: He is brave and his policy is an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. He is not afraid of Mani, the bully.
Evidence: If Mani jabbed, Rajam jabbed. If Mani clouted, Rajam clouted. If Mani kicked, Rajam kicked. If Mani was the overlord of the class, Rajam seemed to be nothing less.

b) Now attempt a character sketch of Rajam using the points listed above and hints from the story.
Character sketch:
Rajam is a fresh arrival in First A. He is stylish and confident and he saunters into the class, walks up to the last bench and sits beside Mani. When Mani gives him a jab in the ribs, he returns it. He impressed the class on the very first day. He was neat and clean and well-dressed. He was the only boy in the class who wore socks and shoes, fur cap and tie, and a wonderful coat and knickers. Rajam also was the best English speaker in the class. There were rumors that he had come from some English boys’ school somewhere in Madras. He spoke exactly like a European.

Many found it difficult to understand his English and they could not speak to him because of their broken English. His grades were also good as he was second in the class. Soon Mani realizes that Rajam was his rival. If Mani jabbed, Rajam jabbed. If Mani clouted, Rajam clouted. If Mani kicked, Rajam kicked. If Mani was the overlord of the class, Rajam seemed to be nothing less. When Mani challenges him fora duel Rajam accepts it. He goes well prepared for the fight. But soon Mani and Rajam decide to be friends and they, along with Swaminathan, share the biscuits Rajam had brought with him. Rajam is a boy who can be a good role model for many students of his age.

Activity – 3

Swaminathan was punished by the teacher for being inattentive in the class. Still, he paid no attention to the lessons and his mind began to wander. Infuriated by Swami’s behavior the teacher writes a letter to his father. What would the content of the letter be?

Malgudi Primary School

10 December 2019

Mr. Laxminarayan
XV/146 Ayyangar Road
Dear Sir,
I am sorry to write such a letter to you regarding your son Swaminathan of First A. Initially he was a good boy and he was very attentive in the class. He was also getting reasonably good marks. But of late I have come to notice that he is least attentive in the class. He likes to sit on the backbench between two boys named Mani and Rajam. I find him talking to both these boys very often. He also passes some kind of written notes between them.

When I ask questions he stands and blabbers, not knowing the correct answers. You should ask him to be attentive in the class. We punish him here whenever he is caught inattentive. We have advised him, warned him, caned him and made him stand on the bench. But he is not improving. This letter is to tell you that if he continues to be inattentive in the class, he will surely fail in the final examination. So do whatever you can to bring some sense into him. Let him devote more time to his books and less time to his friends. I will be glad if you can come to the school one of these days so that we can have some further talks about the studies and behavior of your son.
Yours faithfully,
Abdulkarim Ibrahim
Class Teacher

Activity 4

Lena Auffmann experiences bouts of bliss watching sunset in the happiness machine. The story ‘The Trio’ begins with a description of the banks of river Sarayu at sunset. Sunset is the most magical and delightful moment of a day.
Let us now pen down our thoughts on:-
Sunset- An enthralling painting by mother nature.
(Hints- amazing moment in the western horizon- mixture of warm colors trees drenched in golden glow- beautified landscape-reflection on water- birds flying past and singing lullaby- sun fades into a long deep sleep.)
Sunset – An Enthralling Painting by Mother Nature:
If you ask me what the most breathtaking sight from my home is, my answer is the sunset. It is an amazing moment in the western horizon. There is a mixture of warm colors that thrill your heart. Colors are mixed in such a way that only God can do it. It far excels the paintings of Michael Angelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael, M.F. Hussein or our own Ravi Varma. The trees are drenched in golden glow.

The landscape is beautiful and the entire picture is reflected on water. Birds are flying back home singing lullabies. The butterflies and bees return to their abodes after having filled their bellies on the blooms. Slowly we see the sun disappearing beyond the hill as it is going away for having a deep sleep. Sunset is really an enthralling painting by Mother Nature to please her children. Each day we are given a different picture with different shades of colors.

Language Activity:

Read the following passage carefully.
Hi. My name is Mani. I often go to the banks of River Sarayu where people watch the sunset. Today, I invited Swami who is my best friend to watch the sunset. Swami, whose mother makes delicious pickle, has promised to bring me some pickle.

Add the missing relative pronouns.
1. Elliman street ………. was ten minutes walk from river Sarayu was always crowded. ( which/where)
2. The municipal resident …… was proud of the beauty of river Sarayu showed it to all the distinguished visitors. (who/whom)
3. Swami was a friend ………. Mani could trust. (whom/whose)
4. Mani, …….. anger towards Rajam knew no bounds wanted to harm him. (whom/whose)
5. The banks of the river ………….. people could enjoy the evening were very beautiful. (when/where)
1. which
2. who
3. whom
4. whose
5. where

The villagers occupied the last street of the town.
Does the sentence make a complete sense without the bold portion?

Defining and Non-Defining.
Rewriting the sentence:

River Sarayu, which glistened like a silver belt in moonlight, was the pride of Malgudi. (Non defining)
River Sarayu was the pride of Malgudi.

Is there a change in meaning when the relative clause is omitted?

List down the features of defining and non defining relative clauses.


Defining relative clauseNon-defining relative clause
1. Gives necessary information1. It gives additional, but not necessary, information
2. It is part of the sentence.2. Sentence maintains sense without the clause.
3. Not separated by commas3. It is separated by commas.

Classify the sentences given below depending on the type of relative clause.
1. Rajam, who was a newcomer in class 1A, was admired by his classmates.
2. Children who love pickles are common.
3. The teacher, who was teaching History, punished Swami for being inattentive in the class.
4. Students who pay attention in the class score good marks.
5. The friends met near Nallappa’s grove, which was deserted in the evening, as promised
1. non-defining
2. defining
3. non-defining
4. defining
5. non-defining

Vocabulary Activity (Page 195)

a. Find the word.
Question 1.
P r e l I g n p e x ………… a word that starts with the letter ‘p’.
i. This word gives the meaning ‘confusing’.
ii. A number of puzzling questions formed in his mind. (One of the words in this sentence can be replaced by the hidden word.
iii. ‘If you find something confusing, please inform me. (One of the words in this sentence can be replaced by the hidden word.)
iv. …………………………………
1. perplexing

Question 2.
N E S A K –
i. This word gives the sense ‘secret’.
ii. This word can be formed by just interchanging the position of two letters of the word ‘snake’.
iii. The burglar tried to creep into the house. (The hidden word can replace the word given in bold letters in the sentence.)
iv. To escape from his father he ……………………… into the room.

Question 3.
Q v u e r i-
i. It is a container for holding arrows, bolts, or darts. (noun)
ii. The word also means to shake rapidly. (verb)
iii. If the washing machine is overloaded, it will shake with rapid motion. (The hidden word can replace the word given in bold letters in the sentence.)
iv. Arjuna took out the arrows from the ……………………………

Question 4.
S r o a
i. Kites do this in the sky. (fly high)
ii. The cost of living continued to ………………………………… (increase)

Question 5.
N l o v e
i. It is a form of literature. (noun) It also means something new.
ii. Even though the making of the happiness machine failed, it was a …………… idea.

b) Soul narrated his experience with the happiness machine to one of his friends. Some words are missing. Fill up the narration using the appropriate form of the words you identified in the above activity

a) novel
b) perplexing
c) sneaked
d) soaring
e) quivered

Let’s Edit:

Read the diary entry of Swaminathan on the day he got a newcomer in his class. He has made some mistakes while writing the diary. The mistakes are given in bold letters. Correct them.

a) who
b) striking
c) he has (remove also)
d) well-dressed
e) was impressed
f) whom

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