Chapter 3 Public Administration notes


Question 1.

Explain the need for public administration in a country.

  • Public administrative system is needed for governments to exist and function.
  • Public administration is needed to ensure the welfare of the people.
  • To find solutions for public issues, public administration is necessary.
  • To formulate governmental policies and to provide goods and services, public administration is essential.

Question 2.
How are employees selected in a public administrative .system?
Candidates to all India services and central services are recruited by Union Public Service Commission. At the state level, candidates are recruited by the Public Service Commission of a state. These commissions issue notification of the post and suitable candidates are selected on the basis of merit after screening test or interview and appoint in different government offices.

Question 3.
What are the features of bureaucracy?
The features of bureaucracy are:

  • Hierarchical organisation
  • Permanence
  • Appointment on the basi s of qualification
  • Political neutrality
  • Professionalism

Question 4.
Classify the bureaucracy in India and explain.
The bureaucracy of India is classified into three – All India Services, Central Services and State Services.

All India Services

  • Recruits at national level
  • Appoints in central or state service
  • Eg. Indian Administrative Service, Indian Police Servic

Central Services

  • Recruits at national level.
  • Appoints in Central Government departments only.
  • Eg. Indian Foreign Service, Indian Railway Service

State Services

  • Recruits at state level
  • Appoints in state government departments only.
  • Eg. Sales tax officer

Question 5.
What are the measures taken for administrative reforms in India? Prepare a note.
Various steps are taken for administrative reforms at national level and state level. They are discussed below.

E-governance is the use of electronic technology in administration. This helped to obtain government services easily in a speedy manner.

Right to Information:
The main objectives of the Right to Information Act are to prevent corruption, create responsibility among the bureaucrats and make the functioning of the government transparent.

Information Commission:
To perform the functions under the Right to Information Act, Information Commissions are constituted at national and state levels. There will be a Chief Information Commissioner and not more than ten members in the Information Commission.

Right to Service:
Right to Service Act is a law which ensures services to the people. This law determines the time limit for every service given by a government office.

Lokpal and Lokayukta :
These are institutions constituted to prevent corruption at administrative, bureaucratic and political levels. The institution constituted at the national level to prevent corruption is Lokpal. Lokayukta is the institution constituted at the state level to hear the corruption cases.

Central Vigilance Commission :
The Central Vigilance Commission is the institution constituted at the national level to prevent corruption. It is formed to prevent corruption in the central government offices. Based on this model, State Vigilance Commissions have been constituted at state level.

Ombudsman :
Ombudsman is constituted to file complaints against corruption, nepotism, financial misappropriation or negligence of duties of elected representatives and bureaucrats.

Question 6.
How is E-governance helpful to the public?

  • Need not wait in government offices for services.
  • Can receive service with the help of information technology.
  • Government services offered speedily and with less expense.
  • Efficiency of the offices and quality of the services get enhanced.

Question 7.
Right to Information and Right to Service help to make public administration popular. Substantiate this statement.
The Right to Information Act ensures the right of all citizens of India to receive information. The main objectives of this Act are to prevent corruption, create responsibility among bureaucrats and make the functioning of the government transparent. The citizens will get copies of public documents if they apply for them.

Right to Service Act is a law which ensures services to people. This law determines the time limit for every service given by a government office. As per the Act, an officer is appointed in every government office to give guidance and proper help to the applicants.

Question 8.
List out the steps taken to prevent corruption in administration of India.
Lokpal and Lokayukta:
Lokpal and Lokayukta are institutions constituted to prevent corruption at administrative, bureaucratic and political levels. The institution constituted at the national level to prevent corruption is Lokpal. Lokayukta is the institution constituted at the state level to hear the corruption cases.

Central Vigilance Commission:
The Central Vigilance Commission is the institution constituted at the national level in 1964 to prevent corruption. It is formed to prevent corruption in the central government offices. The Central Vigilance Commissioner is the head of the Central Vigilance Commission. Based on the model of the Central Vigilance Commission, State Vigilance Commissions have been constituted at state level.

Complaints can be filed against the corruption, nepotism, financial misappropriation and negligence of duty of elected representatives and bureaucrats. Ombudsman is constituted for this purpose.

Question 9.
Discuss and list out the changes in the objectives of public administration in monarchy and democracy.

  • Based on differences in the form of government, there are differences in public administration also.
  • During monarchy, the interests of the monarch was the basis of public administration. People’s interests and opinion had no importance then.
  • In democratic system, importance is given to the interests of the people.
  • Democratic administration becomes more effective and efficient through public administration.

Question 10.
Visit a nearby government office and prepare a report on the features of the hierarchy there.
By visiting the Panchayat Office in the neighbourhood, we could understand the basic features of the employees or bureaucrats there. There is a hierarchical organisation of bureaucrats in this office. The Panchayat Secretary is at the top and the number increases when it reaches the lower levels.

The employees here can continue in service till the age of retirement, they are recruited and appointed on the basis of educational qualification and after a screening test. The employees are neutral in their approach towards the political parties. Party interests do not reflect in their works. Each employee is skilled in his/her work.

Question 11.
Analyse the working of various organizations which helped the legislation of the Right to Information Act.
The efforts of Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan of Rajasthan has led to the legislation of Right to Information Act. This organisation was formed in 1990 by Aruna Roy and Nikhil Kheda. This organisation which took up the cause of peoples had no political affiliation.

It organised a programme ‘Jansunvai’ in 1994. It was a public hearing programme, seeking information from bureaucrats on corruption, nepotism and bribery’. It was a programme without leaders and people directly participating in it. The activities of the organisation ‘Social Work and Research Centre’ also helped legislation of Right to Information Act.

Question 12.
How far the Right to Information Act make the general administration system efficient?

  • Prevent corruption.
  • Create responsibility among bureaucrats.
  • Make the functioning of government transparent.
  • Evaluate the functioning of the government.
  • Avoid delay in solving the problems of people.

Question 13.
Discuss whether the Right to Service Act is helpful for the people to get the service they should obtain from government offices.
Right to Service Act is a law which ensures services to people. The law determines the time limit for every service given by a government office. If the deserved service is not given within this time limit, the responsible employee should pay a fine. In this context, the Right to Service Act is helpful for the people.

Question 14.
What is the use of Ombudsman to the public? Prepare a note.

  • Complaints can be filed against corrupt elected representatives and bureaucrats.
  • The financial misappropriation by bureaucrats can be avoided because they are liable to answer for their official financial handling of funds.
  • Nepotism of bureaucrats and elected representatives can be put an end to.
  • Elected representatives and bureaucrats will fulfill their duties regularly. Thus people will get efficient service
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