The Best Investment I Ever Made Textual Questions and Answers


The Best Investment I Ever Made 10th Standard Question 1.

Have you come across any person with importunate behaviour? How did ypu feel about it? Describe your experience.
Yes, I have come across a person with importunate behaviour. I felt very bad about it. This person sells lottery tickets. He goes on pestering me to buy tickets from him. I feel very bad as I have to repeatedly tell him I don’t need any lottery ticket.

The Best Investment I Ever Made Summary 10th Standard Question 2.
Why was the narrator not interested in the man who was watching him?
The narrator was not interested in the man who was watching him because he wanted to rest and avoid strangers who would bore him with unnecessary questions.

The Best Investment I Ever Made Question And Answer 10th Standard Question 3.
The narrator observed the man and described him in vivid terms. How did he describe him?
He was in his early 40s. He was fair in complexion and short. He had clear blue eyes. He had thin hair and a large forehead. He wore a dark suit, sober tie and rimless spectacles. All these gave him a look of seriousness and reservation.

The Best Investment I Ever Made Pdf 10th Standard Question 4.
Why did the narrator notice the fellow voyager the next day?
The narrator noticed the fellow voyager the next day because he was watching the narrator very earnestly from his deck chair. Then he came and introduced himself handing over a visiting card.

The Best Investment I Ever Made Questions And Answers 10th Standard Question 5.
What was the purpose of the visit of the voyager and his wife to America?
The purpose of their visit was to learn about some of the summer recreational camps for young people there. They also visited settlement houses in New York and other cities. They wanted to study the methods used in dealing with backward, maladjusted and delinquent youth.

Best Investment I Ever Made Summary 10th Standard Question 6.
“I found liking him instinctively.” Why?
I found liking him instinctively because there was much enthusiasm in his voice, manner and his personality

The Best Investment I Ever Made Notes 10th Standard Question 7.
What did Cronin learn about the man after questioning him further?
He learned that the man and his wife had been active for the past 15 years in the field of youth welfare. He was a solicitor by profession but in addition to his practice in courts, he found time to act as the director of a charitable organization devoted to the care of boys and.girls who were punished by the courts.

Best Investment I Ever Made 10th Standard Question 8.
How did the couple help derelict adolescents to lead normal lives?
They took derelict adolescents from the juvenile courts and placed them in a healthy environment. They healed them in mind and body and sent them back into the world. They were given training in some handi craft so that they could live as worthy citizens.

Summary Of The Best Investment I Ever Made 10th Standard Question 9.
What did Cronin mean by the expression ‘the veils parted’?
The man told him of the incident 25 years ago, when Cronin had helped him. Now Cronin remembered everything. The veils parted. Now he knew why the man was keen on talking to him.

The Best Investment I Ever Made Summary In Malayalam 10th Standard Question 10.
‘… I was awakened by a loud banging on the door. ’Who was banging on the door’? Why?
A sergeant of police was banging on the door. There was a case of attempted suicide and he had come to call Cronin as he is a doctor.

The Best Investment I Ever Made Narration 10th Standard Question 11.
What did the doctors to save the life of the young man?
With the help of the sergeant, the doctor began the work of resuscitation. They laboured hard for an entire hour. As they were about to give up, the young man started breathing and soon he was sitting up.

10th English The Best Investment I Ever Made 10th Standard Question 12.
“Utterly friendless, he had fallen victim to the loose society of the streets…” What does the author mean by this statement?
The young man was without friends and slowly he got into bad company. He started living a life beyond his means. He began to bet on horses and it ruined him.

The Best Investment I Ever Made Short Summary 10th Standard Question 13.
Why did the young man try to commit suicide?
He had lost heavily on horse betting. To recover his losses he decided to make a final bet. For that he had no money and so he stole money from the safe where he was working. He lost that bet also. He knew he would be caught and so he decided to commit suicide.

The Best Investment I Ever Made Speech 10th Standard Question 14.
Why does the author say that it was the best investment he had ever made?
He had made many investments for material gain, but he had lost. The losses brought him only anxiety, disappointment and frustration. But here he made a small investment that changed the life of a man, who has become an excellent citizen doing service to the society.

The Best Investment I Ever Made Activities 10th Standard Question 15.
The sergeant, the landlady and the narrator helped the young man, Complete the following table:

Persons who helped Mr JohnHow they helpedThe risk involved
The narratorLoss of seven Pounds and ten shillings


Persons who helped Mr JohnHow they helpedThe risk involved
Sergeantnot reporting the caseLoss of his job
Landladyoffered a month’s free boardShe may not get the money.
The narratorGave him 7 Pounds and ten shillings to put back in the office safe.He is not sure if he will put it back in the office safe. However he loses the money.

The Best Investment I Ever Made Textual Activities and Answers

Activity 1

Best Investment I Ever Made Notes 10th Standard Question 1.
How does the writer contrast thp past the present lives of Mr. John?
Pick out appropriate sentences/expressions from the story and complete the following table.

The young man had fallen victim to the loose society of the streets.Interested to study the methods employed in dealing with cases of backward, maladjusted and delinquent youth,


The young man had fallen victim to loose society of the streets.Interested in studying the methods employed in dealing with cases of backward, maladjusted and delinquent children.
He started betting on horses.He is a solicitor by profession.
He lost all his savings and pledged his belongings.He visits summer recreational camps and settlements in New York.
He took money from the office safe.He is active in the youth welfare.
To commit suicide he had turned on the gas an shut himself in the rodm.He is working as a director of a charitable organization which tries to resettle derelict children.

Activity 2

Summary Of Best Investment I Ever Made 10th Standard Question 2.
Do you think the title ‘The Best Investment I Ever Made’ is appropriate to the story? Why? Consider the following questions:
a) What does the word investment mean with special reference to the story?
b) What are the other meanings of the word investment?
c) Why does the narrator describe his investment the best?
a) In the story the word investment means the help the narrator gave the boy who was in trouble,
b) Investment means the process of putting money forgetting profit, like buying shares or starting a business or company.
c) The narrator describes his investment the best because it changed the life of a man. With 7 pounds and 10 shillings, the narrator changed a bad boy into a«^blicitor and the director of a charitable organization doing the work of rehabilitating delinquent children.

a) I definitely think the title The Best Investment I Ever Made’ is the most appropriate forthe story. In its normal meaning investment means the process of putting money for getting profit, like buying shares or starting a business or company. In the story the word investment meant the help the narrator gave the boy who was in trouble. If the narrator had not given the money to the boy, he would have been caught for stealing money, and he would be dismissed from service and sent to the jail. But the narrator saved him and later we see that bad boy becoming a solicitor and the director of a charitable organization doing the work of rehabilitating delinquent children. The author may not have gained any material benefit from his investment, but still it was the greatest investment he ever made.

Activity 3

10th Class English The Best Investment I Ever Made  Question 3.
Read the notes on Page on below:
‘He was in his early 40s, rather short in build, with a fair complexion and clear blue eyes. His thin hair had begun to recede from his forehead. His dark suit, sober tie and rimless spectacles gave evidence of a serious and reserved disposition.’

Now prepare a brief description about your friend/ a film star.

Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard English Solutions Unit 3 Chapter 1 The Best Investment I Ever Made 1
Selina is my friend. She is a beautiful girl of 15. We have been friends right from the LKG. We have been studying in the same school all these years. She has fair complexion. Her hair is long. Her eyes are wide with a bluish tinge and they are always bright. She smiles nicely and I jocularly call her Aishwarya Roy. She is tall and slim. Her parents are rich and she often helps poor students by buying them books and writing material. She dresses modestly and she walks and talks gracefully. She is very clever and she is one of the best five students of the class. All the students like her because of her amiable behaviour. I am lucky to have a friend like Selina.

Activity 4

The Best Investment I Ever Made Text 10th Standard Question 4.
From a state of loss and despair, John came to a life of success and joy. He intervened wholeheartedly to bring about a change in the miserable life of many young men. What helped him do so? What lesson do we learn from the eventful life of John? Discuss. In the light of the discussion, prepare a speech on the topic. “Self help is the best help.”
My dear Principal, teachers and students, Today I am going to talk on the topic “Self help is the best help.” We all heard about the story of John. John’s parents were dead. His uncle helped him to get the job of a clerk in a London lawyer’s office. He had no friends and he fell into bad company. He started enjoying pleasures beyond his means. He started betting on horses. Soon he lost all his savings. In an effort to get money he stole some money from his office safe to make a final bet. But again he lost. He now wanted to commit suicide. He went to the room and turned on the gas.

A doctor was called in to attend to him as he was found unconscious. There was also a policeman as well as the land lady of John. The doctor soon revived him. John told them his story. The doctor, the policeman and the landlady felt pity for him and they agreed to help him. The doctor gave him the money to replace what he took from the office safe. The policeman would not report against John. The landlady would give him a month’s free board.

John changed completely. He worked hard and he became a success in life. Now he and his wife are helping children with problems to settle in life. John learned to help himself and others. Self help is the best. If you are determined to succeed, no one can stop you. “Where there is a will, there is a way.” Thank you for listening.

Activity 5

10th English Chapter The Best Investment I Ever Made  Question 5.
The story is told from the point of view of the narrator. This is called “the first person point of view”. The pronoun used here is “I”.
Now, change the perspective of the narrative to the third person point of view using the pronoun “he” and narrate the events in the story.
It was the second day of the narrator’s voyage. Suddenly he became aware that one of the passengers was watching him closely. The narrator felt that the man was not confident enough to go to him and ask for clarification. He was in his early 40s. The narrator learned that the man’s name was John. On the final evening at sea Mrs. John persuaded John to meet the narrator.

After introducing himself and his wife, John started telling his story to the narrator. His parents were dead. His uncle helped him to get the job of a clerk in a London lawyer’s office. He had no friends and he fell into bad company. He started enjoying pleasures beyond his means. He started betting on horses. Soon he lost all his savings. In an effort to get money he stole some money from his office safe to make a final bet. But again he lost. He now wanted to commit suicide. He went to the room and turned on the gas.

The narrator, who was a doctor, was called in to attend to him as he was found unconscious. There was also a policeman as well as the land lady of John. The doctor soon revived him. John told them why he wanted to die.

The doctor, the policeman and the landlady felt pity for him and they agreed to help him. The doctor gave him the money to replace what he took from the office safe. The policeman woufd not report against John. The landlady would give him a month’s free board.

John now changed completely. He worked hard and became a success. Now he’ and his wife are helping the backward, maladjusted and delinquent youth to return to normal life. The narrator felt that the money he gave John was the best investment he ever made.

Activity 6

Go through the following diary entry.
Saturday, 23 August
What a terrible experience……..!
In that moment of despair. I tried to embrace death. Hope came in the form of the sergeant and the doctor They saved my life. The landlady also helped me, I will never again follow that dark and evil life of mine. Definitely I will change …. Just like the doctor, the sergeant and the lady, I will also try to change the lives of many …,. thus brining light to others.

Now I see that the light never fades out!

Question 6.
In which period of his life do you think Mr. John wrote this diary entry? Why?
He wrote this diary entry after he was saved and , helped by the sergeant, the doctor and the land lady. Soon John realized his mistake. He knew that suicide is not the answer to problems. He decided to succeed in life and help the backward, maladjusted and delinquent children to live normal lives.

Question 7.
Imagine that Mr John, after meeting the narrator for the second time, writes his diary. What would be the possible diary entry? Write down.
Today is one of the happiest days in my life. For almost 25 years I had been trying to find out this man, who had changed my life. This man, this doctor, had not only revived me after my suicide attempt, but also gave me the money to put back into the place from where I had stojen it. He is not just a man but an angel for me. Without his help, I would have been dead. Today I met him while I was returning from the States. This doctor has grown slightly old, but the cheerful expression is still on his face. I recognized him at the first look. But he did not recognize me. So I went and told him who I was and how he had helped me 25 years ago. He was happy to see me and hear about my work. I was also extremely pleased to meet him. I pray God there should more and more persons like him in this world.

Activity 7

Question 8.
Drug addiction and alcoholism are major social issues today.
A programme is to be held in the School campus to make the children aware of the dangers of these issues.
The following are some of the activities that can be conducted to create awareness.
a) seminar
b) poster/collage
c) cultural events: skit, street play, etc.
d) screening films, short videos.
Select any one of these and prepare it. You may present it before the class.
A Seminar Paper
Drug addiction is one of the greatest evils that is destroying our society. This is the worst among school and college going children. Drug addiction is a psychological and sometimes physical problem. It is a compulsion to use a drug to experience psychological or physical satisfaction. Drug addiction takes several forms: tolerance, habituation, and addiction.

Tolerance is the first stage. It occurs when the body becomes accustomed to a drug and requires ever- increasing amounts of it to achieve the same effects. This condition is worsened when certain drugs are used at high doses for long periods (weeks or months), and may lead to more frequent use of the drug. However, when use ofthedrug is stopped, drug withdrawal may result, which is characterized by nausea, headaches, restlessness, sweating, and difficulty in sleeping. The severity of drug withdrawal symptoms varies depending on the drug involved. Habituation is characterized by the continued desire fora drug, even after physical dependence is gone. A drug often produces an elated emotional state. A person abusing drugs soon believes the drug is needed to function at work or home. Addiction is a severe craving forthe substance and interferes with a person’s ability to function normally. It may also involve physical dependence.

In addictive stage, one feels that he would die without the drug. To get it he will do anything – beg, steal or even murder. Once this stage is reached, the person will need outside help.

Of course there are awareness programmes against the dangers of drug abuse in our schools and colleges. But more direct action is needed to stop this danger which kills ouryouth and makes them useless people, useless to themselves and humanity at large.

The Best Investment I Ever Made Let’s Learn About Words

Activity 1

Question 9.
Read the following sentences from the story.
He was by profession, a solicitor
I was a young doctor at the doctor the time.
It was a sergeant of sergeant police.

The words given in bold refer to various professions.
The names of different professions are given on the left column and the details are
given on the right. Match the items by drawing lines.

Accountanta person who works with electric circuits.
Astronomera person who makes things from wood.
Botanista person who cuts your hair or gives it a new style.
Carpentera person who puts out fire.
Dentista person who works with money and accounts.
Electriciana person who studies plants.
Firefightera person who can fix problems of your teeth.
Hairdressera person who studies stars and the universe.


Accountantworks with money and accounts.
Astronomerstudies stars and the universe.
Botaniststudies plants.
Carpentermakes things from wood.
Dentistfixes problem with your teeth.
Electricianworks with electrical circuits.
Fire-fighterputs out fire
Hairdressercuts your hair and gives it a new style.

Activity 2

Question 10.
Words are divided into two classes – Closed Word Classes and Open Word Classes. When we say Closed Word Classes, we mean those classes to which no more new words will be added. Thus Determiners, pronouns, prepositions and conjunctions are Closed Word Classes.
Open Words classes are Nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs. New words are added to these categories. That is why they are called Open Word Classes.
Here is a passage from the text. It contains both Closed Word Classes and Open Word Classes. Pick out the words and decide to which category they belong.
On thd second day, out from New York, while making the round of the promenade deck, I suddenly became aware that one of the passengers was watching me closely following me with his gaze every time I passed.
I wanted to rest, to avoid the tedium of casual and importunate shipboard contacts. I gave no sign of having noticed the man.
Closed Word Classes

  • Determiner : the,one,every
  • Pronoun : I, me, his
  • Preposition : On, out, from, of, with, to
  • Conjunction : while, that, and

Open Word Classes

  • Noun : day, New York, promenade, deck, passengers, gaze, time, tedium, shipboard, contacts, sign, man
  • Verb : making, became, was watching, following, passed, wanted, rest, avoid, gave, having, noticed
  • Adjective : round, second, aware, casual, importunate, no Adverb: suddenly, closely

Activity 3

Question 11.
Read the following sentences.
Listening to a single story is the refusal of truths.
Applauds of the audience energise the athletes.
Racism had deeply affected the life of the African Americans.
Freedom is the birthright of an individual.
Nightingales have a musical voice.
Climate changes threaten the life on earth.
These paintings are very creative.
Each of us should be a protector of nature.
The argument against fossil fuel consumption is stronger nowadays.
He seemed affected by a troubled, rather touching diffidence.
Education will enlighten the minds of people.
He went on with the same awkwardness.
He found time to act as director of a charitable organisation.

Pick out the words highlighted in these sentences and complete the table.

WordRoot wordsuffixes


Word Root word Suffix
refusal refuse al
energise energy ise
racism race ism
freedom free dom
musical music al
threaten threat en
creative create ive
protector protect or
argument argue ment
diffidence diffident ce
enlighten light en
awkwardness awkward ness
organisation organise ation

Question 12.
The root words had changed their forms or class after suffixation. Categorise them on the basis of derivation as shown in the table below:

Noun Suffixes Verb suffixes Adjective suffixes


Noun Suffixes Verb suffixes Adiective suffixes
refusal energise musical
racism threaten creative
freedom enlighten

Activity 4

Question 13.
Fill in the following passage using appropriate words given below:
(maladjusted, paltry, disarming, go on, awkwardness, genuine, importunate, given up, tedium, apparently)
The tedium of life in old age homes has been pointed out by many. The awkwardness old people face there is mainly out of the importunate curiosity of the visitors who come there. Many of the old people are maladjusted because of the long and solitary lives they have to lead there. Apparently there are no genuine cases of abandoned parents because of the financial conditions of the family. Most of them are given up by their wealthy children. We have to go on enlightening our youths against the tendency to fly away from their parents. The paltry sum they send ¡s nothing if they really know the value of the disarming smiles that bloom on the faces of their parents when thêy are properly cared for in their old age.

The Best Investment I Ever Made About the author:

Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard English Solutions Unit 3 Chapter 1 The Best Investment I Ever Made 2
– Archibald Joseph Cronin

Cronin (1896-1981) was a Scottish physician and novelist. His best-known novel is “The Citadel”. It is about a doctor in a Welsh mining village, who quickly moves up the career ladder in London. Cronin also worked as a Medical Inspector of Mines. His short novel “Country Doctor” was adapted for a long-running BBC Radio and TV Series.

Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard English Solutions Unit 3 Chapter 1 The Best Investment I Ever Made 3

The Best Investment I Ever Made Summary in English

Page – 77
1. I was travelling in a ship from New York. On the second day, as I was walking around on the deck, I noticed that a passenger was observing me. I did not want to answer questions from strangers and so I pretended I did not notice him.

2. But the man continued to observe me. I felt he was not confident enough to come to me and ask for clarification. He was in his early 40s. He was fair in complexion and short. He had clear blue eyes. He had thin hair and a large forehead. He wore a dark suit, sober tie and rimless spectacles. All these gave him a look of seriousness and reservation. It was time for dinner and I went below.

Page – 78
3. On the following afternoon also I noticed that he was observing me from his deck chair. His wife was with him. I was puzzled. I discovered from the steward that they were Mr and Mrs John S. from near London. After another day, I felt that John was too shy to come to me. On the final evening at sea, Mrs. John S. persuaded her husband to come and talk to me as I passed along the deck.

Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard English Solutions Unit 3 Chapter 1 The Best Investment I Ever Made 8

4. He came to introduce himself and gave me his visiting card. The name did not mean anything to me. Then with great difficulty, he told me he and his wife would like to talk to me.

5. I went and sat near them. He told me that this was their first visit to America. It was not an entirely holiday trip. They had been making a tour of the New England states, inspecting many of the summer recreational camps for young people there. They also visited settlement houses in New York and other cities. They wanted to study the methods used in dealing with backward, maladjusted and delinquent youth.

Page – 79
6. There was much enthusiasm in his voice and manner. I liked him. I found out that he and his wife had been active in youth welfare for the last 15 years. He was a lawyer by profession. In addition to his work in the court, he was the director of a charitable organization devoted to the welfare of boys and girls. These boys and girls were mostly law-breakers from city sums.

7. I learned about their work. They took derelict adolescents from the juvenile courts and placed them in a healthy environment. They healed them in mind and body and sent them back into the world. They were given training in some handi craft so that they could live as worthy citizens. I wanted to know why he did such a work.

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8. The question had a strange effect on him. He took a deep breath and asked me if I still did not remember him. I said no.

9. He said that he had wanted to get in touch with me for many years. But he was not able to do so. Then he whispered to me something that took me back to the incident that happened 25 years ago. I had then met him, just once.

10. I was a young doctor then. I had begun my practice in a working-class district of London. On a foggy night, around 1 o’clock, somebody banged at my door. I went down to see who it was. It was a police sergeant. He told me there was a suicide case and I should go with him at once.

Page – 80
11. We walked in silence. Even our footsteps were muffled by the fog. We entered an old building. As I climbed the steps, there was the smell of gas. The landlady showed me the body of a young man. It was on a narrow bed in the attic.

12. The young man was not dead, although the chance of his recovery was minimal. We tried to revive him, for almost one hour. We were about to give up, when the patient started breathing. We tried again and in half an hour the youth was sitting up, looking at us in a surprised manner. He soon realized the horror of the situation.

13. As he regained his strength, he told us his story. His parents were dead. His uncle helped him to get the job of a clerk in a London lawyer’s office. As he had no friends, he had fallen into bad company. He started enjoying the pleasures of life beyond his means. He started betting on horses. Soon he lost all his savings and he incurred a lot of debt. In an effort to get money, he stole money from his office safe to make a final bet. But again he lost. He was desperate and returned to the room. He wanted to die. He turned on the gas.

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Page – 81
14. The policeman wanted to know how much he had stolen. He had stolen only seven pounds and ten shillings. For this small amount he was throwing his life away.

15. The landlady, the policeman and I were the only witnesses to this confession. Together, we decided to give the young man a fresh start.

16. The policeman agreed not to report the case so that there would be no trial. The landlady offered a month’s free board to the youth. I gave him the 7 pounds and 10 shillings to put back into the safe.

17. The ship moved. There was no need for any speech. With a tender gesture, Mrs. John took her husband’s hand. We sat in silence. I realized that it was the best investment I had ever made in my life. It had paid me no dividends in worldly goods. I had made many investments for material gain, but I had lost. The losses brought me only anxiety, disappointment and frustration.

The Best Investment I Ever Made Summary in Malayalam

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The Best Investment I Ever Made Glossary

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