Kerala State Syllabus 10th Standard English Solutions Unit 2 Chapter 1 Project Tiger (Memoir) Project Tiger Textual Questions and Answers


Project Tiger Class 10 Kerala Syllabus Question 1.
Do you know that a paragraph normally contains a topic sentence in it? It is general in nature and can be anywhere in the paragraph. The other sentences in the paragraph support, prove, give examples and present additional information on the topic sentence. Identify the topic sentence in the first paragraph. How many examples are given to support the topic sentence? What are they?
Topic sentence: No one can beat Hollywood when it comes to making films with animals in them.
Two examples are given. One is the Alsatian called Rin-tin-tin. The other is the collie called Lassie.

Project Tiger Summary 10th Standard Kerala Syllabus Question 2.
Does the second paragraph introduce a new topic sentence? If not, what supporting detail about the animal actors of Hollywood do you get from this paragraph?
No, there is no new topic sentence. The second paragraph elaborates on the first. Here we see another large dog in Disney Studio in Hollywood.

a. What additional information do you get about standings?
We come to know that there are stand-ins even for animals.

b. What is the puzzling incident described in the paragraph 3?
When the cameraman shouted to everyone to take their positions, the dog, the main actor, remained where it was.

c. Which incident shows that the animal-actors in Hollywood were treated with reverence?
The incident of bringing a stand-in fora dog. Usually stand-ins are used only for celebrity actors who are held in high reference.

Project Tiger Questions And Answers Pdf 10th Standard Question 3.
What were the difficulties Alfred Hitchcock had to face while making the film ‘Birds’?
Hitchcock wanted a variety of trained birds, especially many ravens, as actors in his film. It was not easy to get trained birds.

Sslc English Project Tiger Summary Kerala Syllabus Question 4.
How did Hitchcock manage to get a large number of ravens for his film?
He placed advertisements all over the USA asking for people who had trained ravens with them. Then a man, with nearly a 100 trained ravens, responded.

Summary Of Project Tiger 10th Standard Kerala Syllabus Question 5.
What is described as ‘pretty impressive’?
The sight of fifty ravens perching quietly in a row on a specified spot, obeying the order of their trainer.

Project Tiger Class 10 Notes Pdf Kerala Syllabus Question 6.
Identify the main topic of the article from para 8.
Shooting films using tigers.

Project Tiger Summary In Malayalam Pdf 10th Standard Question 7.
What other details are given about the topic in the paragraph?
In the film ‘Goopy Gyne Bagha Byne’, Goopy and Bagha suddenly come across a tiger that is walking about in the forest without paying them any attention.

Project Tiger Class 10 Summary Kerala Syllabus Question 8.
How did Ray manage to get a tiger?
He managed to get one from ‘Bharat Circus’ which was performing in Calcutta at that time.

Project Tiger Class 10 Notes Kerala Syllabus Question 9.
What is the role of a ringmaster in a circus?
A ringmaster is a master of ceremonies. He introduces the various acts in a circus show and guides the audience through the experience, directing their attention to the various areas of the circus arena. In some places, the name ringmaster is used to mean the person who arranges the various performances by trained animals.

Project Tiger Summary In English 10th Standard Kerala Syllabus Question 10.
What were the difficulties faced in bringing the tiger before the camera?
The main problem was how to keep the people safe from the tiger, once it is let out of the cage. In the shots for the film, the trainer should not be seen. On the first occasion, the tiger pranced about. Later, the scenes that were shot were not good enough. The second time the tiger charged towards the crowd, terrifying them.

Project Tiger Questions And Answers 10th Standard Kerala Syllabus Question 11.
What does the expression ‘to go down the drain’ mean?
It means the efforts were wasted. There was no gain from the work one did.

Project Tiger Pdf Class 10 Kerala Syllabus Question 12.
What was Mr. Thorat’s suggestion to control the tiger?
He suggested putting a ring made of thin wire around the neck of the tiger. The ring would be hooked to a length of wire so that the tiger does not go out of control.

Project Tiger Summary In Malayalam 10th Standard Question 13.
What made Ray think of a collar made of tiger skin?
The scene to be shot was Goopy and Bagha getting terrified at the sight of a tiger. If the tiger has a ring on its neck, and it seen in the shot, the scene will have no meaning as people don’t get frightened when they see a tiger under the control of a trainer. Ray wanted to hide the wire and that is why he thought of a collar made of tiger skin. The wire will be hidden in the collar.

Project Tiger 10th Class Summary Question 14.
Why did Mr. Thorat bring two tigers instead of one?
He brought two so that in case one does not behave properly, the other could be used for shooting the scene.

10th English Project Tiger Kerala Syllabus Question 15.
Why was Mr. Thorat taken aback?
Mr. Thorat was taken aback because of the unexpected behaviour of the tiger. Instead of walking quietly in a dignified manner, it started jumping and running about with a lot of energy.

Sslc English Project Tiger Questions And Answers Question 16.
What might be the reason for the tiger’s unexpected behaviour?
The reason was ‘the call of the wild’. When it saw itself in the open forest, he must have forgotten for a while that he is a circus animal! Probably he was showing his original instinct to be free.

The Project Tiger Summary 10th Standard Kerala Syllabus Question 17.
How does Ray describe the situation humorously?
Ray describes the situation humorously by saying that they were getting to see a strange kind of circus for free.

Project Tiger Class 10 Questions And Answers Kerala Syllabus  Question 18.
What did Ray mean when he said, This should have been the end of the story?
When the tiger calmed down, they took a few shots as needed. This should have been the end f the story. But when they went back to Calcutta, they found the shots were not clear and they had to reshoot the scenes again at another time.

10th English Project Tiger Notes Kerala Syllabus Question 19.
Why was Mr Thorat asked‘to give it another go?
Mr Thorat was asked ‘to give it another go’ because the first shots were not clear and they had to shoot the scenes again.

Summary Of Project Tiger Class 10 Kerala Syllabus Question 20.
What was the ‘magic’ performed by the tiger?
There were nearly 150 villagers who had come to see the shooting. They were told to keep a safe distance because of the tiger. But they ignored instructions and came as close to the camera as they could. When the cage was opened, the tiger jumped down with a roar and charged towards the crowd. They melted away as if my magic.

Project Tiger By Satyajit Ray Pdf 10th Standard Question 21.
What was really required of the tiger in that scene?
The tiger was required to pace quietly about without paying any attention to the characters Goopy and Bagha who were exiled into the forest by their king.

Question 22.
What did Ray and his team realize two days later?
They realized that this time the tiger and the camera had behaved well and they got the type of shots they had wanted.

Project Tiger Textual Activities and Answers

Activity 1

Question 1.
Satyajit Ray and his friends had to shoot scenes involving the tiger twice, M Notun Gram and Boral. Write the events that took place in both the places in a sequential order and then describe the shooting:

Shooting at Notun GramShooting at Boral
  • Found a suitable bamboo grove in Notun Gram.
  • A lorry arrived with two well-fed tigers.
  • A tripod was placed facing the bamboo grove to mount the camera.
  • The audience was instructed to get behind the camera.
  • Goopy and Bagha were placed close to the bamboo grove so that they could be seen along with the tiger.
  • A five-foot iron rod was fixed to the ground, some 30 feet from the area where the tiger was to walk
  • A tiger-skin collar with a thin wire inside was placed in the neck of the tiger.
  • The door of the cage was opened and the tiger jumped out. But instead of walking calmly it started running and jumping about.
  • When it became calm some shots were taken.
  • But the shots were dark owing to poor light.
  • Found bamboo grove near Calcutta in Boral.
  • The lorry arrived with Thorat, the tiger, the steel wire, the special collar and the iron rod.
  • The whole village came to watch the shooting.
    The villagers were told to keep at 70 feet away from the scene of the shot.
  • Without listening to the instructions, the entire crowd got as close to the camera as they could.
  • Thorat opened the cage. With a roar the tiger charged towards the crowd.
  • The crowd disappeared as if my magic.
  • The tiger calmed down and the shots were’ taken as required
  • This time the tiger and the camera behaved well.

Description of the shooting:
We found a suitable bamboo grove in Notun Gram. As arranged with Mr. Thorat of Bharat Circus, a lorry arrived with two well-fed tigers. He brought two so that if one did not do things properly the other could be used. Atripod was placed facing the bamboo grove to mount the camera. The audience was instructed to get behind the camera. Goopy and Bagha were placed close to the bamboo grove so that they could be seen along with the tiger. A five-foot iron rod was fixed to the ground, some 30 feet from the area where the tiger was to walk. A tiger-skin collar with a thin wire inside was placed in the neck of the tiger. The door of the cage was opened and the tiger jumped out. But instead of walking calmly it started running and jumping about. When it became calm some shots were taken. But the shots were later found to be dark owing to poor light.

The scenes had to be shot a second time. A bamboo grove near Calcutta in Boral was found. The lorry arrived with Thorat, the tiger, the steel wire, the special collar and the iron rod. The whole village came to watch the shooting. The villagers were told to keep at least 70 feet away from the scene of the shot. Without listening to the instructions, the entire crowd got as close to the camera as they could. Thorat opened the cage. With a roar the tiger charged towards the crowd. The crowd disappeared as if my magic. Soon the tiger calmed down and the shots were taken as required. This time the tiger and the camera behaved well.

Activity 2

Question 2.
Ray and his friends visited the Bharat Circus camp in Calcutta to hire a tiger to be filmed for his movie Goopy Gyne Bagha Byne. He spoke to the manager of the circus company.
What would Ray have spoken? Attempt a conversation between Ray and the Manager.
Ray : Good morning, Manager! I am Ray, Satyajit Ray, a film director.
Manager : Good Morning Mr. Ray. I have heard a lot about you. What brings you here?
Ray : I am shooting a film with a tiger in it. The tiger has only a small role. It has to be seen along with two of our actors.
Manager : Well, our ringmaster is Mr. Thorat, a nice gentleman. I will ask him if it is possible to send our tiger out on such missions. If he agrees, I will have no problem. I will definitely help you.
Ray : Thank you, very, much. I should meet Mr. Thorat, or will you speak with him?
Manager :’I will speak with him first, and then you can meet him for making the final arrangement. By the way, for how long do you want the tiger?
Ray : Actually the shooting will be just for two hours. But then there is the travelling time. We intend to take the shots at Notun Gram which is a bit far from here.
Manager : No problem. Thorat will be the one to decide finally as he handles the animals here. But I’m sure he will agree.
Ray : Thank you very much.
Manger : It’s okay.

Activity 3

Question 3.
Read the instructions on below
Draft the likely notice that was published in the newspaper.

Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard English Solutions Unit 2 Chapter 1 Project Tiger 2
Alfred Hitchcock Productions, Trinity Street, Hollywood, is planning to make a movie titled “Birds”. In the story binds from all overthe world are seen attacking humans. We need a variety of trained birds, especially a large number of ravens. If you have trained birds of any kind, especially birds of prey, you have an opportunity here to display them and their skills to the entire world. Handsome payments will be made forthe chosen binds. The shoots may last up to a couple days and so the owners or trainers of the birds must be ready to come with their birds to Hollywood and stay for the duration of the shooting. For more information, contact:

Manager, Hitchcock Productions, Trinity Street, Hollywood, Los Angeles 90028
Phone: 2635-555-2332

Activity 4

Question 4.
Read the instructions on below:

Satyajit Ray
Ray Film Productions
Karol Bagh
Calcutta – 52
Phone: 1256778240
20 June 2016

The Chairman
Animal Welfare Board of India
Connaught Plage
New Delhi -11

Dear Sir,
Permission To Use A Tiger In Film
We are planning shoot a new film titled ‘Goopy Gyne Bagha Byne’. In the film, there is a scene where Goopy and Bagha come across s tiger calmly walking about in the forest. We have discussed with Bharat Circus and they have agreed to give us a tiger for the shot. They told us we have to get permission from the Broad for using their animal in the film. This is to request you to give us the necessary permission. The actual shot will be only for about 2 hours. The location is Notun Gram. The tiger will be transported there in a cage in a lorry. All precautions are taken as suggested by the Animal Welfare Department and their conditions for the prevention of cruelty to animals are strictly followed.

Looking forward to getting your permission, and thanking you,

Yours faithfully,
Satyajit Ray
Film Director

Activity 5

Question 5.
Ray begins his article with the topic sentences, “No one can beat Hollywood when it comes to making films with animals in them. How does Ray substantiate his argument?
Ray substantiates his argument by giving the examples of two dogs. He talks the films in which there was an Alsatian named Rin-tin-tin. It acted even better than humans. Later there were some films with a collie called Lassie. It looked as if the director could make Lassie act the way he wanted it to act. These dogs were like stars and they were paid like any other big actor. Their owners could easily get one lakh rupees from just one film. Later we also see how stand-ins are provided even for dogs which are as famous as the celebrity actors.

Activity 6

Question 6.
Are the new generation film-makers serious about film-making?
Conduct a debate on this topic in the class. You may first think about the points for and against the topic and then develop a speech to be made in favor of or against new-generation films and film-makers.

Points in favour of new generation films and filmmakersPoints against new-generation films:


Points in favor of new generation films and filmmakersPoints against new-generation films:
a. Films are made with less cost.a. No proper planning and research
b. Actors and actresses need not be celebrities.b. Scripts are often written on the location
c. Stories from everyday life.c. Too much of drinking and drug-taking are shown
d. Acting is more natural and not theatrical.d. Dialogues often too colloquial
e. Ordinary costumes.e. Music is horrible and anything goes in the name of music
f. Use of social media for publicity.f. Some of the stories are too daring (like student falling in love with the teacher).

Project Tiger Let’s Learn More About Words

Activity 1

Question 1.
Go through the film terminology given on page 53 & 54 and answer the questions.
1. close-up
2. dolly/tracking
3. high angle
4. tilt
5. medium shot

Activity 2

Question 2.
Note: Base forms of words take prefixes and suffixes to make new word forms. Sometimes two base forms are added to make new words. Word-formation by using these methods are called prefixation, suffixation and compounding.
impossible, making, films, invisible, childhood, unfastened, cameraman, customary, film-maker

Base word/ wordsPrefixationSuffixationCompounding


Base word/ wordsPrefixationSuffixationCompounding

Activity 3

Question 3.
Fill in the blanks with suitable words given in below:
1. In Chaplin’s film The Circus, the lion in the cage does not seem to be ………………………… .
2. It is …………………………. to take a screen test before casting an actor for a role.
3. In the fight scene, the boys were …………………………. at the thought of having to dive from the ledge.
4. They were looking for a …………………………. youth to do the role of an army personnel.
5. Prem Nazir is one of the most …………………………. remembered actors in Malayalam cinema.
1. ferocious
2. customary
3. petrified
4. robust
5. reverentially

Project Tiger About the author:

Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard English Solutions Unit 2 Chapter 1 Project Tiger 3
– Satyajit Ray – 1921–1992

Ray (1921-1992) decided to make his own films after meeting the French filmmaker Jean Renoir and viewing Vittorio De Sica’s Italian neorealist 1948 film Bicycle Thieves. Ray directed 36 films. He was also a fiction writer, publisher, illustrator, calligrapher, music composer and film critic. He has written many short stories and novels.
Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard English Solutions Unit 2 Chapter 1 Project Tiger 1

Project Tiger Summary in English

Page – 43
1. No one can beat Hollywood when it comes to making films with animals in them. I remember many such films in which there was an Alsatian named Rin-tin- tin. It acted even better than humans. Later there were some films with a collie called Lassie. It looked as if the director could make Lassie act the way he wanted it to act. These dogs were like stars and they were paid like any other big actor. Their owners could easily get one lakh rupees from just one film.

2. I saw how these animal actors were reverently treated when I went to the Disney Studio in Hollywood. The main character in this particular film was a large dog. When I went to the studio, the shooting had not started.

Page – 44
The cameraman was getting the lights ready. It is usual for the actors to be present when the lights are arranged. This is to show the cameraman how they will walk, or where they will stand in a particular shot. In the case of big stars, this job is done by their stand-ins. A stand-in is usually physically similar to the star. The stars come when the lights are ready to take the shots.

3. I saw some actors moving about in the set. On one side there was a large dog. The cameraman shouted to everyone to take their positions. The dog stayed where it was. This puzzled me. Was it not required in the next shot?

4. Before I could ask someone, something strange happened. From nowhere, there appeared a little dwarf, followed by another man carrying a hairy dog skin. Then, to my surprise, the dwarf went down on all the fours on a chalk mark on the floor. The dog skin was draped over him. Then he crawled from one mark to another. The cameraman got busy with the lights. The dwarf was the dog’s stand-in!

Page – 45
Every animal in a Hollywood film is well trained. It is easy to train horses and dogs. But in Hollywood there were even nearly a hundred trained ravens! Alfred Hitchcock, the creator of some qf the best suspense films, used them in his film ‘Birds’. Hitchcock wanted different kinds of birds. He needed many ravens. Advertisements were placed all over the USA, asking people to contact Hitchcock if they knew how to get trained ravens.

He got a response from a man soon. The man was asked to come with his birds. He came with nearly a hundred trained ravens. The ravens would not do many wonderful things. But if 50 ravens were asked to perch quietly in a row on a specified spot, they would do it immediately.

In India it is not easy to find trained animals. It is true that some films were made in Bombay and Madras using trained elephants, horses and tigers. Their performance showed that they just obeyed commands. In Bengal, it is possible to find clever dogs, particularly police dogs, that are very intelligent. If one is patient, we can use them nicely as I did with Bhulo in ‘Pather Panchali’.

A dog might be difficult, not impossible, to handle. What is to be done if there is a need for a tiger in a film? When shooting the film ‘Goopy Gyne Bagha Byne’ (The Adventures of Goopy and Bagha), we had this problem. Goopy is banished by the king. Goopy wanders in the forest and meets Bagha who is also banished. They see a tiger and are terrified. But the tiger simply walks about in the forest without paying them any attention.

Page – 46
I decided to make this film. But the problem was how to find a tiger. The solution was to contact a circus as they have trained tigers. At that time Bharat Circus was giving shows in the Marcus Square in Calcutta. Its manager was a Tamilian. We went to meet him. He greeted us warmly and gave us South Indian coffee. When he came to know the reason for our visit, he called MrThorat, vi/ho was the ringmaster. He was also a South Indian, very strong, with features like a Nepali. He was about 40. He showed us a scar on his forearm. It was caused by a tiger.

We told him why we came. The shooting was at Shiuri in Birbhoom. We wanted to show a tiger in a thick bamboo grove. The tiger had to do only one simple thing. It had to come out of the bamboo grove into the open space, walk gently for a while, look at the camera if possible, and then go back. Could the tigerfrom Bharat Circus do it? Thorat said yes. The manager asked us how long we would need the tiger.

I said only two hours forthe shooting and the additional time needed for travel. The travel would take about 2 days. The manager agreed to put the tiger in a cage and send it in a lorry. He then asked us to go and have a look at the tiger. I asked him if it would be okay to let the tiger out of the cage in the bamboo grove.

11. Thorat was not sure. He said that he had never let the tiger out of the cage on his own. I was worried. We could not let the tiger be seen with the trainer in the film. How could Goopy and Bagha get frightened if the tiger is accompanied by a man? We could not allow that.

Page – 47
12. Thorat found a solution. He would tie a thin but strong wire round the tiger’s neck. If the wire was very thin, it would not be seen in the shot. But if the hair on the tiger’s neck was flattened by the wire, the wire would be seen. I suggested to get a collar made of tiger skin, fix the wire to this collar, and then tie it around the neck of the tiger.

13. In a village named Notun Gram we found a suitable bamboo grove to shoot the first meeting between Goopy and Bagha and the tiger. Thorat came to the location with the tiger. There were some 25 people there. A few villagers took our permission to come and watch the shooting.

14. The cage on the lorry was covered. When the cover was removed we saw two well-fed and strong tigers. Thorat said that he brought two because if one failed, the other could be used for the shot.

15. The camera was placed on the tripod and it faced the bamboo grove. The audience was asked to be behind the camera so that they are far away from the tiger. We had to stay close to the bamboo grove. Goopy and Bagha had to be within yards of the camera. At least in one shot they should be seen with the tiger.

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Page – 48
16. Thorat’s men had fixed a five foot iron rod to the ground. It was about 30 feet from the area where the tiger was to take a walk. They took a thin long wire and fixed one end to the tiger skin collar. The other end was tied to the rod. The door of one cage was opened and Thorat called out to the tiger. It responded quickly and jumped out of its cage to land on the open space. What followed was totally unexpected. We were all shocked and so was Thorat. Instead of walking calmly, the tiger started running around with great energy. It ran fast, jumped and rolled about, dragging the poor trainer with it. He was trying to control the tiger with the wire he held. But he was not succeeding. We all stood around foolishly, watching the free show! The camera was still on the tripod, facing the grove. The tiger was showing no sign of making its way there.

Page – 49
17. When the tiger calmed down, we took a few shots. But when we returned to Calcutta, we found that the camera had failed to record the scenes with the tiger. The shots were so dark that the tiger could not be seen distinctly from the trees and leaves. We had to reshoot the scenes again. We spoke to Thorat and he agreed to give us another chance. This time we found a bamboo grove in a village called Boral, near Calcutta. The lorry once again came with Thorat, the tiger, the steel wire, the special collar and the rod. The whole village came to see the shooting. We told the villagers to keep themselves at least 70 feet away from the scene of shooting. But nobody paid attention. The people came as close to the camera as they could. We had no time to explain and argue. We got the camera ready and signaled to Thorat.

Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard English Solutions Unit 2 Chapter 1 Project Tiger 7

18. He opened the door of the cage. The tiger came out with a loud roar, and charged straight at the villagers. The crowd, some 150 people, melted away as if by magic. After that the tiger calmed down. Like an obedient child, it walked over to the spot we had chosen, paced about as it was required to do, and then went back to its trainer. The camera also behaved well and the scenes were properly shot.

Project Tiger Summary in Malayalam

Project Tiger Glossary

Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard English Solutions Unit 2 Chapter 1 Project Tiger 8
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