Kerala SCERT Class 10 Chemistry Nomenclature of Organic Compounds and Isomerism Question Answer


Kerala SCERT Class 10 Chemistry Nomenclature of Organic Compounds and Isomerism Question Answer

Kerala SCERT Class 10 Chemistry Chapter 6 Nomenclature of Organic Compounds and Isomerism Question Answer Solution Here. Kerala Board Class 10 Students can find Here 6th Chapter Nomenclature of Organic Compounds and Isomerism Notes provide by our Teacher. Important Question Answer from Chapter 6 Nomenclature of Organic Compounds and Isomerism.

  • Board- Kerala Board.
  • Class – 10.
  • Subject – Chemistry Part 2
  • Chapter – 6
  • Chapter Name – Nomenclature of Organic Compounds and Isomerism.
  • Topic – Question Answer Solution.

Q.1) MCQ

1.) Which of the following is the molecular formula of ethane.

a.) C2H4

b.) C2H5

c.) C2H6

d.) C2H2

2.) Hydrocarbon chain having carbon carbon single bond is called———————–

a.) Alkene

b.) Alkane

c.) Alkyne

d.) Unsaturated hydrocarbons.

3.) Hydrocarbon having carbon carbon double and triple bonds are called ———–

a.) Saturated hydrocarbon

b.) Unsaturated hydrocarbons

c.) Alkanes

d.) None of the above

4.) Heptane having ————– number of carbon atoms.

a.) 3

b.) 2

c.) 6

d.) 7

5.) Which of the following is the formula of methyl radical.

a.) CH3

b.) CH4

c.) CH2

d.) None of the above

6.) Aromatic compounds having their own ————-

a.) Aroma

b.) Non aromatic

c.) Non cyclic

d.) None of the above

7.) Which of the following represents functional group.

a.) C

b.) -OH

c.) CH4

d.) -CH3

8.) Which of the following is the functional group of carboxylic acid.

a.) -COOH

b.) -OH

c.) -Cl

d.) -CH3

9.) Which of the following is the formula of ethanoic acid.

a.) CH3-COOH

b.) CH3-CH2-COOH

c.) CH3-CH3

d.) CH3-OH

10.) 2-chloropentane contain which of the following functional group?

a.) Halo

b.) Alkoxy

c.) Carboxylic

d.) Hydroxyl



1.) What is saturated hydrocarbons?

2.) Define unsaturated hydrocarbons?

3.) What is IUPAC

4.) Give molecular and structural formula of following compounds

a) methane

b) ethane

5.) What are alkyne and give the structure of ethyne

6.) Draw the following structures.

a) 2- methyl butane

b) 3- ethyl pentane


1.) What are the aromatic hydrocarbons. Give the structural formula of benzene.

2.) What is isomerism ? give the name of types of isomerism .

3.) complete the table

Functional group


IUPAC name

-Cl 2-Chloropentane
-O-R Ethoxypropane

4.) define functional groups ? give the IUPAC name and structure of vinegar.

5.) What are the alkyl radicals? Give example.



1) complete the table

Answer Sheet 

Nomenclature of Organic Compounds and Isomerism

Q.1) MCQ

c) C2H6

b) alkane

b ) unsaturated hydrocarbon

d ) 7

a ) CH3

a) aroma

b) -OH

a) -COOH


a) Halo


1.) The hydrocarbons contain carbon carbon single bond is known as saturated hydrocarbons.

2.) The hydrocarbons contain carbon carbon double and triple bond is called as unsaturated hydrocarbons.

3.) IUPAC is International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry. Is an international organisation that carry new trends in the field of chemical science.

4.) a) methane

  • molecular formula CH4
  • structural formula


1.) aromatic compounds are cyclic compounds having their own aroma. Benzene is an aromatic compound.

Structural formula of benzene:- C6H6

2.) compounds having same molecular formula but different chemical and physical properties are called isomers. The phenomenon is called Isomerism.

  • Chain Isomers
  • Functional Isomers
  • Position Isomers

3.) complete the table

4) The presence of certain atoms or groups imparts certain characteristic properties to organic compounds. They are called as functional groups.

Vinegar is a carboxylic acid. Its formula is CH3-COOH.

IUPAC name :- Ethanoic acid.


5) In saturated hydrocarbons, all valencies of hydrocarbons are satisfied by hydrogen. When a hydrogen atom is removed from an alkene , it changes to a reactive group of atom these are radicals. The radical formed by removal of hydrogen atom from methane is called methyl radical.

Example :-

-CH3  , -CH2-CH3 ,


1) complete the table

IUPAC names

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