Kerala SCERT Class 10 Chemistry Compounds of Non – Metals Question Answer


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Q.1) MCQ

1.) Which of the following is essential in growth of plants.

a) NH3

b) H2SO4

c) HCl

d) CH4

2.) How much carbon atoms are present in sugar molecule.

a) 11

b) 15

c) 12

d) 10

3.) Ammonia has —— colour

b) odourless

c) pungent odour

d) none of the above

4.) Ammonia is invented by ———–

a) Fritz haber

b) Newlands

c) Dobereiner

d) Einstein

5.) N2 + 3H2→ ————–

Which is the product of above reaction ?





6.) which of the following is drying agent.

a) conc. Sulphuric acid

b) conc. Hydrochloric acid

c) dil. HCl

d) dil. H2SO4

7.) which of the following is not property of sulphuric acid

a) dissolves in water

b) remains undissolved

c) low density

d) All of the above

8.) Ammonia decomposes to form which of the following gas?

a) chlorine

b) oxygen

c) fluorine

d) hydrogen



1.) What is reversible reactions?

2.) Define chemical equilibrium?

3.) What is closed system ?

4.) Explain the role of catalyst in reversible chemical reaction .

5.) What is the optimum temperature in ammonia manufacturing?

6.) Write two physical properties of sulphuric acid?

7.) What are the constituents present in sugar? Give its chemical formula.

8.) Describe drying agents with example?

9.) Which precipitate is formed in identification of sulphate ions?



1.) Describe Haber Process?

2.) Explain Forward and Backward reaction?

3.) What is Le Chateliers` principle ?

4.) Complete the table ?

NO.SOLUTIONBy adding BaClsolutionBy adding dilute HCl to this

5.) Explain dehydration ?



1.) What happened when sulphuric acid is used as a drying agent instead of Calcium oxide ( CaO) in preparation of ammonia in laboratory.

2.) Complete the reaction

  1. a) reaction of sodium chloride and conc. Sulphuric acid
  2. b) reaction of potassium nitrate and conc. Sulphuric acid

3.) What is oxidising nature? State the reaction between carbon and concentrated sulphuric acid.

4.) Explain dehydration ?



Compounds of Non – Metals


Q.1) MCQ

a) NH3

c) 12

c) pungent odour

a) Fritz haber

a) 2NH3

a) conc. Sulphuric acid

a) dissolves in water

d) hydrogen



1.) Reaction which taking place in both the directions forward as well as backward are called reversible reaction.

2.) It is the stage at which the rate of forward reaction becomes equal to rate of backward reaction in a reversible chemical reaction.

3.) closed system is one in which nothing new is added to a system or nothing is removed from the system.

4.) Catalyst increases the rate of both the forward and backward reactions to the same extent as a result both systems reaches equilibrium at a faster rate

5.) 4500C is the optimum temperature in ammonia manufacturing.

6.) Two physical properties of sulphuric acid:-

  • it is colourless.
  • dissolves in water
  • highly corrosive

7.) Carbon , Hydrogen, Oxygen are the constituents present in sugar.

FORMULA:-   C12H22O11

8.) Drying agents are the substances capable of absorbing the moisture present in a substance.

Example:- conc. Sulphuric acid

9.) The precipitate formed in identification of sulphate ions is Barium sulphate ( BaSO4).


1.) Haber process invented by Jerman Scientist Fritz Haber for preparing Ammonia on an industrial basis. Nirtogen and Hydrogen taken in ratio 1:3, are made to combine at very high pressure( 200atm) and temperature of 4500 C to produce ammonia.  Spongy Iron is used as catalyst.

2.) In reversible reaction, the reaction in which reactant changes to product is called Forward reaction and the reaction in which product changes back to reactant is called Backward reaction.

3.) when the concentration, pressure or temperature of a system at equilibrium is changed the system will readjust itself so as to nullify the effect of that change and attain a new state of equilibrium.


NO.SOLUTIONBy adding BaClsolutionBy adding dilute HCl to this
1.MgSO4 BaSO4  + MgCl2MgCl+ H2
2.ZnSO4BaSO + ZnCl2ZnCl+ H2

5.) concentrated sulphuric acid has the ability to absorb chemically combine with water, or hydrogen and oxygen from substances in the ratio corresponding to that of water. This process is known as dehydration.

Concentrated sulphuric acid is a strong dehydrating agent.



1.) Concentrated sulphuric acid cannot be used as a drying agent in preparation of ammonia in laboratory. As ammonia is a strong base , it easily gets reacts with sulphuric acid and form ammonium sulphate salt

2NH+ H2SO4→( NH2)2SO4

So it is not used in preparation of ammonia.


a) NaCl + H2SO4→ NaHSO4 + HCl

b) KNO3 + H2SO4→ KHSO4 + HNO 3

3.) concentrated suphuric acid reacts with metals and non metals and oxidise them. This nature of concentrated sulphuric acid is called oxidising nature.

C + 2H2SO4→ CO+ 2H2O + 2SO2

4.) Concentrated sulphuric acid has the ability to absorb chemically combined water, or hydrogen and oxygen from sunstances in the ratio corresponding to that of water. This process is known as dehydration. Concentrated sulphuric acid is a strong dehydrating agent

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